Maffin spawns offspring

Or is it Paul McGrath? Readers are confused. Also: Bob McDonald should “fix [his] F*#*ing teeth,” the CBC should be more like the BBC, and is it a boy or a girl? (via)


  • Gomommy says:

    His teeth are a distraction. Everything I see him on TV, I cring at the sight of his teeth. I mean how much it would cost him/CBC to fix the teeth.

    • Tracey says:

      That was unpleasant, and very rude.

      In spite of his teeth, Bob McDonald has achieved an incredible amount. How many honorary doctorates have you earned in your life?

      • Anonymous says:

        Does that change the fact he should fix his teeth, does he have a dentist, does he not realize, hey I am the least into people doing anything cosmetic unnecessarily but COME ON.

  • Anonymous says:

    Seriously? A post mocking someone’s birth announcement? Very nice.

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