This talented vagina-flasher is all ours and she’s staying put.
- With your new filmmaking career, are you tempted to leave the CBC?
No. All the forms really sharpen my ability as a storyteller. My ability to write dialogue was sharpened by writing DNTO over at the CBC. I had to write in the vernacular. I had to learn to write as if it were the spoken word.Â
Nick Purdon hosted Hidden City on Radio One this summer and is a regulator contributor to DNTO. He does not seem obsequious.
I used to pitch DNTO stories, all of which were violently rejected. Unless you live in a city of a million plus, or dream to live in one, you probably shouldn’t bother listening\pitching.
I assume most of the “stories” now featured on DNTO are gathered when the crew runs into a good looking waiter\waitress.
And they changed the theme song… a bad decision.
The DNTO website features Sook-Yin, appropriately. But is her host’s page an advertisement? And DNTO videographers? And the first show of the new season is chatting with the videographers? Are these Sook-Yin camerpeople, needing some work for when they aren’t capturing the essence of her’s truly?
I’ll second the Purdon nomination.
This aimless show is too many hours a week for something so mediocre which, like much of Go, seems to only serve 30-somethings who can’t get over the music of the 1980s or the awkward poetry they wrote in high school. Why was Outfront cancelled and this program goes on forever. Donlon & ilk should change the name of the show and let Nick Purdon host. Until then, I am happy to spend Saturday afternoons listening to the opera.
Please tell us a bit more about this mysterious N. Purdon person and why he is top of the line. Some of us don’t get out much.
The last time I listened to DNTO (it wasn’t recently), I rather enjoyed it and couldn’t put my finger on why. Then it dawned on me that Sook-Yin Lee was on vacation, and suddenly it all made sense.