In times like this cooler heads prevail, so let’s all work together to get back online. In this spirit here are the instructions from my Troubleshooting Guide:
Problem: My website doesn’t work.
- Make sure your server is plugged in and turned on.
Did this solve your problem? YES | NO
If NO, go to step (2)
- Reboot.
Did this solve your problem? YES | NO
If NO, go to step (3)
- Reinstall Windows.
Did this solve your problem? YES | NO
If NO, go to step (4)
- Assign blame, with ferocity.
Did this solve your problem? YES | NO
If NO, go to step (1)
How about this one:
Direct viewers to the website for your show, so they can get all the latest information.
Work your butt off on webfeatures and updating.
Feel like an idiot when they can’t access your site for days, including the day your show goes to air.
“In radio or TV, someone would get fired for this much dead time.”
Don’t just think dead time, think dead service. Think Country Canada Channel or Galaxie. Like, they’re non-mandated resource hogs.
And here I thought that because didn’t meet Stursberg’s “million viewers” rating, that it was being purged.
More shuffling deckchairs on the Titanic?
In radio or TV, someone would get fired for this much dead time.
I guess the mgmt was too busy working on more new power points than on infrastructure for the webpage.
The problem is step 3.
>3>Reinstall Windows.
Skip step 3 and Install Linux.
No more problems Dude.
It’s even more ‘fixed’ – there’s now a promo to New Music Canada on the homepage. Nice.
No ads. Nice.
actually, I would *love* to have this stripped down as an option.
it looks, to my eyes, not as if is broken, but finally fixed.