Stalking the CBC

How many Facebook and Twitter accounts and blogs does Tod Maffin have about the CBC?
The answer: Not enough.


  • Anonymous says:

    There’s a blog post called Stalking The CBC and it’s not about Allan?

  • Anonymous says:

    I checked his Facebook “fan site.” Particularly this item:

    which instead of linking to the article in question, links to his own site:

    which finally (!) links to the motherfucking article:

    A textbook linkbait douchebag move. He is trying to get this new CBC blog of his on people’s radar in the shittiest way possible, and using the CBC and his “fan page” to do it. And I put fan page in quotes because this is clearly a Tod Maffin promo page.

    Shame, Tod. Shame. You know better.

  • Most Obvious Gimme Ever says:

    And if that doesn’™t get your attention, then he’™ll suddenly appear to erase all of his content and accounts overnight, like a drama queen crying out for re-assurance that someone really, really cares about him, while looking down at anyone and everyone who does.

  • TechLinz says:

    Hi Allan – I like how you stand behind truth and mention it in your tagline. I respect that.

    I appreciate where you’re coming from in your blog post as it would appear that you’re trying to tell people about Maffin’s true character. If the information is what you’ve been told then I can understand why you’d be upset. I wonder though, if you truly have have all the information. The statements you make are so bold. I wanted to share my thoughts that while it’s important to have free speech and it feels liberating to share opinions, sometimes we can do more harm than good by slandering other people.

    I’ve heard wonderful things about Tod from countless people in the community. People who have heard his story, who have worked with him, even people who have been hurt by him in the past. In the end, Tod seems to have consistent qualities of charisma, intelligence, and a good heart. Anyway, I just think it’s important for people reading your post to know that the community also has great things about him :)

    It takes courage to share opinions and express thoughts publicly, so good on you for that.

    • Allan says:

      I’ve complimented Tod, not countless times, but a few.
      He is not entirely without redeeming qualities.
      Just mostly.
      Several of the “keynotes” he gives are utter nonsense, to the point of being a disservice to humanity. Just because people are willing to pay for these does not make them legitimate.
      And Tod has a way with words, billing himself as a “futurist”, exploiting the slightest hyperbole available.
      And a mean-spirited reputation in his control of free speech on the internet, from a guy who bills himself as an expert in social media. A thought-leader.
      He’s free to say anything he wants about himself, but you are not, unless it’s to agree with or compliment him.
      He threatened a law suit against one blogger.
      He fills the web with links to and about himself every day.
      And all of the content comes back to how great he is, writing and inventing and reviewing things. And if that doesn’t get your attention, then he’ll suddenly appear to erase all of his content and accounts overnight, like a drama queen crying out for re-assurance that someone really, really cares about him, while looking down at anyone and everyone who does.
      He’s special alright.

  • Allan says:

    Maffin up to his old tricks.

    Oddly “The CBC” Fb Page “maintained” by @todmaffin (not CBC) deleting comments about the issue: Er, why?
    ~ UnionSt

    There was a flurry of progressive blog postings yesterday concerning CBC’s arrangement with an American company to sniff out and ‘fine’ anyone who uses a CBC article on their blog.

    A number of individuals posted comments on the CBC Facebook Fanpage yesterday concerning the new policy. Guess what? Every comment of criticism has been removed from the Facebook fansite!

    So much for open and honest dialogue with the ‘people’s broadcaster’!
    ~ Buckdog

    Tod “Stalin” Maffin responds:

    Hi,’¨Tod Maffin here. I run that fan page.’¨THIS IS ABSOLUTE NONSENSE. ’¨Every comment (provided it’s on-topic and doesn’t personally attack someone) is allowed on the site.
    ~ posted Feb. 2

  • Anonymous says:

    It is a little strange that the guy was fired from the CBC, yet maintains all these CBC websites. He even listed himself as a “CBC Personality” on Twitter until someone called him out on it. I guess attaching himself to the CBC is how he gains credibility and thus makes money.

    This is the bio that gets attached to all communiques:

    About the author:
    Tod Maffin is a keynote speaker and thought-leader in the areas of Recruiting, Leading, Teaching, and Marketing to Generation Y/Millennials. His information-rich, funny, and fast-paced keynote presentations keep him in high demand at major conferences from Stockholm to Sydney, Berlin to Florida, and across North America. Each year, he speaks to more than 40 groups around the world and has appeared in/on Bloomberg TV, The New York Times, CBC, BBC, ABC, and many more.

    I’m going to ignore the part about him being a “thought-leader” in the “area of Leading,” but when was he on ABC, the BBC or in The New York Times?

    He seems to be a thought-leader in the area of truth-stretchification.

    • Allan says:

      My favourite Maffin story can be found just about everywhere Tod travels on the internet, and certainly on his self-written Wikipedia entry, there in case anyone should ever ask “who is this guy?”
      “Maffin left IMEDIAT to start his own web strategy consulting firm and, in 1999, developed the concept for an artificial intelligence engine that could rank the subjective mood of public opinion. He and three other partners launched, developing Maffin’s idea into a technology service (“Lexant”) which began selling services to major brokerage firms and securities commissions. The Lexant engine was used to perform syntactic analysis on public opinion comments posted on the Internet and aired in the media, in order to provide a ’œmood monitor’ of stocks. began trading publicly in 18 months through an RTO of a Nevada firm. The firm initially raised three rounds of venture capital but got caught in the “dot com bomb” and had to close down when it was unable to secure additional funding.”

      For a guy who creates Artificial Intelligence programs, he now spends his time on the rubber-chicken circuit telling inside CBC stories, dropping tech jargon and pretending he’s learned everything about everything. He even claims expertise in the field of mental health.
      Tod got together with a few people in Vancouver and they formed Mindful Eye. He would be the public face of a brave new software company, its CEO, and eventually have a melt-down when he admitted to himself that the whole thing was close to being a Ponzi scheme. No one made money from buying shares in the company. Investors lost virtually everything, spent on salaries and fancy offices. They had tried to put a brave face on what amounted to nothing.
      The scam was given credibility by the presence of a genuine software engineer and a woman who knew how to file reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission. These two were paid handsomely, in the $60,000 and up range in the year 2001. Tod was paid in the range of $25,000 the first year, $17,000 the second year and nothing in the third because the company was worthless by then.
      But he did enjoy being called a CEO for at least a little while.
      With no one buying a useless product, it became hard to pay the bills, do more research or claim that there would ever be anything to show for the money people had put up, thinking they’d be part of a “bubble”.
      Maffin barely knows how to code a web page. His background is fundamentally in public relations, but even there he’s self-taught and guessing.
      I could go on.

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