A little less meaningless

Perhaps the producers of The National realized they were being a little bit too transparent.
Weather person Claire Martin was popping up twice during each broadcast, but only one of those times to give the national forecast. The other appearance was for exploring some weather-related topic.

Or was it simply a fabricated necessity designed to appeal to some demographic that had filled out a CBC survey?
Either way, those dear folks are out of luck after less than two weeks of being spoiled. Ms. Martin is back to her quick close at the end of the broadcast, and sometimes, not even that. Though Peter has no trouble reporting for work at least 4 days a week, Claire’s schedule is a bit more hit and miss.
Out chasing rainbows? Take us with you!

Also gone, or so it seems (it’s a bit too early yet to be sure), is Wendy Mesley’s “We went looking for the answer to a question we pulled out of thin air, and no expense to be spared in its pursuit” segment.
But for all we know Wendy could be on assignment, gathering facts and opinions to answer the question “will scratching ones head always bring forth a new topic for The National?”

This is not to say that the CBC is admitting to having made mistakes.
It’s merely the natural process of fine-tuning a product that the other more successful networks have already mastered.


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