The unnecessary closeup of a CBC executive. Staring straight at you. The slightly parted, red lips. The romantic lighting. The “thoughts and jots” on one side. The “delicious donut delights” on the other.
Someone at the National Post needs a girlfriend.
Thanks to Johnny Happypants for the scan.
Hey, look under there! Under where? I made you say underwear tee hee hee…penetration…hee hee..what are 12 year old boys now on this site? Nice crowd you have here…great level of discourse I guess this was your intention…
Kirsten + George = Penetration!
Oh and I look forward to watching The Border, looks good.
She’s my top 40 under 40 anyday. CBC is getting more kudos in the press than ever. Nice to have fresh blood at the cbc…too bad she’s treated more like fresh meat by strangely possessed bloggers here. Shameful.
Frankly, somehow the KL “defenders” scare me more than the KL “haters”…
When your national broadcaster’s lead programmer is looking for publicity and wanting to prop up her image (for what good reason exactly?) then all is fair (short of crossing the proverbial line) when reacting to such a grotesque display of “wannabeism”.
Of course, there are limits to what should be said and written about any individual but I remind us all that seeing her picture in more than one newspaper (soon after the last CBC Grey Cup…ever) was just too much for many Canadians to take because… SHE IS SIMPLY PROMOTING HERSELF.
Bad optics.
Bad taste.
Kirstine is certainly quite supportive of George in many, many ways. I think network executives are supposed to support their stars to ensure maximum market penetration!
So… see you back here tomorrow, then?
In summary:
1) Unfortunate photograph.
2) Unfortunate, unamusing juxtaposition of headlines around the photograph.
3) Unamusing juvenile comments that completely miss the point.
4) Unamusing comments about the juvenile comments that also, unfortunately miss the point.
5) Unfortunately, puppets.
6) Fortunately, Guy Dixon.
7) Unfortunate and pointless ‘debate’ about a comments policy posted on the main page for all to see.
8) Unfortunate attacks on anonymous posters by…anonymous posters.
9) Unfortunate defenses of trivial, undistinguished programs.
10) Fortunate observations about the trivial, undistinguished Little Mosque.
And finally…
11) An observation that this thread has barely mentioned the actual content of CBC Television’s so-called “winter season.”
Which says a lot about what the season, and the network, has to offer.
Mr. Happypants is correct. Those championing Little Mosque should be forced to sit through an episode, the acting and writing of which is as unfunny as The Air Farce on a bad night.
I guess some of us missed the Respect in the Workplace workshops?
Little Mosque is the beachhead in the timhortonization of Canadian television. Everything about it—the scripts, the acting, the pacing—contributes to it being the television equvilent of an issue of Archie’s Comics Digest.
Okay then, Mosque and The Hour.
Gill Deacon and Wheel of fortune? So convenient of you not to mention Mosque or Tudors or Dragon’s Den or Test the Nation or The Hour or Next Prime Minister… save it agenda maker! Even Gill was more to offer than mud-slinging of teenage insults, anyone can see that.
Clearly the latest anonymous did not read what all the other anonymouses had to say or indeed they would know a) no you cannot rely on the keen critical faculties of your staff
and b) what was on this blog was considerably WORSE than highschool
Yeah, John she did Gill Deacon and now Wheel of Fortune, that’s a whole lot more.
Kirstine Layfield has done more for the CBC than all those anonymous commenters put together. Who really cares about some picture someone else took of her. you guys always miss the point.
Time to call it a day Ouimet. What happened to “All comments must be approved by the blog author”. Shame on you.
Guess we can’t rely on the keen critical faculties of our staff. Commenting on her appearance or signing on as “Layfield Rocks”? Am I back in high school?
You’re right that the comments say more about the commenters than the person they attack. It makes me sick how these “anonymous” losers think they have 2 seconds of power but you have to wonder what really lies behind their motivation to do something like that? I can just imagine what their finest picture looks like. And for all the haters inside the CBC that are still mad about being locked out – if this is your contribution to the company…?
Ouimet, thank you for not allowing people to use this blog as a hate weapon targetting someone they don’t even know. I’m really starting to learn that the internet is becoming a haven for psychos – it’s scary and it’s sad. Why do so many people have so much displaced hatred? That’s no way to live.
My philosophy has always been that the post is mine or my contributor’s, and the comments are yours. The post reflects on me, and the comments reflect on you. But nowadays I realize that might be a little naïve.
