Words at Large blog launches

Blogging hero Joe Mahoney is a contributor to the CBC’s new Words at Large literary blog, bringing him that much closer from lockout boatrocker to responsible CBC employee and public intellectual.

Not to put too fine a point on it, but its because of people like Joe that the CBC is using blogs as much as they are. And to be fair, it might be because of people like me that we don’t use them more.

But while the corporation is forging ahead, slowly and cautiously, Joe has the unenviable job of comforting his nervous newb co-bloggers. First posts can be painful. Wrote Kimberly Walsh:

I had to look up the meaning of blog just so I had something concrete to hold on to as I started my very first entry. Dictionary.com defines a blog as “n. to author an online diary or chronology of thoughts”. To be perfectly frank, this made me shudder a little.

Don’t worry Kimberley Walsh, you’ll be fine.

Although in my professional opinion you should have chosen a snappier pseudonym than “Kimberly Walsh.”


  • Mike says:

    Let’s say I’m someone who has just visitied cbc.ca…….
    How am I supposed to find out about the Words at Large blog? I don’t see any links or info on cbc.ca – I can’t find a way to get to it, and I *know* it’s in there, what about someone who doesn’t know?

  • Justin Beach says:

    Glad to see the Ceeb using more blogs, they really need to change the rules governing their RSS feeds though. The current ones are just silly.

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