The Bill Clinton Show

I don’t truck in rumours that much anymore, for a lot of reasons. But some get a little too loud to ignore.

Everyone is talking about how there’s a good chance that Bill Clinton will be one of the judges for the CBC’s new “Who wants to be a PM” show.

The key to the deal is the the Stronach connection. But Clinton doesn’t come cheap. Will he give us a discount?

Word is that if it falls through, the Stronachs will use their close relationship with Flavor Flav to convince the legendary hype man to pinch hit.

Ok, I made that last part up.

See? That’s one of the reasons.

Now what’s this I hear about Marketplace being cancelled, and NCAN layoffs?


  • Anonymous says:

    Go, Underdogs!!! Make those advertisers as uncomfy as needs be! We can only get better products on the market that way!

  • Anonymous says:

    If Marketplace is going down, it’s in a blaze of glory. Their Underdogs team is making certain folks in parts of the building very uncomfortable. Major advertisers are very unhappy…how long can the CBC really exist without bending over entirely to big companies? It’s about much more than budgets, which is why it smells.

  • Anonymous says:

    I may yet be ill.


  • Anonymous says:

    There are Voluntary Separation Packages? Where? Where?

  • Justin Beach says:

    Layoffs at NCAN?

  • Anonymous says:

    CBC is becoming a home for has-beens.

    Only in front of the lens. Behind, we’re falling over ourselves as we grope for any last Voluntary Separation Packages…

  • Anonymous says:

    He will join Brian Mulroney, John Turner and Kim Campbell on a network with shows produced by Moses Znaimer and Garth Drabinsky. CBC is becoming a home for has-beens.

  • Anonymous says:

    NCAN is News and Current Affaires and uh, News?

    Now wait, I think Newsworld is on there somewhere…

  • Anonymous says:


    Also: is Mr. Clinton really necessary to a show about Canadian politics?

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