They offered me the office, offered me the shop. They said I'd better take anything they'd got. Do you wanna make tea at the CBC? Do you wanna be, do you really wanna be a cop?
Wouldn’t it all have been more YouTube-friendly if Ms Lohan had exchanged high fives with Conrad Black on her way in, and his way out? #jail (about 3 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
News Flash – I am looking to hire a new assistant (10 minutes ago by @peoplesrev)
LMFAO! First sign of poor management? Revolving door for employees. Nice going, Kelly. Who would want to be Kelly’s bitch? Well, Jian has some free time this month….
LIGHTS special ACOUSTIC tour is now sold out! #LIGHTSACOUSTIC -@jeremythebug (about 7 hours ago by @lights)
As predicted, LIGHTS boasts about her sold out Acoustic (ahem, coffee-house) tour. But that’s easy to predict, because LIGHTS boasts about everything she does: taking a shower, drinking a cup of Tim Hortons coffee, playing videogames, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
@jianghomeshi where are you (about 7 hours ago by @peoplesrev)
At first, I was going to make fun of Kelly’s desperate tweet. But, you know what? It just doesn’t matter! I don’t care enough about Kelly, Jian or Lights anymore to make any witty comment about them. They are sad. They are desperately seeking attention. I’m not giving it to them (at least not after this comment). They are boring. DONE!
Maybe Jian is updating his website to include his MTV The City appearance this Wednesday:
Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.
Apache/1.3.39 Server at Port 80
Jian loves being the underdog. He creates situations where he becomes the underdog. Passive aggressive. It’s why he & Lights are on “The City”. Rebel, rebel…
Yet another disappointment for Jian in a lifetime of disappointments. Well, at least he’s still got the upcoming Lillith Fair tour with Lights – that is, if there’s any dates left after all of the cancellations : Tennessee, Arizona, Florida, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Texas…..
Is German-Canadian Lights allowed to root for Germany to beat England this morning or is she not allowed to because her British-English-Iranian-Persian-Canadian manager (Jian) is rooting for England?
Paying the price of #G20 so far?: Taxpayers; Open streets; Democratic expression; Tourism; Toronto’s image; and…Swiss Chalet. (about 2 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
What the f**k does this mean, anyway? Can anyone explain it?
She should be tweeting that she’s “stoked” to be playing the St. Catherine’s Music Festival on Sunday, but the girl just doesn’t understand the marketing aspect of twitter (which is weird, because she & Jian are all about the marketing, not the music).
Hasn’t even been a week since tix for my acoustic tour went on sale and they’re almost sold out! Still a few left @ (38 minutes ago by @lights)
Holy boasting!!! That’s because there are usually only about 20 seats in a coffee shop, LIGHTS. Try & get out of your apartment a little more often.
She’s one of those Canadian “pop stars” with no successful albums or hit singles and a fan base so small that she can’t play anything bigger than a coffee house…..and also can’t afford air conditioning…..
Me: What makes a great artist? Jerry Saltz (Art Critic, New York magazine): “Originality. Obsession. The willingness to fail flamboyantly.” (about 4 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
Does Jian think Lights is a great artists because she will fail flamboyantly on “The City”. Don’t they both just look pathetic & desperate & unreliable?
ok. made me look.
“biggest pop star in canada” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
is that a white lie? or a big one?
jian should be pilloried and spanked. unbelievable jerkoff/opportunist/emptyhead. this gets to host the flagship arts and culture program on the cbc?!!!!
can we please have our arts scene back? you know eleanor wachtel was pushed out of the way – and many many many other more talented and appropriate people NEVER got the chance to do a better job. how embarrassing for us and the CBC.
the management behind Q are among the most uncultured, superficial idiots in the country.
The CBC should be embarrassed to have Jian – one of their media & cultural representatives – on a completely fake and staged American “reality” show in the service of himself and his client. To the international audience, it will look like the CBC employs nothing but show business hucksters & clowns.
Jian & Lights both look gross and dirty and totally out of their element on that show. They look more suited to be browsing the rack of a Salvation Army than a New York fashion designer!
But isn’t it an interesting snapshot on the LIGHTS/Jian relationship? He makes all the decisions, she’s the puppet. They promise to endorse a product, then change their minds without consultation. Who would want to work with them again?
But doesn’t Kelly look gross & dirty & totally out of her element? Seriously, why would anyone listen to her about what to wear…does she even own a mirror, or a comb?
You’re right Roxy, you can’t force LIGHTS to wear the clothes, just like you can’t force her to have integrity, or to be honest, or to live up to her promises. It’s not your fault she says one thing & does another (kind of like her manager).
MTV canceled “The Hills” which gets higher ratings than “The City” (a spinoff of “The Hills”). “The City” will be canceled too, which is no surprise considering the level of guest “stars” (Jian & Lights) .
@mtvcanada @jianghomeshi @lights what are we doing for the aftershow next week -? (22 minutes ago by @peoplesrev)
Jian’s girlfriend is coming back to T.O. Long distance relationships are so hard. She couldn’t stay away for more than a few weeks. When is he going to visit Kelly & her little girl in New York?
@mtvcanada um we need props for this North American merger/love fest @lights @jianghomeshi hey Dan Hey Jess Next week – Intersection (14 minutes ago by @peoplesrev)
Is the management at CBC TV okay with the fact that Jian(Lights’) participation in an MTV program is drawing viewers AWAY from CBC programs? In other words, working for the competition, which in most jobs in the real world, is grounds for dismissal?
In other news… I’m putting on a contest for all of Team Lights to design a shirt you can all rep. Do one! (about 6 hours ago by @lights)
Why bother being creative when you can get your minions to do it for you, right Lights?
They’ve taken so many short cuts to achieving fame & notoriety and none of them have payed off. Jian and Lights don’t understand that the music is the most important thing. They think that they can trick people into liking her.
I wonder what CBC Radio thinks about having such an obvious aspirant to lowest common denominator, American pop culture garbage, hosting a Canadian Arts & Culture program?
Jian made a deal with the devil to try to resurrect Lights CD from the dead. If Jian thinks that being on a reality TV show helps to sell albums he might want to check this out :
North America Media Madness – @LIGHTS @jianghomeshi join us on The City next week – Hey Lights – amazing product shot of the cd – JJ – well (14 minutes ago by @peoplesrev)
Are they all going to hang out at indie bookstore? With Miley Cyrus?
And it doesn’t matter if they deny it, because P.R. is what Kelly is doing for them by having them on on her show with an “amazing product shot of the cd”. Too obvious.
Hmmmmmmmmmm…….Jian & Light both retweeted Kelly’s tweet within minutes. It’s after midnight on the east coast, good thing that Jian & Lights were both up! What a coincidink!
Thanks. RT @solabusca @jianghomeshi re: indie bookstores – I rarely say it, but preach it, brother. (about 8 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
What a hypocrite. Jian worships at the altar of Ipod & Amazon, Itunes, Starbucks, Reality TV, Pop Culture Disney Teen Stars like Miley Sirus, Hollywood Celebrityville…..but he waxes romantic about indie bookstores? He’s part of the problem, not the solution.
Spiderman, Spiderman, friendly neighborhood Spiderman, wealth and fame he’s ignored, action is his reward. <<< Amazing lyrics. (about an hour ago by @lights)
I guess she doesn't remember Jian's band used to play this song at concerts…oh yeah…she was only 5 years old….
Miley Cyrus is Lights’ biggest fan? Yeah, Lights. She’s your market, and you should collaborate and write songs for Miley. Go work for Disney. So much for being Canada’s answer to Bjork.
And will Jian make money while the sun shines on his client? Or will they just bask in the glory of Miley’s appreciation & realize someday that they should have heeded the sirens call and wrote songs for the wondrous Miley?
