The week Terfry went

Two billboards in illuminated caissons: One for ‘The Week the Women Went,' another showing Rich Terfry for Radio 2


  • Aigle says:

    Hmmm, I thought it was BableFish.

    If you are ever bored at a computer (is that even possible). Try running anything of length through BableFish with several languages and then back to the original.

    Cheap Geek-humour but then again, I like Mel Brooks.

  • Anonymous says:

    Agreed 4:45pm anonymous.

    This is classic Teamkers photo-phunny.

    As the numbers of comments show, it’s more entertaining and worth discussion than Bye Bye 2008 reprints translated with Google language tools.

    Funny how that topic has mysteriously gone stale, non?

  • Anonymous says:

    I get it Joe/FO. Don’t be bothered by the haters.

  • Anonymous says:

    Very quick. Someone is doing even less work today (less than usual; now that IS doing very, very little for sure)

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    It isn’t a “post.” It’s a photo inside a post.

    You people are thuddingly literal. You need Eleanor Wachtel to interrupt a guest and explain everything.

  • Anonymous says:

    I must agree with Allan also….does anyone have any idea what this post means?!?! BTW, I love Terfry as a host; He certainly beats that egomaniac Jian Crapmeshi!! And, Rich is a real musician with real success whereas Jian is a wannabe musician with very, very miniscule success (aka “major tool”)

  • Anonymous says:

    As a side note, Allan, more people read this than you think.

    But I’m with you on the “what does this mean?” front.

  • Resident Troll says:

    Actually, this is a funny post, FO.

    Speaking of r2, I had the misfortune of finally hearing the Gregory Charles show.

    Yechh. You could practically see the cartoon stink lines coming out of the radio! That guy should be replaced with RCS Selector*!

    * The automation technology behind “shows” like nightstream.

  • Fake Ouimet says:

    Allan, you’re becoming a kind of Adrian Mole, firing off impassioned missives to newspapers demanding to know why they aren’t covering the Norwegian leather industry. (“Who got to you?!”)

  • Allan says:

    Don’t you think that the three people who read this blog deserve a little more, joe?
    A little more journalism.
    Again with the minimalist, obscure notice.
    And what is the meaning of this one?
    Are you indicating that an announcer has left?
    Surely there’s more to be learned here.
    Isn’t there?

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