Reporter / Editor (English radio) – CAL00216

Are you interested in an exciting and challenging role with Canada’s public broadcaster that fits your lifestyle?

Share our passion. Live our values. As Canada’s national public broadcaster and one of its largest cultural institutions, CBC/Radio Canada brings diverse regional and cultural perspectives into the daily lives of Canadians in English, French, and eight aboriginal languages.

Our Calgary News Room is looking for a dynamic reporter/editor for our team. In this temporary position, you will perform reporting and editorial assignments related to the gathering, writing and presentation of program material for radio, television or other media. Work is governed by CBC journalistic and programming policies and standards. Advice and guidance are regularly available but there is latitude for initiative and independent judgment. Close co-operation with the news and current affairs units is essential.

The successful candidate will possess the following experience and skills:

  • Demonstrated ability to research and gather information from a variety of sources.
  • Demonstrated ability to provide live on-air reports, de-briefs, script-clips, interviews and analysis of complex events.
  • Demonstrated excellence in writing for Radio and TV.
  • Demonstrated proficiency in a variety of presentation forms from concise news items to longer form radio journalism and ability to prepare and write scripts, headlines and items for documentaries and current affairs programs.
  • Ability to report for both Radio and TV.
  • At least 3 years experience in journalism
  • A strong news sense with an awareness of contemporary political, economic, cultural and social issues in Alberta.
  • Strong technical and production skills, and an aptitude for computer editing and mixing.
  • University or college degree in journalism or a related discipline or equivalent experience in media.
  • A valid driver’s license is essential.

Send your demo c/o Dave Budge to:

Canadian Broadcasting Corporation
P.O. Box 2640
Calgary, AB T2P 2M7

This position will not be filled until consideration has been made by the CBC/CMG Local Joint Employment Committee.

If you are seeking a media environment that fosters creativity and innovation, this is the place for you.

We value the importance of a diverse workforce and encourage applications from Aboriginal Peoples, women, members of a visible minority and persons with a disability.

Please visit and apply online.

The CBC is committed to equity in employment and programming.

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