It sounds like a new marketing ploy from Jian : say that popular artists are fans of Lights, then maybe their fans will become Lights fans…….the truth is, if Miley’s really a fan, she’s one of the few. Lights lack of success speaks for itself.
She’s such a “massive fan” but she’s never asked Lights to open for her at one of her stadium shows. The fact that Jian even mentioned this alleged encounter just proves how desperate & needy Team Lights is getting. You don’t see any other “indie” artists groveling before mainstream artists wanting their approval & endorsement.
Lights is only an “indie artist” in order to get grants. Her real ambition, as she told Kelly Cutrone, is “unbridled power”! She’s taking over the world, one coffee house at a time.
Opportunity knocks and Jian is too busy thinking about his next tweet to notice. Jian was probably also excited that he would be able to scratch Miley Cyrus off his “Celebrities that I want to meet!” list.
Guess Lights couldn’t find anyone to do her hair? Did she just step out of the shower? And she probably does a “ton of covers” cause she’s too lazy to write her own songs…
Andrew Potter, for Maclean’s, writes about culture?
He believes that one particular gem from Horsley deserves to brought forward for everyone’s enlightenment:
“The internet is loser central, and it is basically replacing masturbation as a leisure activity.â€
Yeah, like that’s an original and insightful observation that’s in any way valid.
Cheers, @PotterGold. Thx for the kind shout-out in
(27 minutes ago by @jianghomeshi)
The “kind shout out” – as Jian interprets it – is in reference to Sebastian Horsley, who died this weekend of an apparent heroin overdose. Jian did an interview with him, that Q reposted. Jian thinks that he got a “kind shout out” when the topic at hand was Sebastian Horsley and his untimely death. Quite a tasteless display of narcissism from Jian.
I’ve eaten three already. eep. RT @lights Headed to the MMVAs. There are Werther’s in this car! Anything else that happens tonight is gravy (9 minutes ago by @jianghomeshi)
The happy couple are sitting in the same car & tweeting each other. Weird. Anyone surprised that they are going as dates to an award show? Anyone?
Two users using each other! They totally deserve each other. Now they don’t even pretend to have a relationship other than business and only see each other when it’s business related (like tonight). The honeymoon is over! It’s only a matter of time before these two go their separate ways.
Notice she hasn’t mentioned the award her video is up for, or thanked anyone for the nomination? or mentioned that it’s an honour? Apparently, candy is more important, and an award is an extra. Stay classy, Lights.
She’s starting to take all the award shows and nominations for granted because everything’s come so easy for her (because of Jian) and she hasn’t had to work for it.
If she was paying attention to how her career is going, she’d realize that every nomination/award show could be her last.
And maybe her last. The novelty is wearing off, her cuteness is becoming forced, and Jian may want to start moving on, given that he is halfway through his life & may not want to go to the MMVA’s when he’s fifty.
On the @warcraft load page, this is my favourite tip: When interacting with other players, a little kindness goes a long way. (about 3 hours ago by @lights)
Captain Lights doesn’t see the contradiction between warcraft & kindness.
The Radio Starmaker Fund is really getting their money’s worth on this one. She’s bound to become a huge star in the U.S. with all the exposure that she’ll get from playing “tiny” coffeehouses.
It’s pretty sad when your fanbase is so small that you’re playing coffee houses and offering a free CD to people who come to see you play. She should offer free coffee instead.
Her SONGS are sad, dude. It’s all about being lonely, hold me, save me, don’t leave me, don’t be cold to me, don’t leave me, I’m a victim, boo hoo! Nothing sexy, sassy, bold, or happy. Grumpy girl. She belongs on Lilith tour – the moaning mammaries.
He’s an absentee manager except when she’s going to an awards show or is on tour in a city like LA, New York or London. He’s really not putting the effort that he used to put into it anymore. Could it be that he is disappointed at Lights’s lack of success for all of his efforts and now thinks “Why bother?”
Exactly! He did it all for nothing. He’s wasted 9 years of his life on a childish dunce with no discernible talent. That’s 9 years of his life that he won’t be getting back and Lights’ “career” is going downhill fast. She’s no longer a “new artist” so that novelty is gone and the next stop on her trip down will be either “has-been”, or more likely “never-was”.
I like Barney’s outfit on The Flinstones. I want a ragged, brown leather tube with a little thread X on the front too. (24 minutes ago by @lights)
I wonder if it would be better for Lights if Jian considered moving her into a career in children’s entertainment. Nikki Yanofsky is 5 years younger than her, but is far more mature and has a wider appeal to an adult audience, and is therefore more successful.
I wonder if anyone out there wants to be a Poonanian with me ?
Maybe Jian can start his own soccer team for the next world cup – The Nowherians.
It can be all the mutts that are too mixed to be on one specific team, of course they have to be able to be stuck up about it.
Why is Jyawn wasting his tweets on the World Cup when he should be busy hyping up Lights Acoustic EP. I hear that it’s the best thing since Peter Frampton’s last bowel movement!
True! He should be promoting her upcoming show in Ottawa, hyping her new acoustic album & her MMVA nomination on Sunday. Instead he’s all about the soccer & she’s reliving her childhood with Barney & Winnie-the-Pooh. Promote your client, Jian! Don’t let the magazines do it all for you.
If Jian curbed his “partayyy!!!” lifestyle & stayed home now & then, his “Nowherian” book would be finished & he could promote it on Q like everyone else. Dude has ADD.
So true. It took him 7 years to get Lights a record contract and when he finally got her one it was with a small independent label! He’s a real Wonderboy, that Jian.
Better be a sexy fish. And can it help England? RT @melissagraceh I named my fish Jian. Hope you’re proud. (2 minutes ago by @jianghomeshi)
Actually, it’s probably a self-involved fish that sucks all the oxygen out of the tank & chases after all the female fish (if there are any female fish).
My acoustic tour won’t hit Canada but it’s the only place you can get hard copy acoustic EP in stores. Fret not Canux! (about 3 hours ago by @lights)
Yah – it ain’t hitting Canada ’cause we’re all embarrassed for you, hon’….Former Juno winner playing solo acoustic tour….mmm-hmmmm….
And how many versions of “Saviour” is she gonna do? She had 3 versions of it on “The Listening” and she had Adam from Owl City do a remix of it recently and last year she released the “Saviour EP” with 3 versions of it on that EP :
Here’s an idea : how about writing some new songs?
Is she realizing she can’t compete in the Pop Big Leagues so it’s time to become the “sensitive balladeer”? Does that explain the pathetic photo? Is Captain Lights feeling moody? I feel sorry for her. She really doesn’t know who she is.
Why isn’t Lights touring Japan/Asia? She’s the perfect fit! I bet she’d be huge there! Why does she keep hovering around the states? Think global, Captain Lights!
Lights unplugged (cause she can’t afford to pay her band without a grant). Looks like she’s officially dumped her Captain Lights persona and is moving onto becoming a hippie-chick (you heard it hear first).
Not available in stores…..retailers refusing to carry your CD is not a sign that you’re doing well….and giving away free copies to anyone that buys a ticket to your show sounds like desperation…..
Good point about it being a solo acoustic tour because she can’t afford to pay her band without a grant. And only six dates? Starting in Philly and ending in LA. What’s this obsession that Jian & Lights have with her playing in LA? Are they hoping that she’ll discovered? It’s like they’re doing this mini tour just to give her an excuse to play in LA again.
Jian, Lights and George Strombolopolos should all go to Schwab’s Drugstore in Hollywood and hang out and wait for a talent scout to discover them ala Lana Turner.
Me thinks it shall be a good one this morn with Bruce Cockburn, @TheNewPornos, and @SookYinLee all joining me in studio Q. (about 2 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
Does Sook Yin Lee have a book she’s selling like Peter Mansbridge did & Kathryn Borel?
