When Alan Kearns remarked that his Western clients were fearful about the current job market , George offered …
I wonder how much of that is because in the Western world so much of this culture is based on the media.
In Canada you know we think we’re in the exact same boat as the Americans are, when we’re not, in terms of the economy, and a lot of it has to do with the fact of the way the news is presented.
Only a couple of minutes earlier he had been “reporting”, or rather reciting, a litany of how our economy was rapidly tanking.
Allan? Creepy?
(Somewhere out there there’s a bunch of guys chained in a basement pondering the irony of this exchange)
Whoops — here
(There really is no way to say that without sounding creepy, is there?)
Oh, don’t worry, your pal Allan is all about the creepiness
No Facebook? That’s too bad. But it’s probably just as well, I imagine it would only serve as a seething depot of hate mail from George’s “girlfriends”.
Thanks for the Twitter link, I’ll be following you.
(There really is no way to say that without sounding creepy, is there?)
Reckless U.S. consumers caused recession: Harper – wow, Stephen could teach George something.
That’s sweet of you, Vigilante, and yes there’s a Facebook account but I abandoned it a long time ago. Also my trust of flattery, though not my thirst for an endless supply of both.
I do blogs and Twitter, and that’s already too much.
I love you, Allan. Too bad you’re married.
A friend wants to know, do you have a Facebook account?