Do you think Jian tweets because he is lonely?

Jian on facebook So I guess he just svd us the trbl of lstnng “tmrw.”


  • PoonGirl says:

    The star pin got it’s 15 minutes of fame in Flare or SHE did and the pin was just beemed down for the ride ?

  • Anonymous says:

    “My Starfleet pin got its 15 mins in Flare mag! I wear that thing everywhere, it’s how I communicate w/ my mom.”

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s good to see that’s she’s going back to her “Captain Lights” schtick because we all know it was sooooooooooo successful last time ’round!

  • Anonymous says:

    Jian mocking a Canuckistani Twitterer :

    • Jian is a "world class" navel gazer says:

      He’s Canadian when he needs employment & funding for his company & client. But lest we get the wrong idea and think that he’s just an average unhyphenated Canadian, he’ll constantly remind us that he is also British, Iranian or Persian (depending on how exotic a mood he’s in), among many other wonderful things that makes him so special and unique.

  • Anonymous says:

    Does Lights feel jealous or threatened by the whole Jian/Kelly affair? She’s kind of quiet on Twitter. What if Jian moves away to New York?

    • Jian's summer vacation says:

      I think he has almost the entire summer off from Q so he’ll be spending a little time with Lights on the Lillith Fair tour (but only when it reaches destinations like New York or LA) and he also likes to do his usual trip to Hollywood & claim that he’s attending important business meetings with industry executives & then there’s Europe & Kelly in New York & The Hamptons (which he was begging to go to in an interview)…

      • Anonymous says:

        Don’t forget the obligatory trip to London, his BIRTHPLACE, in case you didn’t know. No mere Canadian, our Jian.

        • Anonyjian says:

          And there’s also the obligatory “getting recognized all over the globe wherever I go” story. Wasn’t there one in the Hello magazine article where he said that he was in some remote part of Europe (possibly the mountains of Albania) and people were hounding him for autographs?

  • Anonymous says:

    Oh no here we go……

  • Anonymous says:

    Jian rejects a woman who makes a kind, sweet gesture…but a woman like Kelly who humiliates him and his client on Twitter? He’s in love! As long as the night ends at MTV.

  • Anonymous says:

    Tweet from Kelly Cutrone: I am hosting 12 eight year olds for a sleepover – I slept 3 hours flew in from Toronto and have to wake up at 6am to pancakes and a pink limo – message think before you fall in love!

    Jian is missing out on a sleepover! Awww…Kelly is in love. She’d better not write in bubblewriting.

  • Anonymous says:

    They both think that being obsessive is cute or funny. Not! It’s just unhealthy.

    • Anonymous says:

      Especially at Jian’s age. When he was belittling the “bubble writing woman” he sounded so immature and tacky for a man in his 40’s.

      • Anonymous says:

        And for a man who has been belittled for his appearance, you would think he would have a little more tolerance and compassion.

        • Anonymous says:

          What she did was a kind, sweet little gesture and he turned it into “I’m repulsed by this person – she’s an idiot!”.

          • Anonymous says:

            It’s funny. Jian will overlook Lights’ obsession with light-sabers and ray-guns, but bubble-writing is a “dealbreaker”?

  • PoonGirl says:

    I’m starting to think … is Jian truly addicted to pistachios or is that code for something else ?
    Did he become addicted to pistachios to better relate to Lights and her alleged addictions ?

  • Anonymous says:

    If Jian ever has a hear attack or stroke (and he’s in the right age bracket) Lights is screwed.

  • Anonymous says:

    Even if she just took classes in pottery or cooking or something! Jeez girl, your heading for a nervous breakdown.

  • Anonymous says:

    Here’s the weird thing. Lights is a big girl now. 23 years old. She’s in Toronto. She should be going out to see bands, hanging out, collaborating, schmoozing, etc. Instead she stays in watching cartoons? Yeah, that’s healthy….

    • Anonymous says:

      She doesn’t seem to have any friends here either. All of her friends are Jian’s friends or industry people. That’s gotta suck.

      Maybe Jian discourages her from having her own friends? Fills her head with a lot of crap about people outside his circle, like they can’t be trusted, they’re bad and they just want to use her – things that a cult leader would say.

      • Anonymous says:

        That’s interesting. It seemed at his birthday party, he didn’t have any old friends, family, etc. “outside” the circle. Paranoid much?

        • Anonymous says:

          He seems more interested in having people like Kelly Cutrone at his birthday rather than real friends and family. Family in particular doesn’t seem to be very important to him, other than giving him something to mention in interviews.

      • Anonymous says:

        Here’s the irony: the people INSIDE her circle are using her.

    • Anonymous says:

      Her life in Toronto doesn’t seem much different from her stalker’s life …….except that he at least gets out of his house every day and goes to the animal shelter.

      • Anonymous says:

        All of her friends are virtual “friends”: on Twitter or World of Warcraft. And of course there’s the “Lights Army”. I’m thinking most of her friends are underage, so they can’t hang out at the pub for a pint.

        • Anonymous says:

          And she probably thinks that it’s beneath her to hang out with non-showbiz people. She’s likely picked up that snobbery from Jian by now.

