what George isn’t doing

He’s not on TV or radio talking or being seen with ordinary Canadians.

He’s not part of creating a new independent FM.

He’s not producing any documentaries or even fun shows.

He’s not taking us anywhere.

He’s not being funny, ever.

He’s not writing a blog or his own lines on The Hour.

He’s unable to prevent people in Los Angeles from reading The Tea Makers.

He’s not signing for new work that will prevent him from returning to Toronto in two months to put the country through another year of The Hour, though we wish he were.


  • PoonGirl says:

    What does George do with his production company ? Besides use it as a tax shelter ?

  • why are we all paying for this shit? says:

    Big Bird is the only one who can see Mr. Snuffleupagus.

  • PoonGirl says:

    George isn’t interacting with anyone on Twitter, not interacting with anyone on MySpace and not interacting with anyone on Facebook. He wants as many people to follow him so he an ignore them.

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