Well if that’s your girlfriend she wasn’t today RT @LegendaryChild: @peoplesrev Kelly-talking shit about people on twitter is pretty lame. Esp because Leslie is one of the sweetest grls i know. Grow up.
Notice how since Kelly came into Jian’s life he has less time for Lights? Jian is such a user. He’ll be all over Lights when the Lillith Fair tour starts up but when there’s nothing going on in her life he doesn’t have time for her.
When she’s back living in Bumf@ck, British Columbia in a few years, she’s really going to regret never venturing out of her house when she was living in T.O. She’s wasting the best years of her life alone in her apartment.
She owes him for everything. She’d be nothing without him, that’s for sure. But the truth is, she’d probably be better off never having come across a scumbag like Jian, filling her head with nonsense, telling her that she was going to be a star and that she is the greatest thing since Frampton or whoever else. He’s been fucking with this girl’s head since she was 14 when he should have just left her alone.
Chuck giving me the evil eye when I try to paparazzi him. He’s a local. (26 minutes ago by @lights)
How sad is this! She tours the world, is in every Canadian magazine, but her manager/boyfriend is partying at a Bruce Cockburn tribute concert with great Canadian talent and she’s at home taking pictures of spiders? This girl needs an intervention.
Taped an upcoming TV episode w/ Mamma Yamma. I think we may be dating now. See how happy she looks in this photo from yesterday: (about 6 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
Is this Jian’s sneaky way of making fun of Kelly’s antics last week?
Jian’s girlfriend Kelly’s vitriol: Also Leslie Minora from @villagevoice calls 17-23 y.o. Women insecure – fuck you,the economy sucks , they are just starting out and trying to find their way – you are a an univited blogger to a free event in a park – pathetic hater.
Pathetic haters in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, Kelly.
Her tweets are even more self conscious than Jian’s. It’s always “I, me, my” with her. “Here’s another tweet about me”….she needs to take a break from herself.
Why is it, no matter how often a guest is on Q, they still receive a long-winded introduction as if it’s their first time? Does Jian like the sound of his own voice?
It’s Q’s copy of The Hour’s long-winded, redundant intro of a guest. George did a 5 minute intro for Tom Cruise…going film by film listing his credits with clips from his movies….explaining to his pop culture obsessed audience who Tom is…
And it never matters how famous the guest is…if Jian interviewed Jesus, I’m sure there would be 5 minute introduction on all of his accomplishments. Okay, Jian, we all know about turning the water into wine, NOW START THE INTERVIEW & LET HIM SPEAK!
Yep. It’s redundant for a celebrity interview show to be explaining who the celebrity is. Jian says that he does it to provide “context” for his audience, because Jian thinks that his audience would be totally lost if Jian didn’t explain who Billy Bob Thornton is before he interviews him about his band. It’s patronizing to his audience, but Jian does think that he’s smarter than everyone else, as does George.
Jian is going to be on Mamma Yamma? Is this his way of redeeming himself because he has no children? Or is he looking for a new audience? Is there any other CBC show (other than Hockey Night in Canada) that he hasn’t been on?
Producer of the Toronto Persian version of Jersey Shore says that it is no longer going to be the Toronto Persian version of Jersey Shore (and won’t Jian be disappointed) :
Dear all,
Lake Shore’s concept has evolved since the last statement I’ve made in regards with this reality show. It is no longer the Persian version of Jersey Shore. It is now about a cultural clash.
“‘Jersey Shore’ meets ‘Big Brother’. Fireworks explode and personalities collide as eight over-the-top men and women from various ethnic backgrounds move into a house together.â€
They probably couldn’t find enough Persians who would humiliate themselves on this “show”, so they had to expand the profile to include other cultures.
With a simple sine and words that rhyme I’ll spout my thoughts and a synth line. (place music note emoticon here) (about a minute ago by @lights)
betcha lights’ tweets will no longer be the zany, spontaneous outbursts they once were now that she knows she is being scrutinized – she’s a marketing machine
She and Jian are stupid to put the cart before the horse with an over-saturation of publicity when her music is still amateurish and just plain bad. And her personality leaves a lot to be desired. Who wants to read an interview with a 23 year old girl that has the mentality of a 10 year old and who is at her most articulate when talking about video games?
What makes me laugh is that Jian has wasted almost 10 years of his life on this girl and she sucks. Jian’s judgement is terrible. He shouldn’t be a manager.
He’s going to have some major regrets when he’s canned by the CBC (inevitable), Lights can’t even get a gig at a bar and The Peanut Factory goes into foreclosure and he’s no longer living 100 feet from Regent Park but right smack dab in the heart of it.
And Kelly Cutrone is being discrete! Did she actually learn something last week? Or lose clients?
RT @Videofashion: Calling all Kelly Cutrone fans! The @peoplesrev star is giving a free lecture ’bout her book 2morrow in Bryant Park:
LEAF (Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests) has put together a stellar eco art show & fund raising bash:
Along with notable Torontonians, photographer Vincenzo Pietropaolo has developed a series of “favourite tree” portraits that will be unveiled and available for auction at this event.
Jian, with Atom Egoyan, Amy Millan and Adrienne Clarkson (to name a few) have all collaborated on the series, in support of this worthy cause.
These marketing events reek of insincerity. Using the environment to promote yourself. “I’m such a good person! This is my favourite tree! It’s not about the tree, though, it’s all about ME! ME! ME!” A better ideal would be to have all these celebs PLANT trees (& leave their cars at home).
Shouldn’t Jiji be focusing on finding a Persian woman to help spread is Iranian seed instead of spending so much time with white woman after white woman ?
Have your video broadcast on CBC as a part of Culture Days 2010, hosted by Jian Ghomeshi.
CBC Television and Freeze Frame are teaming up to provide a select group of young people aged 14 to 18 the chance to create a one-minute video exploring the arts and culture.
Entitled “Show Off!” a collection of the one-minute videos will be broadcast by CBC September 24 as part of Culture Days 2010.
Jian ditching Lights for a younger artist with more potential is inevitable. I doubt that he wants to be managing an unsuccessful artist when he’s 50 (which is only a few years away).
And she sure hasn’t lived up to his early hype in 2003 :
” i’ve signed a new artist named
VALERIE who is the best thing in rock/pop music since PETER FRAMPTON
came alive. actually even better. can’t wait for you to hear her.”
It is funny that he chose that as the apex of pop/rock music. Who knew that all of the music released between 1976 and 2003 wasn’t as good as “Frampton Comes Alive”?
I hope that he never gets rid of LIGHTS. It would suck if he was managing an artist that was actually talented. He would be even more of an egomaniac, if that’s even possible…
Got case launched to ombudsman against Q today for playing Broken Social Scene’s “Texaco Bitches.” Listener said the song is “misogynist.” (5 minutes ago by @jianghomeshi)
You mean Jian can’t do & say whatever he wants?!?! And if the misogynist shoe fits, Jian, maybe you should wear it…right girls?
Jian must be happy. Jian has had it in for Broken Social Scene lead singer Kevin Drew for a long time because he’s Feist’s (another one of Jian’s failed conquests) boyfriend.
That whole album has been a miserable failure, yet she’s on the cover of magazines and she going to be on the Lillith tour and also on an American TV show (The City).
Do other musical failures get such great treatment or just the ones that are Jian’s client?
Take the “Jian is her manager” factor out of the equation and all that you have is a below average singer who can’t write a half-decent song to save her life.
Confirmed: Ralph Macchio – the REAL Karate Kid! – joins me on Q this Wed. You must see this (if you’ve not yet): (about 9 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
Jian works so hard to appear young. Yet he undoes all this hard work by even KNOWING who Ralph Macchio is. Dumb.
substitute host … making good impression … on audience … must remind … listeners … it’s … my show …
Wouldn’t it all have been more YouTube-friendly if Ms Lohan had exchanged high fives with Conrad Black on her way in, and his way out? #jail (about 3 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
Wow, Jian, could you be MORE insensitive?
