
I’ve written before about the illegal billboard the CBC was renting at Front and Simcoe. Well, is reporting that the massive Strombo has been taken down.

I had to go see for myself:
Not only had the sign been obstructing 22 windows, but the CBC had been paying $11,500 a month for the spot. Or, as Gorbould calculates, $140,000 to keep it there illegally.

I have no idea if this blog had any influence on the decision, but unless you have any objections I’m going to add “crimefighting” to my résumé. I’m going to be applying for a new job soon and I need all the help I can get.

Now if only CTV would take down their illegal signs at John and Wellington. The good news is that Pirate Master has been cancelled, so at least we’ll be rid of that dirty birdie.


  • butterworth says:

    I can think of some very fine radio shows that could have been saved for half of what that sign cost.

    this company sucks.

  • Jenuine says:

    Careful Allan, you might ruin your image (re: Yonge & Dundas artist)…. ; )…. I think that’s a lovely idea, btw.

  • Allan says:

    $11,500 a month!?!?! Holy Hitchens! For that amount I would blog about The Hour every day for a year! Think, CBC, think.
    Of course, compared to the billboard, results may vary.

    when I left the TBC one day last fall after paying homage to the gentle spirit of the Friendly Giant, I turned a corner and there it was – this humungous billboard for George/The Hour
    Man, did I feel like a speck of sand when confronted with that thing glaring at me saying ‘you can’t win, Allan’.
    Next to this Goliath I felt like David but with arms amputated.
    My lowest point.
    On the other side of the street was a tiny ad for Mosque.
    This made no sense at all, but the biggest impression was the thought that this was being placed only a block from the CBC itself. Who was the intended audience for this incredible over-kill of advertising???
    Are the people that travel Front Street supposed to be the intended audience?
    On top of that, the friggen thing was illegal!

    Hey CBC promotions/Hour publicity machine:
    At Yonge & Dundas there’s a talented street artist who draws giant, beautiful and colorful masterpieces.
    Have him draw The Hour logo and George, film it, and then do a time-lapse and use it as a 15 second spot on one of the giant video screens there.
    That’s where your audience really is.
    Think a bit more creatively CBC, and use your heart instead of just your pocketbook.

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