A love letter from George

Finally, it arrived.  Although, I think it was just bulk mail he sent to every admirer.  Somehow, his light heartedness seems fake and forced.  Here is the love letter.

George drops such literary gems as “fer real”, “doper” and signing off with “Piece”.  He really knows the way to my heart.

Strombo wolf hat

If I may…

Public Figure:1,073 people like this.

George Stroumboulopoulos July 28 at 10:56am Report

Hope you’re having a golden summer wherever you may be… Been working like mad on the launch of season seven of the tv show and the radio show. Lots of changes in the works… I think you’re going to dig what the team is coming up with. Including changing the name of the TV show. I’m thinking of calling it ‘The Jeffersons’ but CBC isn’t really going for that.

Regardless, this page is being shut down soon (Fer real). Now, I know people hate to move, but this is an easy one, so if you are up it, I’ll be at a new fb page. Work, life, and horoscopes (kidding obv). And much doper (read: dumber profile pics as evidenced below)

Click the link below.



PS… Don’t go see The last Airbender… That movie made me hate life.
Go see ‘Cyrus’ instead.

George Stroumboulopoulos

Hi, aside from wandering the streets in search of the best Grilled Cheese Sandwhich. This is where you can find me…. The Hour (We’re thinking about changing the name) Weeknights at 11:05 on CBC TV (TV/ONLINE) The Strombo Show. Sunday nights 8p-Midnight on CBC Radio 2 (RADIO/ONLINE)

Another gem George wrote on his page:

George Stroumboulopoulos Hi. Welcome to the new page… Please tell your friends and enemies – well, use your judgement, don’t tell your crazy friends. This is where I’ll be, like TRON locked in this profile. By the by, if you haven’t heard the new album by ‘The National’ you need to get on that (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yfySK7CLEEg). Merci/gracias… GSx

PS… I want to start a backgammon tournament and televise it like they do with poker.

– right George, so no one can watch it like with your show … whatever it’s called.


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