Jian loves a petophile joke …. unless it’s him being called out.
A plausible scenario … It was a question that came up when Jian heard LIGHTS gagging in the bathroom after they had sex …
Jian’s main pick up line to the white tweens he likes to date is “hey, you know I manage Lights” ?
Oh…I thought it was “I also date Lights”. Ooops!
News Flash – I am looking to hire a new assistant (10 minutes ago by @peoplesrev)
LMFAO! First sign of poor management? Revolving door for employees. Nice going, Kelly. Who would want to be Kelly’s bitch? Well, Jian has some free time this month….
LIGHTS special ACOUSTIC tour is now sold out! #LIGHTSACOUSTIC -@jeremythebug (about 7 hours ago by @lights)
As predicted, LIGHTS boasts about her sold out Acoustic (ahem, coffee-house) tour. But that’s easy to predict, because LIGHTS boasts about everything she does: taking a shower, drinking a cup of Tim Hortons coffee, playing videogames, zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
@jianghomeshi where are you (about 7 hours ago by @peoplesrev)
At first, I was going to make fun of Kelly’s desperate tweet. But, you know what? It just doesn’t matter! I don’t care enough about Kelly, Jian or Lights anymore to make any witty comment about them. They are sad. They are desperately seeking attention. I’m not giving it to them (at least not after this comment). They are boring. DONE!
FUCK THE THREE STOOGES! They aint nuttin but a waste of time!
Follow Ice-T. Now that mothafucka can tweet!
Jian’s use of the word “Canuckistan” was enough to irk one fellow tweeter, but Jian was quick to explain …
Today’s lesson from Jian:

Using the term “Canuckistan” is an example of IRONY.
Suggesting “moving up” here is an example of SARCASM.
Jian’s use of the word “Canuckistan” was enough to irk one fellow tweeter, but Jian was quick to explain …
Today’s lesson from Jian:
Using the term “Canuckistan” is an example of IRONY.
Suggesting “moving up” here is an example of SARCASM.
Maybe Jian is updating his website to include his MTV The City appearance this Wednesday:
Bandwidth Limit Exceeded
The server is temporarily unable to service your request due to the site owner reaching his/her bandwidth limit. Please try again later.
Apache/1.3.39 Server at Port 80
Didn’t that happen at the end of last month too? Jian must be running his website on the cheap.
Jian loves being the underdog. He creates situations where he becomes the underdog. Passive aggressive. It’s why he & Lights are on “The City”. Rebel, rebel…
He’s an underdog in the romance department too. That’s where his ego really shines. No woman is good enough for the perfect-only-in-his-own-mind Jian.
he could have a happy home life if really wanted it. he prefers drama…hence Kelly!!!
Yeah, Jean likes the idea of women fighting over him. Even if they’re as gross as Kelly & Lights.
Jian is the type of guy fathers warn their daughters about & brothers protect their sisters from.
It’s Deutschland, not Deutchland, Wonderboy.
Yet another disappointment for Jian in a lifetime of disappointments. Well, at least he’s still got the upcoming Lillith Fair tour with Lights – that is, if there’s any dates left after all of the cancellations : Tennessee, Arizona, Florida, Alabama, Pennsylvania, Texas…..
It’s good to see that Jian’s reverse midas touch is still in effect.
Never fails!
Is German-Canadian Lights allowed to root for Germany to beat England this morning or is she not allowed to because her British-English-Iranian-Persian-Canadian manager (Jian) is rooting for England?
Paying the price of #G20 so far?: Taxpayers; Open streets; Democratic expression; Tourism; Toronto’s image; and…Swiss Chalet. (about 2 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
What the f**k does this mean, anyway? Can anyone explain it?
He left out “Awards Show Hosts”….
I hope that the G-20 summit hasn’t put a crimp in Jian’s usual weekend awards show hosting routine.
Won’t he be at one of the dinners trying to get an interview out of Obama?
Why is Lights all alone on a Friday night? Shouldn’t Jian be there with her helping her pick out an outfit?
She should be tweeting that she’s “stoked” to be playing the St. Catherine’s Music Festival on Sunday, but the girl just doesn’t understand the marketing aspect of twitter (which is weird, because she & Jian are all about the marketing, not the music).
About to head to SCENE fest. Who’s goin’? (about an hour ago by @lights)
Not your manager, it seems. He’s busy watching a soccer game, & you’re only going to St. Catharines…yawnn….if it was New York, he’d be there.
” Weeeelp! This calls for a brew. ”
Does this look like a man you can trust?
The leather jacket says that he’s a rock n’ roller trapped in the body of a talk radio host.
Moxy Fruvous was about as “rock n’ roll” as Raffi.
LIGHTS is about as “rock & roll” as the Smurfs or The Chipmunks.
Doesn’t what they do to Roxy on The City this just prove, much like Jian and Billy Bob Thornton, that Jian’s word doesn’t mean shit?
ya, their credibility is becoming a problem…
Poor Roxy. She doesn’t deserve to get screwed over like that by Jian & Lights (a couple of losers).
Good luck getting free merch EVER again, Jian/Lights!
A CBC radio host wants to be a reality tv star? Whodathunkit?
Preview of Jian Ghomeshi & Lights on The City (video mirrored) :
Facebook is on the lookout for impostors; but only Lights impostors.
Is Lights trying to claim that Mark Zuckerberg is a Lights fan?
How can someone who is fake be a fake of themselves? Mind-bender!
Lights claims are starting to get more and more far-fetched :
How apropos :
Hasn’t even been a week since tix for my acoustic tour went on sale and they’re almost sold out! Still a few left @ (38 minutes ago by @lights)
Holy boasting!!! That’s because there are usually only about 20 seats in a coffee shop, LIGHTS. Try & get out of your apartment a little more often.
“Still a few left”….EEP!!!!!
If she doesn’t sell out her coffee house tour will she no longer be able to claim that she’s “one of the biggest pop stars in Canadaâ€?
She’s one of those Canadian “pop stars” with no successful albums or hit singles and a fan base so small that she can’t play anything bigger than a coffee house…..and also can’t afford air conditioning…..
Correct me if I’m wrong, but doesn’t “pop music” mean “popular music “?
….and “pop star” mean “popular star”?
…or is it “popular music star”? Either way, how does a coffee house performer qualify as a “pop star”?
Bragging about selling out a coffee house is even more pathetic than bragging about YouTube hits. Jian & Lights are sinking even lower.
Me: What makes a great artist? Jerry Saltz (Art Critic, New York magazine): “Originality. Obsession. The willingness to fail flamboyantly.” (about 4 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
Does Jian think Lights is a great artists because she will fail flamboyantly on “The City”. Don’t they both just look pathetic & desperate & unreliable?
Notice how Ke$ha appears on “The City” alone but Lights needs her manager along to hold her hand?
Synopsis of next week’s episode of “The City” (Featuring Lights & Jian Ghomeshi) :
Kelly says that there’s a “Fashion emergency. Lights, who’s…like…one of the biggest pop stars in Canada, is on tour….”
Kelly says that she thinks that “it would be a very, very, very bad thing if one of (Lights) outfits were not Whitney Eve.”
Roxy is showing Lights a rack of Whitney Eve line clothing
Some old guy wearing a man scarf says that “It’s gotta feel more rock n’ roll!”
Roxy shows Lights a leather jacket
Lights says “Oh my god! It’s so cool!!!”
Roxy is happy
Lights is on stage (opening for Paper Route & Owl City)
Whitney is shocked that Lights isn’t wearing anything from her collection
Whitney reams out Roxy because Lights isn’t wearing anything from her collection
Roxy says “I can’t force her to wear your stuff!”
