Stursberg garbage can

Pictures courtesy of Johnny Happypants.

Oct 27th 9:30am addendum:
Judging by emails, not all of my readers are familiar with the visage of CBC-TV VP Richard Stursberg:



  • Anonymous says:

    The attitude of plutocratic self importance is such that Stursberg can show such contempt for his own wife in a time of apparent need. One wonders what Carole sees in this ‘trust’, or should one say tryst that’s rumored to being baited? Protection?, a missing father figure?, or perhaps some sort of imagined status inflation through newsprint, grovel-trading to arm-candy compliment a silver spooned, spoiled elitist. Future pay off anyone?
    As a Liberal Party hack, Chretien (vis a vis fellow Trudeau/Chretien pal, Rabinovitch) appointee counting the public beans, it seems the coffee is being spilled. Better to go back to the private sector and leave creative venture to those endowed for it.
    At least with Rex Harrington, Carole knew she could always get a dance.

  • Anonymous says:

    He is the car wreck, a Rabinovitch in waiting. Believes its entitlement, a royal crowning because of his father.
    The ship will sink! Write the CRTC!

  • Anonymous says:

    The symbolism is obvious…
    Stursberg shrugs while the
    CBC and its employees are
    destroyed in a massive car

  • Joe Clark says:

    Come again?

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