Comic relief.
Four minutes of a homemade, too tightly edited, fake “podcast“.
Learn more about the candidates!
Well, one candidate.
“I’ll push Van City to help people connect with each other, something that seems to be missing in today’s Facebook world.”
And now you’ve heard everything.
We’re just trying to brace ourselves for whatever stunt he tries to pull in the name of ‘Save the CBC’ over the next little while.
So sick of him being typecast as the be-all and end-all of new technology and how to use it.
And it’s great comic relief. Not as funny as this old chestnut though.
Did you listen to the tape, John?
Tod happens to be a 10 yr. veteran of the CBC.
I won’t be surprised if one day they create The Tod Maffin Award.
Can you guess the category?
What’s mean-spirited about remembering the Todster?
Is it because you don’t find the subject amusing?
You want to get serious, John?
So tell us, what worries you ?
Apart from people mentioning Tod, that is.
Of course someone is going to jump up, and defend Tod (as if he needed it). Over the years he has practically conditioned readers to feel sorry for him.
But I suggest the more interesting aspect to your comment is that you consider Tod Maffin irrelevant to the current situation at the CBC.
I agree, Tod is not that important.
But it would also be quite easy, and perfectly appropriate, to write a piece that says Tod Maffin is at the root of what has ailed the CBC.
And I think you can figure out the angle there, John, without my having to blog about it.
People of Tod’s ilk, and he’s one in a million, are of of the aspects of the internet phenomenon that make it so fascinating.
Tod’s story of his involvement with the internet, online publishing, public relations, blogs, the dotcom “bubble”, and the ever-changing views of a self-proclaimed “futurist”, rebel, successful Keynote-presenter-for-hire, total bullshit artist kidding himself and you, look-at-me-I’m-a-depressed-pill-popper-who-is-prepapred-to-exploit-anything-if-it-makes-me-seem-special kind of guy is something I find especially intriguing and instructive.
Perhaps because Tod and I have so much in common.
We both love radio, Vancouver, and think we know exactly how to fix the CBC.
Which means we have one more thing in common …
What exactly does this have to do with the cbc?
Don’t we have more important things to worry about than making mean-spirited attacks on Maffin?
What gives?