Public broadcaster comes back for public healthcare

Jeffrey Dvorkin gets fed up with the US insurance companies and comes back to Canada.
Just what Toronto needs, more consultants!
All is forgiven, Jeffrey. Welcome back.


  • Points well taken. But having the experience of living in another country was well worth the risks. After 21 years at the CBC (and paying taxes too), I thought there might be another perspective in public radio worth exploring. Am I a Canadian of Convenience? No more than the leader of the Liberal Party, I guess. No regrets here.

    • Anonymous says:

      At least our health care system will teach Jeffrey the world doesn’t revolve around him & what he wants. Good luck trying to find a family doctor!

  • Anonymous says:

    Ugh! Another Convenient Canadian – aren’t we lucky! Guess it’s a good thing the rest of us were looking after the country while he was away. Our healthcare system isn’t that great – the waiting lists are so long, you end up doing it yourself (diet, exercise, naturopathy, yoga, chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncture, etc.)

    • Anonymous says:

      Yes, I wish they would have told me that , when I signed up to be Canadian, that I would actually have to take some responsibility for my health. Exercise is inconvenient and yoga faggy.

      Also, apparently dentists don’t brush your teeth for you every day!

      Now they tell me!

  • Anonymous says:

    he’s an unashamed health care refugee. good thing we’re here to take care of him.
    hope he pays into the plan- ie. gets taxed, for a few years before he gets really old and sick. fuck america.

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