Back at their apartment, Whitney tells Roxy that “if you can’t pull through, then you shouldn’t be doing this anymore!”
The End
One correction : Lights says “Oh my goodness! I love it!” When Roxy shows her the leather jacket.
Preview of next week’s episode of “The City” at 19:49 :
ok. made me look.
“biggest pop star in canada” HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA
is that a white lie? or a big one?
jian should be pilloried and spanked. unbelievable jerkoff/opportunist/emptyhead. this gets to host the flagship arts and culture program on the cbc?!!!!
can we please have our arts scene back? you know eleanor wachtel was pushed out of the way – and many many many other more talented and appropriate people NEVER got the chance to do a better job. how embarrassing for us and the CBC.
the management behind Q are among the most uncultured, superficial idiots in the country.
The CBC should be embarrassed to have Jian – one of their media & cultural representatives – on a completely fake and staged American “reality” show in the service of himself and his client. To the international audience, it will look like the CBC employs nothing but show business hucksters & clowns.
…not JUST the international audience…
Why does Canada’s biggest pop star not have air conditioning?
& since when is she “rock & roll”?
Jian & Lights both look gross and dirty and totally out of their element on that show. They look more suited to be browsing the rack of a Salvation Army than a New York fashion designer!
But isn’t it an interesting snapshot on the LIGHTS/Jian relationship? He makes all the decisions, she’s the puppet. They promise to endorse a product, then change their minds without consultation. Who would want to work with them again?
It makes LIGHTs look contrived & phony.
But doesn’t Kelly look gross & dirty & totally out of her element? Seriously, why would anyone listen to her about what to wear…does she even own a mirror, or a comb?
You’re right Roxy, you can’t force LIGHTS to wear the clothes, just like you can’t force her to have integrity, or to be honest, or to live up to her promises. It’s not your fault she says one thing & does another (kind of like her manager).
“one of the biggest pop stars in Canada”…..ROFL
MTV canceled “The Hills” which gets higher ratings than “The City” (a spinoff of “The Hills”). “The City” will be canceled too, which is no surprise considering the level of guest “stars” (Jian & Lights) .
Especially now that Kelly is booking all her boyfriends on the show….
It’s a safe bet that the Jian-Lights episode of The City will be the lowest rated episode of the season.
They should have an episode where Kelly catches Jian hitting on one of the revolting people interns. Busted!
They should have an episode where Jian attempts to jump over a shark but fails….that would be awesome!!
@mtvcanada @jianghomeshi @lights what are we doing for the aftershow next week -? (22 minutes ago by @peoplesrev)
Jian’s girlfriend is coming back to T.O. Long distance relationships are so hard. She couldn’t stay away for more than a few weeks. When is he going to visit Kelly & her little girl in New York?
It’s funny how Kelly wasn’t on Twitter for 20 hours and her first tweet when she comes back on is to MTV Canada about Jian & Lights being on The City.
Lights is being strangely silent on Twitter regarding her Hollywood debut.
She’s prolly too coked up right now and forgot that Jian told her to re-tweet any mention of him and her being on “The City”.
Hey PoonGirl. Keep asking Jian this same question and see how many times he retweets it….
Why is taking Jian so long to update his website to include his “The City” appearance? Isn’t he proud to be on a “reality” show?
Is it okay for English soccer players to play for Portugal?
Jian only plays for team Jian/Lights.
Is it okay for Peter Mansbridge to start doing a show on Global?
@mtvcanada um we need props for this North American merger/love fest @lights @jianghomeshi hey Dan Hey Jess Next week – Intersection (14 minutes ago by @peoplesrev)
Is the management at CBC TV okay with the fact that Jian(Lights’) participation in an MTV program is drawing viewers AWAY from CBC programs? In other words, working for the competition, which in most jobs in the real world, is grounds for dismissal?
And MTV Canada is owned by CTVglobemedia AKA “the competition”.
Jian is will even be pulling listeners away from “Q” to watch MTV. They’re on at the same time. Nice.
Q is on Wednesdays at 10 pm?
10:30 in Newfoundland
In other news… I’m putting on a contest for all of Team Lights to design a shirt you can all rep. Do one! (about 6 hours ago by @lights)
Why bother being creative when you can get your minions to do it for you, right Lights?
I’m trying to think of a cool event or name
to attach myself to.
Anybody got anything?
I wonder if Jian will be updating his bio to include “Jian recently paid Kelly Cutrone money to let him appear on MTV’s “The City”?
Lights has lost all indie cred, street cred, talent cred. All this exposure, & she’s still playing coffee shops?
They’ve taken so many short cuts to achieving fame & notoriety and none of them have payed off. Jian and Lights don’t understand that the music is the most important thing. They think that they can trick people into liking her.
Everyone that buys a ticket to Lights coffee house gig gets a free copy of Lights Acoustic CD. In other words, everyone gets a free coaster.
It seems that fame is more important to Lights/Jian than making music or making a living.
I wonder what CBC Radio thinks about having such an obvious aspirant to lowest common denominator, American pop culture garbage, hosting a Canadian Arts & Culture program?
Even Ben Mulroney knows where to draw the line with pop culture. Not so our jian/lights.
Jian has crossed the line from reporting about pop culture to being a part of it.
Who will Drive Your Soul, Lights? Kelly Cutrone, the Nosferatu of public relations. Wear a helmet.
Jian made a deal with the devil to try to resurrect Lights CD from the dead. If Jian thinks that being on a reality TV show helps to sell albums he might want to check this out :
“Heidi Montag Album Sells Less Than 1000 Copies”
North America Media Madness – @LIGHTS @jianghomeshi join us on The City next week – Hey Lights – amazing product shot of the cd – JJ – well (14 minutes ago by @peoplesrev)
Are they all going to hang out at indie bookstore? With Miley Cyrus?
No doubt about it – Jian hired Kelly to do P.R. for himself and Lights.
And it doesn’t matter if they deny it, because P.R. is what Kelly is doing for them by having them on on her show with an “amazing product shot of the cd”. Too obvious.
Ultimately, Kelly only does P.R for herself. She’s using jian/lights for Canadian exposure for her show & her book.
Hmmmmmmmmmm…….Jian & Light both retweeted Kelly’s tweet within minutes. It’s after midnight on the east coast, good thing that Jian & Lights were both up! What a coincidink!
Geeee, Kelly, we’re sooooo surprised that you’re tweeting about your clients again….zzzz…..the cheque is in the mail.
Thanks. RT @solabusca @jianghomeshi re: indie bookstores – I rarely say it, but preach it, brother. (about 8 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
What a hypocrite. Jian worships at the altar of Ipod & Amazon, Itunes, Starbucks, Reality TV, Pop Culture Disney Teen Stars like Miley Sirus, Hollywood Celebrityville…..but he waxes romantic about indie bookstores? He’s part of the problem, not the solution.
iPod owners, like Jian, have no right to decry the demise of independent bookstores.
Spiderman, Spiderman, friendly neighborhood Spiderman, wealth and fame he’s ignored, action is his reward. <<< Amazing lyrics. (about an hour ago by @lights)
I guess she doesn't remember Jian's band used to play this song at concerts…oh yeah…she was only 5 years old….
“wealth and fame he’s ignored,” = Lights likes those lyrics because she can relate to the “he’s ignored” part.
Miley Cyrus is Lights’ biggest fan? Yeah, Lights. She’s your market, and you should collaborate and write songs for Miley. Go work for Disney. So much for being Canada’s answer to Bjork.
It was very fortuitous that an enterprising reporter was there to capture that Miley-too-shy-to-approach-LIGHTS moment.
And will Jian make money while the sun shines on his client? Or will they just bask in the glory of Miley’s appreciation & realize someday that they should have heeded the sirens call and wrote songs for the wondrous Miley?
