Don MacPherson has some interesting observations …
In this year of the 250th anniversary of the battle of the Plains of Abraham, French and English no longer fight each other in Canada with muskets.
Instead, we have a public broadcaster, which, in spite of its mandate to promote national unity, fires insults back and forth between neighbours across the language fence for fun and especially profit.
Because in Canada, in French or in English, if there’s a potential market for insults aimed at the other language group, the public broadcaster will be glad to supply them.
Last Friday, after returning to Quebec from a Florida vacation after the show, they apologized for that sketch, even if they did not appear to understand fully why they needed to do so. But they offered no apology for another in which they fell back on the last resort of the lame Quebec comic, which is to ridicule stereotypical English Canadians.
But some Quebecers feared that this sketch and the insults aimed at blacks would make them all look like racists, as they are depicted on 22 Minutes.
Even if RBO doesn’t accept what is sure to be a generous offer to return to Bye Bye this year, Radio-Canada will probably go ahead anyway, for the same reason that the CBC keeps Cherry on the air.
(Considering how the CBC has sold out its principles for the ad revenue Cherry brings in, it’s fitting that he dresses like a pimp.)
Ah, the knee-jerk response to anything from the Gazette.
R-C has always had a problem with the irreverance on the Bye-bye show, though granted they do try to increase the size of the audience by selecting popular jokesters.
Noven is always a target for anyone in and ourside the Levesque street tower.
Ah, just what we need around here: analysis of Quebec politics by unilingual Torontotians. WTF.
Ah, just what we need around here: analysis of Quebec politics by unilingual Torontotians. WTF.
Ah, just what we need around here: analysis of Quebec politics by unilingual Torontotians. WTF.