What do you think of the new Oi!?

It may seem like forever, but your new Oi! employee portal is still young. The Oi! Team is serious about knowing what you think of it. Dead serious. In fact, our jobs depend on it. So be a dear and fill out this survey. Don’t make us put a hold on your next paycheque.

The new Oi! is (check all that apply):

Funny but not “funny ha-ha” funny
Insistent that “hrg cliqbook” is a useful link, whatever the hell that is
For the love of God will you stop sending me these things I actually have work to do here
Guilty of stealing articles from insidethecbc.com
Full of employee profiles that I don’t mind telling you make me cringe
The opposite of sexy
Squandering the intellectual capital so painstakingly accrued by the old Oi! and it’s simply shameless how it is being used to bolster the ego of the current Oi!master

As always, your feedback is appreciated!

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