It sounds like a new marketing ploy from Jian : say that popular artists are fans of Lights, then maybe their fans will become Lights fans…….the truth is, if Miley’s really a fan, she’s one of the few. Lights lack of success speaks for itself.
isn’t that Jian’s style? piggybacking on someone else’s fame to get some of his own?
If Miley’s not at Lights’ upcoming coffee house gig in LA then we’ll know that Jian is full of shite!
Walk that talk, Miley. Let Lights sing a duet with you.
She’s such a “massive fan” but she’s never asked Lights to open for her at one of her stadium shows. The fact that Jian even mentioned this alleged encounter just proves how desperate & needy Team Lights is getting. You don’t see any other “indie” artists groveling before mainstream artists wanting their approval & endorsement.
Lights is only an “indie artist” in order to get grants. Her real ambition, as she told Kelly Cutrone, is “unbridled power”! She’s taking over the world, one coffee house at a time.
if jian were a real manager, he wouldn’t have tweeted about it. he would have set up a meeting with her peeps & sold Lights’ songs to her – ka-ching!
Opportunity knocks and Jian is too busy thinking about his next tweet to notice. Jian was probably also excited that he would be able to scratch Miley Cyrus off his “Celebrities that I want to meet!” list.
Guess Lights couldn’t find anyone to do her hair? Did she just step out of the shower? And she probably does a “ton of covers” cause she’s too lazy to write her own songs…
LIGHTS under the lights at MMVA
Jian must be enjoying our cups of Tea!!
OMG I thought this was serious and rushed to his Twitter account. Funny.
especially since jian was so ‘torn up’ about horsley’s death a few tweets back.
self serving insincere ass.
Andrew Potter, for Maclean’s, writes about culture?
He believes that one particular gem from Horsley deserves to brought forward for everyone’s enlightenment:
“The internet is loser central, and it is basically replacing masturbation as a leisure activity.â€
Yeah, like that’s an original and insightful observation that’s in any way valid.
Cheers, @PotterGold. Thx for the kind shout-out in
(27 minutes ago by @jianghomeshi)
The “kind shout out” – as Jian interprets it – is in reference to Sebastian Horsley, who died this weekend of an apparent heroin overdose. Jian did an interview with him, that Q reposted. Jian thinks that he got a “kind shout out” when the topic at hand was Sebastian Horsley and his untimely death. Quite a tasteless display of narcissism from Jian.
Jian is crass enough to use anything, including the death of a celebrity, to promote himself? No surprise.
The only mention Lights & Jian have gotten on Twitter tonight is in reference to Lights combover :
I’ve eaten three already. eep. RT @lights Headed to the MMVAs. There are Werther’s in this car! Anything else that happens tonight is gravy (9 minutes ago by @jianghomeshi)
The happy couple are sitting in the same car & tweeting each other. Weird. Anyone surprised that they are going as dates to an award show? Anyone?
Two users using each other! They totally deserve each other. Now they don’t even pretend to have a relationship other than business and only see each other when it’s business related (like tonight). The honeymoon is over! It’s only a matter of time before these two go their separate ways.
Notice she hasn’t mentioned the award her video is up for, or thanked anyone for the nomination? or mentioned that it’s an honour? Apparently, candy is more important, and an award is an extra. Stay classy, Lights.
She’s starting to take all the award shows and nominations for granted because everything’s come so easy for her (because of Jian) and she hasn’t had to work for it.
If she was paying attention to how her career is going, she’d realize that every nomination/award show could be her last.
And maybe her last. The novelty is wearing off, her cuteness is becoming forced, and Jian may want to start moving on, given that he is halfway through his life & may not want to go to the MMVA’s when he’s fifty.
Do they have an awards show for coffee house performers? If they do, she’ll be a shoe in!
Despite all the awards, tours, and magazine covers, the girl still has no air conditioning.
On the @warcraft load page, this is my favourite tip: When interacting with other players, a little kindness goes a long way. (about 3 hours ago by @lights)
Captain Lights doesn’t see the contradiction between warcraft & kindness.
It’s way too hot in Toronto. And I don’t have air conditioning! I am sprawled on my couch watching cartoons. (about an hour ago by @lights)
Why is LIGHTS whining? Why aren’t she & Jian hyping her MMVA nomination & promoting tonight’s award show? Is she becoming a diva?
& no “happy father’s day” tweets? Poor pappy…
I wonder if Lights will ever be successful enough to afford Air Conditioning?
if she moved in with Jian she’d probably have air conditioning
Is this for real? No aircon?
Lights is living ghetto un-fabulous. She doesn’t have a fan either (pun intended).
Did Jian pick up a couple of hookers after the concert?
just hope they like watching soccer at breakfast
Jian is probably explaining who he is to that woman….
is he cheating on Lights?
is he cheating on Kelly?
is he cheating on Mamma Yamma?
It kinda looks like he’s cringing.
Maybe she’s going on a Starbucks tour ?
Tickets for LIGHTS 6-date US Coffeehouse tour go on sale today! Get your tickets soon because “The rooms are tiny”.
The Radio Starmaker Fund is really getting their money’s worth on this one. She’s bound to become a huge star in the U.S. with all the exposure that she’ll get from playing “tiny” coffeehouses.
It’s pretty sad when your fanbase is so small that you’re playing coffee houses and offering a free CD to people who come to see you play. She should offer free coffee instead.
Let’s not forget that she is a former Juno winner. Is this what a Juno award gets you? A coffee house gig?
Her SONGS are sad, dude. It’s all about being lonely, hold me, save me, don’t leave me, don’t be cold to me, don’t leave me, I’m a victim, boo hoo! Nothing sexy, sassy, bold, or happy. Grumpy girl. She belongs on Lilith tour – the moaning mammaries.
This way, she & Jian can claim she had a “sold-out” American tour because she sold over 20 tickets…
I luv how desperate she’s getting for attention. Soon she’ll be busking….uh, wait a minute…didn’t her manager do that?
Jian must be swooning! Feist is crooning!
He’s an absentee manager except when she’s going to an awards show or is on tour in a city like LA, New York or London. He’s really not putting the effort that he used to put into it anymore. Could it be that he is disappointed at Lights’s lack of success for all of his efforts and now thinks “Why bother?”
Given that Jian is a workaholic, I bet he expects her to be one too…and that anyone who isn’t putting an 18 hour day is slacking off. Ick.
Maybe he just isn’t seeing a return on investment in her. He’s invested so much time & effort & sacrificed family life…for what?
Exactly! He did it all for nothing. He’s wasted 9 years of his life on a childish dunce with no discernible talent. That’s 9 years of his life that he won’t be getting back and Lights’ “career” is going downhill fast. She’s no longer a “new artist” so that novelty is gone and the next stop on her trip down will be either “has-been”, or more likely “never-was”.
Jian & Mamma Yamma

I like Barney’s outfit on The Flinstones. I want a ragged, brown leather tube with a little thread X on the front too. (24 minutes ago by @lights)
I wonder if it would be better for Lights if Jian considered moving her into a career in children’s entertainment. Nikki Yanofsky is 5 years younger than her, but is far more mature and has a wider appeal to an adult audience, and is therefore more successful.
Lights immaturity is becoming more and more unappealing as she gets older & more tattooed.
I wonder if anyone out there wants to be a Poonanian with me ?
Maybe Jian can start his own soccer team for the next world cup – The Nowherians.
It can be all the mutts that are too mixed to be on one specific team, of course they have to be able to be stuck up about it.
And they have to be pouty and sulk when they lose a game.
Why is Jyawn wasting his tweets on the World Cup when he should be busy hyping up Lights Acoustic EP. I hear that it’s the best thing since Peter Frampton’s last bowel movement!
