The CBC isn’t so bad. Look at our neighbors

The CBC isn’t so bad even in the time of King Richard, not when you compare it with some other outfits—like Gannett. Just came across a Gannett equivalent of Teamakers, the Gannett Blog. It’s hot as hell right now in the US because Gannett employees are going through hell. That blog is currently in crisis mode, as we were during the worst of the lockout, with breaking news, except it’s about layoff after layoff.
This blog is openly written by former Gannett employee Jim Hopkins, who can of course use his own name, unlike here. (There is the warning to contact the blogger from “a non work computer.”) It has its own video blog and the blogger appeals for donations to keep it going and he has raised $2166 US at $5 a shot in the 4th quarter of 2008.
The blog’s biggest scoop, the leak of Gannett’s obscene profits while gutting journalism.
Anonymous makes losts of appearances in the comments.
We have King Richard, but that haughty monarch is at least human, compared to the Emperor Palpatine and the court at Gannett.

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