I’ve decided to remove the nastiest comments, but leave the gibberish. Future generations can sort it out.
I agree completely that it’s pretty sick to post these kinds of just plain EVIL comments and I just wonder all you anonymouses – how would YOU feel if someone wrote that crap about you – no really – how would you feel – insert your name, your photo and all the worst comments to go with it – do yourself a favour – think about that
I can’t stand all the entitled psychos who ride this site venting their disgruntled wears because let’s face it their own life sucks or they wouldn’t care so much about other people’s. And they don’t even have the balls to give their names which should read pathetic 1 through indefinite. And what’s with this strange obsession with George???, who has nothing to do with Kirstine – yet you’re so damn jealous you attack her because the post took a bad shot of her? Let’s call it like it is, Kirstine is in one of the highest positions in the Country to be that young and yes she is hot whether you admit that by attacking her for it or complimenting her for it – you’re jealous! You’re weak! and you have a sick obsession for George. You also don’t have your facts straight ever – so you’re also pretty stupid. Why don’t you leave the tough stuff to Kirstine and stick to making tea.
Jason Campbell
This goes out to all you “anonymous’ haters:
get a f*ckin’ life and grow some balls. Oh, and go back to your jobs that CBC actually pays you for, instead of this nonsense.
Ouimet you have a strange idea of fun! I guess cruel, spiteful and anonymous comments directed at someone who cannot respond are always good for a laugh as long as they’™re not directed at you. Perhaps as a gesture of fair play you will post a photograph of yourself which would allow us the opportunity to offer a critique.
You said ’œThose remarks make me very uncomfortable’ No kidding! I guess they didn’™t make it uncomfortable enough for you not to post them. It must make you feel good to have the power to play GOD
I guess your blog gives you the opportunity of being the proverbial bully in the playground or ’œcyber bully’ as you can identify the target, control the attack and take no responsibility for your actions
We suspect this will not be posted to your bog (sorry blog) but nevertheless we will continue to monitor it in anticipation that one day we will witness your signing off with the news that you have moved to a new employer, one who recognizes and can utilize your unquestionable talent.
I sent that in because Layfield is good looking and that was being used to sell the schedule, maybe without her knowledge or approval. She’s hot and she can come and cancel my show whenever she wants.
I’d support the removal of the ugly comments and the gibberish ones connecting her with the Friendly Giant “violation”.
And thanks for posting the youtube link. Anyone can see the skit was somewhat funny and not offensive in any way. Anyone who’s worked here for a good amount of time knows the family is—let’s be polite—odd. Ever wonder why there were no tshirts, lunchpails, or home videos for sale in our shoppe back in the golden age of The Merchandising Unit?
Otherwise I don’t blame them. They probably knew the museum was shutting down and didn’t want their property ending up on ebay with the handcuffs from This Is The Law.
I agree with Guy. I was going to remove some of the more vicious comments but I think he’s redeemed the whole thread.
I know you’re all just trying to have fun, but some of these remarks make me very uncomfortable. Please knock it off.
When someone deems it appropriate to ridicule the legacy of a long-standing canadian television program to the point of insulting the family of its star, I remain perplexed.
Now imagine if this person (comedy genius?) was employed by the national broadcaster that proudly produced the show over the years.
An ugly picture of this person in the paper should be the least of our worries.
Leave Layfield out of the CBC. Oh, if only it were that easy.
Guy Dixon is right-leave Layfield outta this.
Enough. Ouimet got it right. This is about a layout designer or editor getting carried away and a little smitten. That’s good for a laugh. But it’s disturbing, as a journalist, to read people going further and attributing a designer’s intentions (whatever they may have been) as being those of the subject herself. So cool it with the ugly, anonymous attacks. Nuff said.
that was no parody, that was an auto-biographical sketch layfield commissioned to pay tribute to her legacy at the cbc. i don’t blame his family for being pissed.
Does anybody know who was responsible for okaying the nasty “Friendly Giant” parody at the Gemini’s?
Methinks t’was she.
Unnecessarily unkind comments here. I guess that’s the price of making yourself the story and posing for a snap. Regardless of anybody’s relationship with George, he is certainly treated very well. I’m guessing The Hour has one of the highest promotional budget to audience ratios in the history of the Corpse. And that it remains on air with test pattern numbers proves it is exempted from the Stursberg “Rule of the Million”. Maybe if they put it after “Wheel of Fortune” things would improve.
“George, wake up.”
Bodysnatcher, for sure.