The unique inflections and phrasing of Konrad Niec


  • Anonymous says:

    This isn’t a real newsbreak–he’s a student on a field trip trying his hand at operating the teleprompter,taking cues in his ear, and reading to time.
    Not bad for his first try,and he had fun.

  • Anonymous says:

    He’s channeling Senator Bobby Jindal, or Kenneth the Intern.

  • Anonymous says:

    The dumbing down of Canadian society.

  • Allan says:

    There was no intention to mock.
    More like, showcase.
    At least Konrad and I are enjoying it.

  • Anonymous says:

    A little mean-spirited.

    And unless I’ve misunderstood the details on the YouTube link, this never actually aired; it’s a mock-up from a field trip.

    That being said, announcing is something you learn by doing. We all have to start somewhere.

  • Anonymous says:

    wow. he’s cute and everything. but this is what is now
    being reaped at the corp. since they no longer value
    professionals and experience on air. either its a case of integration
    (radio/tv are interchangeable skills donchtaknow), or they couldn’t find
    a washed up rock/pop star to do the job.

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