George in Glee on Ice

Dropping the microphone as if he were losing an erection.
That’s got to have taken some practice.


  • Anonymous says:

    Can’t wait for Kelly Cuthroat’s next book..especially the chapter on Jian.

  • Anonymous says:

    He’s an old perv. He goes to bars/clubs during the week (that Raymi picture was Tuesday night) and tries to pick up teens and twenty-somethings. He hasn’t dated a woman over 30 since the 90’s (when he was in his thirties). He uses his ‘celebrity’ status to get young p*ssy and then pretends to be a feminist. Total sexist-pig-loser-creep.

    • Anonymous says:

      This is very true. The proof is all over Facebook and I know lots of names of girls he’s dated and tried to get (and gotten some) p*ssy from.

      • Anonymous says:

        There’s not many women on the Toronto club scene that haven’t been approached/flirted with/propositioned/creeped out by Jeeyawn. In fact, I don’t know of any women in Toronto that haven’t met him. He goes out of his way to introduce himself to women. “Hi I’m Jee-yawn.” and he always compliments something, usually clothing or perfume, to get the conversation rolling.

  • Anonymous says:

    I agree. Horrible teeth, greasy hair and he looks like he usually throws anything out of the laundry on to wear but he’s got these super high standards for his home. Confused much?

    • Anonymous says:

      Jian is hyper-critical of everyone and everything else, but never of himself. He think’s that he’s perfect. He’s a total ego-maniac and his own biggest fan.

      • Anonymous says:

        Does Wonderboy – Jian even put 2 and 2 together and figure out that the only reason these younger actress/singer wannabe girls even give him the time of day is because they are looking for a free ride?

        • Anonymous says:

          He’s looking for the same thing (a free ride). He certainly doesn’t want a relationship with those girls….just sex. He openly fantasizes about relationships with famous women only, like Rachel McAdams. Non-famous women aren’t good enough for Gee-ahn.

  • Molly Maids (only under 25 & sexy need apply) says:

    Yep, our Jian is an extreme neat freak. He once told me it drives him crazy to have anything out of place at his home. Sounds like a fun guy, huh?

  • PACK -RAT? says:

    Yes, that is still currently the case – It’s a duplex and half is being rented and the other half he uses for storage because he hates clutter, it drives him “insane”.

    • Anonymous says:

      What’s he storing in there? Old pictures of himself?

      • Anonymous says:

        Ahhh, the memories. Jian many moons ago, long before he started dying his hair that Chinese jet black (no one knows that I’m dying my hair even though my stubble is gray) colour.

      • Anonymous says:

        On his Facebook he says he was 16 in that pic, or maybe he’s fudging his age again? LMAO

        • .............. says:

          Is Jian now claiming that he was 16 in 1987?

          Jian’s lied so much about his age that he’s forgotten how old he really is. For a guy that claims to be only 43, he sure looks like shite when they don’t airbrush him.

          • .............. says:

            The caption on that old picture of Jian from flickr :

            “Jian Ghomeshi a.k.a. Jean – in a very early band, Tall New Buildings. April/May 1987 was in entertainment PR in Toronto and did their record and video launch party and media outreach. I just discovered all the old materials: interview schedules for Toronto, Ottawa and Montreal, press photos, party invitations, PR reports and I’m sure I have some promo cassettes in my collection”.

          • Anonymous says:

            The only question that I have is : Where did he and that other guy get those cool denim jackets? Bargain Harolds?

          • Molly Maids (only under 25 & sexy need apply) says:

            I’m on his Facebook and he did comment on that exact picture and said he is 16 in this photo? I dunno? He obviously is obsessed with age.

          • Anonymous says:

            Little brown lies. He’s not fooling anyone when he lies about his age. Most people see him as mid to late 40’s regardless. He looks old. He can never pass for anything less than a few years away from 50.

          • Anonymous says:

            Notice how stingy men lose the fullness of their upper lips in old age? Really, I’m not kidding…

          • Anonymous says:

            Stingy? But aren’t he & his love Lights going to the Philippines to help bring attention to all those poor people?

    • Anonymous says:

      If he hates clutter, that may be why he cuts “women-who-won’t-have-him” out of his life.

    • Anonymous says:

      So that’s why his home looks like a museum. He hates clutter.

  • We are not in Thornhill anymore! says:

    I know where he lives. His other house is in the Riverdales’ Chinatown. Both investments were approved by his daddy, so nothing else matters to “The Ghomesh”

    • Anonymous says:

      The last I heard he was using that Riverdale address as his de-facto headquarters for his faux entertainment company (and FACTOR grant receiving) Wonderboy Entertainment Inc., while still renting it out to tenants. Classic Jian, burning the candle at both ends. Will someone audit this douchebag already? How much more evidence do you need?

  • Jian Pawn says:

    You know what I noticed about Jian? If you’re a girl that he has a thing for and you don’t sleep with him, he cuts you out of his life. Bad move, Jian.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is that why he stopped managing Martina? It might also explain why he’s been “managing” Lights since 2001 (when she was 14).

    • Anonymous says:

      Wow! This happened to you too? I didn’t realize it’s a pattern…

  • Jian wants to be White (or at least Jewish) says:

    Why can’t Jian find any nice Persian women to settle down in Regent Park…err, Cabbagetown, instead of trying to impress all these wanna-be artsy types? Is he a racist?

    • Anonymous says:

      Well, he’s not following any black people on Twitter…..that’s not a good sign.

      Jian has very strict criteria for the people that he follows on Twitter. They have be at least 2 of the following things:

      a) white
      b) famous (if they’re a guy)
      c) a fellow CBC employee
      d) female (preferably under 30)
      e) a bimbo

    • Anonymous says:

      Jian lives in the nice part of Cabbagetown, right by the Regent Park Supermarket/Convenience Store.

  • Anonymous says:

    Coming to Toronto on Sunday with Amma !!! (about a minute ago by @peoplesrev)

    Looks like Kelly Cutthroat is coming back to T.O. to give her man a hug!

    • Anonymous says:

      Translation :

      • Anonymous says:

        Who is Jian Ghomeshi? @petermansbridg @jianghomeshi (43 minutes ago by @peoplesrev)


        • Anonymous says:

          I guess he’s not paying her to be his PR person anymore. When he was paying her, she knew darn well who Jian Ghomeshi was. Now that he’s not paying her anymore, all of the sudden she has amnesia. That’s why she’s a professional. No freebies.

  • Jian's moles need names says:

    Doesn’t the CBC have dental coverage?

  • Jian's moles need names says:

    I wish I had a photo of Jian in his Mini Cooper to share. He looks almost as cool
    as George does on his Harley. Boys and their toys.

  • Anonymous says:

    Now is as good a time as any to remind people of how “cool” George looks on a motorcycle……

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