What began as a routine exercise in listing the idiots in the publishing industry who have failed to recognize his greatness went horribly wrong when bloggers got ahold of it and beat him mercilessly. I supposed you should expect them to get a little short-fused and snippy when your project is titled “The Cranky Copyright Book.”
Fake Ouimet, feel free to make a return to the site and tell us all about how you threatened to expose Ouimet’s identity on your blog, then quickly erased that post.
I shoulda nabbed a cached version of that posting.
I like how quickly they called bullshit on his shenanigans.
There hasn’t been a second round of discussion, despite some long-winded crock of shit reply on Fawny about how he’s been
using telnet for 20 yearswriting books for so long.How is New York, Fake Ouimet?