True! He should be promoting her upcoming show in Ottawa, hyping her new acoustic album & her MMVA nomination on Sunday. Instead he’s all about the soccer & she’s reliving her childhood with Barney & Winnie-the-Pooh. Promote your client, Jian! Don’t let the magazines do it all for you.
Has he actually acknowledged Lights’ appearance in any magazine? Who does he spend more time promoting, himself or his client?
I thought it would be difficult for Jian to hold any loyalty to a team since he is a Nowhereian.
Nowherians 0 Poonians 1
If Jian curbed his “partayyy!!!” lifestyle & stayed home now & then, his “Nowherian” book would be finished & he could promote it on Q like everyone else. Dude has ADD.
So true. It took him 7 years to get Lights a record contract and when he finally got her one it was with a small independent label! He’s a real Wonderboy, that Jian.
Angry Jian :
Par for the course with Jian. He hates conflict. He hates losing. He doesn’t want to learn from mistakes. Not a sporting fellow. Man-baby maybe?
Better be a sexy fish. And can it help England? RT @melissagraceh I named my fish Jian. Hope you’re proud. (2 minutes ago by @jianghomeshi)
Actually, it’s probably a self-involved fish that sucks all the oxygen out of the tank & chases after all the female fish (if there are any female fish).
I think Jian may have cursed England. Scoreless draw against Algeria….Burn.
And the dates fit in perfectly with Jian’s vacation…L.A. in August, anyone?
Jian goes to L.A. every summer to take the bus tour of Hollywood Stars homes.
Interesting that after posing on all those covers in all those magazines, she’s turning away from the camera. Shame, embarrassment, maybe?
It could also be that her face turns a lot of people off.
My acoustic tour won’t hit Canada but it’s the only place you can get hard copy acoustic EP in stores. Fret not Canux! (about 3 hours ago by @lights)
Yah – it ain’t hitting Canada ’cause we’re all embarrassed for you, hon’….Former Juno winner playing solo acoustic tour….mmm-hmmmm….
Five songs? What the ….? Five songs? You want Americans to run out to the nearest club to hear you play five songs, Lights?
And how many versions of “Saviour” is she gonna do? She had 3 versions of it on “The Listening” and she had Adam from Owl City do a remix of it recently and last year she released the “Saviour EP” with 3 versions of it on that EP :
Here’s an idea : how about writing some new songs?
Is she realizing she can’t compete in the Pop Big Leagues so it’s time to become the “sensitive balladeer”? Does that explain the pathetic photo? Is Captain Lights feeling moody? I feel sorry for her. She really doesn’t know who she is.
Why isn’t Lights touring Japan/Asia? She’s the perfect fit! I bet she’d be huge there! Why does she keep hovering around the states? Think global, Captain Lights!
A lot of her fans are kids, so she should probably play in shopping malls like Justin Beiber, not clubs.
Lights unplugged (cause she can’t afford to pay her band without a grant). Looks like she’s officially dumped her Captain Lights persona and is moving onto becoming a hippie-chick (you heard it hear first).
Not available in stores…..retailers refusing to carry your CD is not a sign that you’re doing well….and giving away free copies to anyone that buys a ticket to your show sounds like desperation…..
Good point about it being a solo acoustic tour because she can’t afford to pay her band without a grant. And only six dates? Starting in Philly and ending in LA. What’s this obsession that Jian & Lights have with her playing in LA? Are they hoping that she’ll discovered? It’s like they’re doing this mini tour just to give her an excuse to play in LA again.
Jian, Lights and George Strombolopolos should all go to Schwab’s Drugstore in Hollywood and hang out and wait for a talent scout to discover them ala Lana Turner.
Jian wants to retire in L.A. (all those pretty, young blonds – yum!)
Jian prefers being rejected in L.A. to being rejected in Toronto…
“Big news” from Lights!

I know people like to contact Ouimet about me, well, do it yourself
Who will Lights take to the Much Music Video Awards? Jian?
I wonder if at the end of his life when Jian is thinking about all his regrets he’ll think “I should have gone to more award shows”….?
that would make a great epitaph
another might be: good thing no one got in my way
another good epitaph:
too many women, not enough time
another possible epitaph : It’s pronounced “zhGeeeee-Onnnnnn”
Is Jian seeking the Guinness World Record for attending/hosting award shows?
Me thinks it shall be a good one this morn with Bruce Cockburn, @TheNewPornos, and @SookYinLee all joining me in studio Q. (about 2 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
Does Sook Yin Lee have a book she’s selling like Peter Mansbridge did & Kathryn Borel?
The CBC employee circle jerk continues on Q…..
Jian’s girlfriend Kelly: a bad girl?:
Well if that’s your girlfriend she wasn’t today RT @LegendaryChild: @peoplesrev Kelly-talking shit about people on twitter is pretty lame. Esp because Leslie is one of the sweetest grls i know. Grow up.
Kelly is such a miserable old twat. Jian’s bad karma is what brought her into his life. Hopefully they’ll get married and live miserably ever after.
Considering all the lovely, sweet, kind, giving-of-their-spirit ladies he could have had.
Notice how since Kelly came into Jian’s life he has less time for Lights? Jian is such a user. He’ll be all over Lights when the Lillith Fair tour starts up but when there’s nothing going on in her life he doesn’t have time for her.
& he’s all over her at the Junos
Interesting how, after Lilith in July, Lights isn’t booked for ANY gigs. At all. Maybe she & Jian are taking off the summer together? Summer wedding?
I think he’s still holding out for Rachel McAdams or Nikki Yanofsky (when she turns 18, of course)….
Does he live Lights at home because he is embarrassed by her?
Maybe she’s so famous now, she is afraid of the mobs that will throng her when she leaves her apartment (around St. Clair).
When she’s back living in Bumf@ck, British Columbia in a few years, she’s really going to regret never venturing out of her house when she was living in T.O. She’s wasting the best years of her life alone in her apartment.
In some ways, she’s lazy…leaving it to Jian to go out & do all the schmoozing for the both of them. She owes him.
She owes him for everything. She’d be nothing without him, that’s for sure. But the truth is, she’d probably be better off never having come across a scumbag like Jian, filling her head with nonsense, telling her that she was going to be a star and that she is the greatest thing since Frampton or whoever else. He’s been fucking with this girl’s head since she was 14 when he should have just left her alone.
Chuck giving me the evil eye when I try to paparazzi him. He’s a local. (26 minutes ago by @lights)
How sad is this! She tours the world, is in every Canadian magazine, but her manager/boyfriend is partying at a Bruce Cockburn tribute concert with great Canadian talent and she’s at home taking pictures of spiders? This girl needs an intervention.
What’s her problem exactly?
Does she suffer from Agoraphobia? Does she live close to Regent Park too (like Jian)? No car? No drivers licence? No money? No friends?
WTF is wrong with her?
Taped an upcoming TV episode w/ Mamma Yamma. I think we may be dating now. See how happy she looks in this photo from yesterday: (about 6 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
Is this Jian’s sneaky way of making fun of Kelly’s antics last week?
Jian’s girlfriend Kelly’s vitriol: Also Leslie Minora from @villagevoice calls 17-23 y.o. Women insecure – fuck you,the economy sucks , they are just starting out and trying to find their way – you are a an univited blogger to a free event in a park – pathetic hater.
Pathetic haters in glass houses shouldn’t throw stones, Kelly.
I saved a small toad from being crushed by a garage door today, he was soft and tender. I feel pleased with myself. (12 minutes ago by @lights)
Considering how much beef jerky Lights eats, I’m surprised she didn’t stick the toad in a dehydrator and then take a bite out it.
At least she’s learning from Jian how to congratulate herself.
I wonder if I kiss Jian if he will be a Persian Prince and not a toad himself.
