This just in… “This Sucks.”

Has anyone been following the “G20 Street Team?”

Not only is the name straight out of last century, but this has to be the biggest group of handpicked whiny bitches assembled in recent memory. Every post on the blog adds up to: This Sucks.

I’m curious to see if they can keep up this level of complaint for the length of the summit.

Here’s the latest:

When I walked into my house on Friday night, I nearly broke my neck.

“Darn cat!” I squealed. But when I looked down to see what had caused me to slip and fall, all I saw was a piece of paper.

The culprit? A four-page “G20 Summit Resident Information Guide” my building had slid under my door.

God help me, I can read no more.


  • Dread Zep says:

    Sook Yin Lee dressed in camo and thrown over the barricades while playing with toy musical instruments lands on Ben Mulroney live from the black carpet.
    Now that would be a discussion paper.

  • LocalYokel says:

    Hey, it was time for grainy photos and bad video from the street team.

    Using twitter in this way is just plain weird.

    Kim Fox tweets about an exchange between a cop and a protestor. Hollet blogs the length of tweets. Neither has a camera or a recorder.

    Compare the street team’s output with Steve Paikin:
    – who apparently was at a police action that looked a lot like a pointless assault.

    “if any journos are talking to the police chief on sunday, those would be questions i’d like answered. ok, that’s it. signing off tonight.”
    about 6 hours ago via web

    Journos talking to police in ways other than tweets? Pu-leese. That’s so old school.

  • LocalYokel says:

    The G20 Street Team is a fucking piece of shit. Wow, lets have more pics of mostly empty streets and O’Malley using her Blackberry.

  • LocalYokel says:

    I love O’Malley, but her final liveblogging entry yesterday was the best of her many, many words:

    “Kady: Sometimes, an entirely event-free evening is the best possible outcome, although definitely not the most suited to liveblogging. In any case, I’ll be back on the job tomorrow, bright and early, so be sure to check back for a fresh new blog!”

    We got total coverage of the media center, brought to you from Blackberry, courtesy of the CBC. Awesome work.

    Do you think O’Malley could be taught to use a Marantz?

    Hollett’s latest blog posting was hilarious. Paraphrased: there were some foreign women meeting and then the earthquake struck, now they’re leaving the country. They were here, naturally, to network.

  • Anonymous says:

    Personally I loved the earthquake coverage. Was there any possible way to blame this on the G20?
    Amil Niazi, another G20 blogger, says she, too, thought the G20 was to blame. “I got up and ran to the window, ready to grumble at whatever G20 cavalry was marching down Front Street and was genuinely kind of relieved that it was an earthquake,” said Niazi.

    Perhaps a sign of things to come.

  • Fake Lewis Carroll says:

  • Fake Daily Kos says:

    I stumbled upon this site by googling

    fox propaganda

  • LocalYokel says:

    Keep humping that social media scene, Ceeb.
    I can’t wait for the grainy photos, Micheal Bay-esque video, and crackly audio.

    Allison Smith: “And now to our top story… we go to a pre-recorded bit from the G20 Street team, brought to you by Apple’s IPhone, watch all the news and social media fun stuff on your IPAD, and remember to tune into The National tonight but if you miss the show you can always download the podcast.”
    “G20 team leader Hollett,cross-platform storyteller, and former VJ who has interviewed many famous people… what’s up downtown?”

    Hollett: “Haha, I just tweeted. Read it on @jenniferhollett. My favourite cafe’s sidewalk tables have been removed for the barrier. However the street meat sushi is quite passable, though I’m sure there’s been some trouble getting foreign fish through all the security checks. Oops, I just saw a protester wearing a George Bush mask – gotta bounce.”

    A Smith: “Remember to check out all our G20 street team reports on, also availible as a podcast….”

  • Anonymous says:

    And here is blogger Kim Fox, blogging about the Tweets she DIDN’T WRITE because there was nothing to tweet about!

  • Panties in a bunch says:

    The latest from horny citizen blogger Dale Boyer:

    “This is a vast generalization, but it is not an uncommon thing for people, specifically women, to enjoy men in uniform. Firefighters and policemen are often the focus of bachelorette parties, calendars and late-night movies. So you can imagine my feelings when, as I was walking out of a drugstore within spitting distance of the fence, I found myself in a crowd of police officers decked out in all their police-y gear.”

  • WTF? says:

    C’mon Phillip Lee-Shanok and Laurie Graham,
    We’re paying good money for the shite we heard/saw on the G20 Summit on Monday? The radio and tv pieces on cops getting ready for the G20 were strictly from the “if there is no news, make-it-up” school of journalism. The rest of the country does not to hear every burp and fart from the margins of the summit. Move along, there’s nothing happening here.

  • Anonymous says:

    hollett, the team leader. also another fucking much music VJ.

    • Is Terry David Mulligan still alive? says:

      It must suck to be one of the 2 or 3 ex-MuchMusic VJs that hasn’t been hired by the CBC yet….

  • Anonymous says:

    Also, Kady O’Malley really seems to know how to get her chin into a photo:

  • Anonymous says:

    Nothing to add to this except this incredibly new media-ish photo of Jennifer “The Cross-Platform Experience” Hollett (as she is described there).

  • LocalYokel says:

    Follow the links to “the team” (led by former VJ Hollett) and there’s a bizarre “CBC Team” attached to the team of “real” people (do any of them have jobs? minus the high school student) is a group of interactive CBC textperts and producers and writers…. all very much interested in social media, apparently.

    O’Malley gets a pass, because she’s awesome, but the rest?

    I’ll be curious to follow the production level of these journalists in the CBC’s core mandate of broadcasting and reaching the regions of Canada that don’t have a voice. Can’t wait to hear them on the radio or see the footage or interviews they’ve done for tv.

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