As a young reporter for The Ottawa Citizen, Neil Macdonald got a scoop about some typical federal government chicanery. The brief attention he received as a result was enough to secure him a lifetime contract with the CBC.
But that was in the 1980’s when it seems that panic had set in at the Corporation and a younger Peter Mansbridge was deemed too precious to be allowed to cross the border and become the next great anchor of American television.
After 30 years, Neil has become the CBC’s Senior Washington correspondent, and is nearing the end of his career.
He’s gruff, and not afraid to speak his mind, though much of what’s on his mind can already be found pretty much anywhere.
When Norman Spector observed that women were taking prominent positions as national television news anchors while the CBC is still clinging to the antiquated notion that Mansbridge is too good to be shown the exit sign, Neil felt compelled to write a letter to the editor, kissing up to everyone mentioned in the article.
Lisa LaFlamme and Dawna Friesen are “outstanding”.
Peter Mansbridge is “superb”.
He adds that “as a career reporter, I’m encouraged to see Canadian television news maintain a highly visible meritocracy.”
The meritocracy to which he refers, “wherein appointments are made and responsibilities assigned to individuals based upon demonstrated intelligence and ability”, dictated that in the case of Global television, no one in Canada, regardless of gender, was good enough to replace Kevin Newman on their evening news.
Instead, Global stretched their hiring hands across the border to choose a reporter that most people in Canada have never heard of.
Neil, who prides himself in being a straight-shootin’ journalist, is of the view that appointments in our broadcasting industry are based largely on merit.
Which makes it puzzling that no network has asked him to be the anchor of anything.
But then, he doesn’t even have an Honourary Doctorate, like George.
Pamela Martin? She’s BRUTAL.
Glass houses, stones, yada yada yada
Media in Canada is only a meritocracy if you’re old. The youth in Canada are fucked if they aren’t part of the club. Look at the current gang of unqualified rabble on CBC vancouver. Mi Young Lee? For fuck sakes! She’s terrible… goes on and on. Yet, the quality, versed reporters like Eric Rankin (not that he’s young) are are not treated with respect by management and treated like they just started yesterday.
Nope, at the CBC unless you’re asian and young and help Liz Hughes get her diversity bonus, you’re screwed. It’s sad as so many of the young ones are so terrible that it destroys the CBC’s cred.
No credibility? No problem!
Tod Maffin can teach you how to create more credibility for yourself before breakfast than most people create in a lifetime!
Dawna is Canadian, you knob. Global didn’t “stretch its hiring hands across the border”. She is extremely well known in Vancouver, where she was a reporter for the CBC Evening News in the 1990s, and frequently anchored the program.
Did I say she was American? Only that every person currently working in Canada got passed over.
Including Pamela Martin. Does the rest of Canada (90%) know anything about her?
Meritocracy, indeed.