Her tweets are even more self conscious than Jian’s. It’s always “I, me, my” with her. “Here’s another tweet about me”….she needs to take a break from herself.
that’s what happens when your only friends are online
she really does think she’s fascinating, doesn’t she?
Why is it, no matter how often a guest is on Q, they still receive a long-winded introduction as if it’s their first time? Does Jian like the sound of his own voice?
It’s Q’s copy of The Hour’s long-winded, redundant intro of a guest. George did a 5 minute intro for Tom Cruise…going film by film listing his credits with clips from his movies….explaining to his pop culture obsessed audience who Tom is…
And it never matters how famous the guest is…if Jian interviewed Jesus, I’m sure there would be 5 minute introduction on all of his accomplishments. Okay, Jian, we all know about turning the water into wine, NOW START THE INTERVIEW & LET HIM SPEAK!
Yep. It’s redundant for a celebrity interview show to be explaining who the celebrity is. Jian says that he does it to provide “context” for his audience, because Jian thinks that his audience would be totally lost if Jian didn’t explain who Billy Bob Thornton is before he interviews him about his band. It’s patronizing to his audience, but Jian does think that he’s smarter than everyone else, as does George.
Jian is going to be on Mamma Yamma? Is this his way of redeeming himself because he has no children? Or is he looking for a new audience? Is there any other CBC show (other than Hockey Night in Canada) that he hasn’t been on?
Is Jian finally embracing the man-baby that he is?
Producer of the Toronto Persian version of Jersey Shore says that it is no longer going to be the Toronto Persian version of Jersey Shore (and won’t Jian be disappointed) :
Dear all,
Lake Shore’s concept has evolved since the last statement I’ve made in regards with this reality show. It is no longer the Persian version of Jersey Shore. It is now about a cultural clash.
“‘Jersey Shore’ meets ‘Big Brother’. Fireworks explode and personalities collide as eight over-the-top men and women from various ethnic backgrounds move into a house together.â€
Reality TV seems to bring out more nefariously opportunistic sleazebags cum-participants-contestants-producers-whatever than even the porn industry.
They probably couldn’t find enough Persians who would humiliate themselves on this “show”, so they had to expand the profile to include other cultures.
I’m confused. Is she marketing herself as a nerdy geek, a glamourpuss, or a cocktease? Which is it?
So far none of it has worked. Maybe that’s the reason for her schizophrenic marketing campaign….
With a simple sine and words that rhyme I’ll spout my thoughts and a synth line. (place music note emoticon here) (about a minute ago by @lights)
betcha lights’ tweets will no longer be the zany, spontaneous outbursts they once were now that she knows she is being scrutinized – she’s a marketing machine
She and Jian are stupid to put the cart before the horse with an over-saturation of publicity when her music is still amateurish and just plain bad. And her personality leaves a lot to be desired. Who wants to read an interview with a 23 year old girl that has the mentality of a 10 year old and who is at her most articulate when talking about video games?
she has a lot to live up to. the pressure is ON!
What makes me laugh is that Jian has wasted almost 10 years of his life on this girl and she sucks. Jian’s judgement is terrible. He shouldn’t be a manager.
Yup. He gave up starting a family, having a life, all for this mediocre art (& to hang out with Kelly Cutrone).
He’s going to have some major regrets when he’s canned by the CBC (inevitable), Lights can’t even get a gig at a bar and The Peanut Factory goes into foreclosure and he’s no longer living 100 feet from Regent Park but right smack dab in the heart of it.
And Kelly Cutrone is being discrete! Did she actually learn something last week? Or lose clients?
RT @Videofashion: Calling all Kelly Cutrone fans! The @peoplesrev star is giving a free lecture ’bout her book 2morrow in Bryant Park:
She’s toned down her act since last week when she almost lost the Ghomeshi account because of her stupidity.
Captain Lights’ twitter account has been very silent. Is she suddenly self-conscious after being in every Canadian magazine?
I hope she didn’t OD or something.
LEAF (Local Enhancement and Appreciation of Forests) has put together a stellar eco art show & fund raising bash:
Along with notable Torontonians, photographer Vincenzo Pietropaolo has developed a series of “favourite tree” portraits that will be unveiled and available for auction at this event.
Jian, with Atom Egoyan, Amy Millan and Adrienne Clarkson (to name a few) have all collaborated on the series, in support of this worthy cause.
These marketing events reek of insincerity. Using the environment to promote yourself. “I’m such a good person! This is my favourite tree! It’s not about the tree, though, it’s all about ME! ME! ME!” A better ideal would be to have all these celebs PLANT trees (& leave their cars at home).
A jet-setter like Jian supporting an environmental cause…….thanks for nothing, Jian.
Lights is almost 25 years old – a quarter of a century! That’s pretty ancient in the pop world. Time to open your recording studio, dahling!
Shouldn’t Jiji be focusing on finding a Persian woman to help spread is Iranian seed instead of spending so much time with white woman after white woman ?
Jian is too busy on the internet to have a real relationship with a woman.
…and too busy hosting awards shows…
Have your video broadcast on CBC as a part of Culture Days 2010, hosted by Jian Ghomeshi.
CBC Television and Freeze Frame are teaming up to provide a select group of young people aged 14 to 18 the chance to create a one-minute video exploring the arts and culture.
Entitled “Show Off!” a collection of the one-minute videos will be broadcast by CBC September 24 as part of Culture Days 2010.
Is Jian looking for the new LIGHTS?
Jian ditching Lights for a younger artist with more potential is inevitable. I doubt that he wants to be managing an unsuccessful artist when he’s 50 (which is only a few years away).
And she sure hasn’t lived up to his early hype in 2003 :
” i’ve signed a new artist named
VALERIE who is the best thing in rock/pop music since PETER FRAMPTON
came alive. actually even better. can’t wait for you to hear her.”
That’s a bad omen, Jian comparing LIGHTS to Peter Frampton. Dude had one good album, then faded away.
It is funny that he chose that as the apex of pop/rock music. Who knew that all of the music released between 1976 and 2003 wasn’t as good as “Frampton Comes Alive”?
I hope that he never gets rid of LIGHTS. It would suck if he was managing an artist that was actually talented. He would be even more of an egomaniac, if that’s even possible…
Got case launched to ombudsman against Q today for playing Broken Social Scene’s “Texaco Bitches.” Listener said the song is “misogynist.” (5 minutes ago by @jianghomeshi)
You mean Jian can’t do & say whatever he wants?!?! And if the misogynist shoe fits, Jian, maybe you should wear it…right girls?
Jian must be happy. Jian has had it in for Broken Social Scene lead singer Kevin Drew for a long time because he’s Feist’s (another one of Jian’s failed conquests) boyfriend.
More bad news for Jian & Lights. Lights current single “Second Go” fell to #74 on the Canadian Hot 100 after peaking at #54 two weeks ago.

That whole album has been a miserable failure, yet she’s on the cover of magazines and she going to be on the Lillith tour and also on an American TV show (The City).
Do other musical failures get such great treatment or just the ones that are Jian’s client?
Take the “Jian is her manager” factor out of the equation and all that you have is a below average singer who can’t write a half-decent song to save her life.
That should be “below average Karaoke singer”…..
I just saw the phattest dandelion just ready to blow. It was the Einstein of dandies! (about 2 hours ago by @lights)
Captain Lights falls to earth. Her next incarnation will be a hippie-chick. You heard it here first.
“the Einstein of dandies!”
She’s making even less sense than usual. I hope she doesn’t OD
Confirmed: Ralph Macchio – the REAL Karate Kid! – joins me on Q this Wed. You must see this (if you’ve not yet): (about 9 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)
Jian works so hard to appear young. Yet he undoes all this hard work by even KNOWING who Ralph Macchio is. Dumb.
Who’s next? C. Thomas Howell?