Air Farce launch surprise attack!


The once campy and innocent Royal Canadian Air Farce initiated a friendly fire attack campaign on its colleagues of the CBC.

Under the guise of a pre-tape for their New Years Eve chucklefest the event quickly became a throwdown with its tight-wad overlords of English TV. Targets included the always cuddly VP Richard Stursberg, the mortally wounded CBC News HUB, Radio One’s blustering CO2 belcher Jion Ghameshi, CBC News Network and its discarded anchor chairs.

When asked “What do think of the statement they are making?” one bystander replied ” I don’t watch Air Farce. Are they the guys who bus my grandma in from the home on friday afternoons?”

Some members of management have drawn a line in the sand and fortified a 7th floor kitchenette. Looking to deal, the always pragmatic executive team did offer George Smith as a prisoner to the amusing platoon of self employed seniors that comprises the RCAF. Stating “We decided to give Georgie up cuz no one really understands what he does  anyway.”

Is the beginning of the end? The end of the beginning? or the beginning of the beginning? No one knows. Just be sure to look up when passing through the atrium cuz the RCAF may have you in their sights too.


  • Anonymous says:

    Fear kills the funny.

  • Anonymous says:

    The CBC is to “comedy” as Tiger Woods is to “fidelity”.

  • A-hole/pizza gem logo on blue American Apparel says:

    I think we can all agree that Air Farce (TV version) is one thing we don’t want in our retro bag.

    Now, a 1/2 hour sitcom with Luba Goy and Clifton Joseph running a struggling salmon farm and trying to raise 6 madcap adopted kids … that’s some shit that i-man could stand behind.

    You could say it was shot and shelved 20 years ago.

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