Tuned into the Local CBLT HD portion of the late news from 22:55 Novenber 16, 2009 seem to have some glitches.
The micro newscast was plagued with some errors the biggest a replay of the end of the National in SD dropped over Aaron reading the opening story.
Peter and Nick Czernkovich happy talked the weather with Peter concluding the National and throwing to the local anchor followed by a 20 second freeze frame of Peter before coming back to CBLT’s late night cast in mid VO on TTC fares.
With a bad matte undulating all round him I doubt the Aaron is in the studio. Â Is the show live or packaged elements in an edit suite??
More surprises the error plagued micro news cast made it to the web. Does any one associated with the news cast or web folks ever watch content to ensure it is OK to post on line.
What is reason behind the 2 minutes of “live stream will return shortly” Â slate in place of a commercial break. Why not cut it out prior to posting it to the web. I cut the video down during the commercial so that you get a taste of what is being offered to the public. If they bosses want the breaks left in why not insert CBC ads?
1 Comment
How about filling with PSAs like info on H1N1? The CBC’s favorite party suggested in the recent federal debate on H1N1 that federal promotional funds be diverted to H1N1 publicity – sounds like an opportunity to do this at no cost.
The downside of filling with CBC self-promotion is that it might overload the viewer by adding it to the self-promotion that was already in the “news” cast. In this clip alone, they managed to plug Strombo twice (including a clip of well-known intellectual and news commentator Andre Agessi), Battle of the Blades (which was occupying Radio News steadily) and show one of their announcers winning an award.
Ironically, while I was surfing here, I was hearing Gion interview somebody about the “exponential” growth of PR news content. Guess he’s been taking math lessons from Wendy Mesley (per http://www.theteamakers.com/tag/wendy-mesley/).
At least they could change the slate to read “this space for rent”.