Doyle: It’s hard to feel the love amid cutbacks and repeats

CBC answered Doyle’s calls.


  • Anonymous says:

    But the CBC pays to promote them, when it chooses to.

  • Anonymous says:

    Doyle speaks of how money is being taken from News and Current Affairs to pay for CBC Drama and Comedy. Really, since when did the CBC start paying for its own programming like they did in the good ol’ days? Shows like Jpod, Sophie and the Border are produced and owned independently from the CBC and they are financed with funds from the Canadian Television Fund. The CBC only pays a modest broadcast fee – which they should be able to afford with revenues generated from their merchandising division, real estate ventures, sale of their existing catalogue to PeaceArch, and massive layoffs of their publicity and design departments – the only thing Dick has to pay for is a bureaucracy which organizes champagne breakfasts.

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