The Incoherent Columnist

Another day, another Doyle column, without logical or meaningful connection; disjointed; rambling.

Even trying to decipher and to write about his trivial, arrogant views is like finding the Rubik’s Cube falling apart in your hands.

John wishes newspapers “good luck”, but it’s the reader that will need plenty of it to wade through his confusing arguments.
Today it’s something that’s “a matter of scaring the local and national power structure”.

There’s a commonly held view that the current CBC is on a path of dumbing down its otherwise academic prowess. Along with diluting its courage and focus.
But why shouldn’t the CBC pretend to be dumb?
The Globe & Mail does it every day by putting forward John Doyle as someone whose thoughts and opinions are of some value and import.

Could it be a national malaise, or just an artifact left over from an era when a very stupid man was allowed to run the most powerful country in the world?
We deserve better.


  • Anonymous says:

    No, Doyle is right. You can see TVs on in each home every evening, but they aren’t watching the “right shows” and don’t know about them.

    Should the CRTC ban channel surfing by users on cabal-fed signals? Should the new Iggy government require 60 percent costs-share Canadian produced content as they seem to be applying? Are Korea and France better off with their localization requirements?

  • Anonymous says:

    Along with diluting it’s courage and focus.

    its, not it’s
    Possession and apostrophes are two different things.

    The Globe & Mail does it every day by putting forward John Doyle as someone who's thoughts and opinions are of some value and import.

    whose, not who’s
    “who’s” means “who is” or “who has”

    Talk about incoherent.

    Stick to the marina, the big kids are playing. Or start a “John Doyle Rules The Universe” blog and file your thoughts away there.

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