  • Anonymous says:

    And some of the songs were co-written!

  • Anonymous says:

    The only magazine I haven’t seen jian/lights in is CycleCanada, and that’s only because they don’t ride motorcycles….yet….

  • Anonymous says:

    & Lights is in Flare magazine, where she mentions that she would like to open her own studio. Guess those who can: DO – those who can’t: PRODUCE.

  • Anonymous says:

    Luckily, Jian doesn’t have to write his memoirs because we have all heard the story of his life AD NAUSEUM.

    • Anonymous says:

      Exactly. All of his interviews look like a copy/paste of the same interview. How many f@cking times does he need to tell the world that he loves pistachios?

    • Anonymous says:

      Jian’s monthly magazine profile/article….Notice that since he and Kelly became “friends”, he has been in one magazine after another ad nauseum?

  • Anonymous says:

    Here’s a tweet from Lights this afternoon. I wonder why she was wound up and needed to ‘wind down’? Pissed off about Kelly trying to steal her man last night?

    • Anonymous says:

      Sounds like she was hittin’ the coke (not the soft drink) early today…

    • Anonymous says:

      Lights/Jian are overexposed. Too many magazines, shows, etc. There is nothing special about them anymore. Ubiquity. Boredom.

  • Anonymous says:

    Kelly’s twitter silence is even more interesting. Maybe she’s lost some credibility in New York with all of her schoolgirl antics.

    • Anonymous says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised if she loses at least one client (Wonderboy Entertainment Inc.) as a result of her recent behaviour.

      • Anonymous says:

        Well, if she worked for me, I wouldn’t have much trust in her understanding the impact of her tweets. She looked like an idiot. She’s old enough to know better. You’d be fired, Kelly.

  • Anonymous says:

    Still recovering from all that pistachio love.

  • Anonymous says:

    It’s weird that Lights hasn’t tweeted anything about Jian’s Bday party last night. Trouble in paradise?

  • Anonymous says:

    Why doesn’t Rick Mercer host any awards shows?

  • Anonymous says:

    Another night, another award show to host….

    • Anonymous says:

      Always the bridesmaid, never the bride.

      • Anonymous says:

        He must watch thousands of awards get handed out every year with the number of award shows that he host. How is it possible that he never gets one himself? Doesn’t he work in the Arts too? Burn.

  • Anonymous says:

    Did Jian ignore Kelly at his party like he does on Twitter?

  • PoonGirl says:

    He shouldn’t be so sad about getting older, maybe the store on Sheppard that he buys his pistachios from offers senoir discounts ?

  • Anonymammal says:

    With that kid pic of Jian and how they’re all dressed in black – it looks more like a funeral than a Bday party. Maybe they were mourning the loss of “young Jian” as he moves closer to senior citizen age?

  • Anonymous says:

    Maybe his love of pistachios is the reason why his teeth are so f#cked up!

    Just sayin’..

  • Anonymous says:

    Jian drives from The Peanut Factory to north of Sheppard to buy pistachios? Why doesn’t he just go to the Regent Park Supermarket right on the corner of his street?

    • Anonymous says:

      He could even jet over to Kensington Market on a bike or down to St. Lawrence market for pistachios…but our Jian isn’t much of an environmentalist.

  • Anonymous says:

    Was Kelly the most famous person at the party?

    If Kelly didn’t go, would that hair stylist guy have been the most famous person there?

    • Kit Kat says:

      LIGHTS was the most famous person there, but there aren’t any pictures of her because she didn’t want to upstage anyone. Wonder how she feels about her man pushing 50?

  • PoonGirl says:

    Here are one of the many pistachio articles.

    “I exercise my domestic rights,” he says. “Sometimes I cook Indian food or quasi-Persian food, which is Persian food made badly. I’ll do rice and stew and put it in Tupperware.”

    He kids about it on air, but he really is nuts about pistachios.

    “I buy my pistachios in bulk now,” Ghomeshi says. “No more small packages. I get them north of Sheppard and they are imported from Iran; Iranian pistachios taste better.

    “When my relatives go to Iran, they bring back big containers. All Iranians have celebrations of pistachios.”

  • Anonymous says:

    The creepiest, weirdest, saddest thing about that party was that picture of Jian as a kid. It bizarre that Jian would bring a picture of himself 30-40 years ago to his birthday party for people to look at. We know he’s fixated on youth but that’s just disturbing.

    • Anonymous says:

      Maybe he brought the picture to explain to people that is still how he sees himself. Which is why he dates young women. But his phobia of aging is ageist. The next 30 years of his life ain’t gonna be fun if doesn’t get over it.

  • Anonymous says:

    What’s weird is that of all the fabulous, famous celebrities, musicians, poets, dancers, writers Jian has interviewed, he ends up hanging out with Kelly (who probably went to the party passing out business cards.)

  • Anonymous says:

    What’s even more sad is that this is one of the last few birthdays before Jian hits 50. And he’s still searching for fame.

  • Anonymous says:

    That is what Jian (& every narcissist) wants most as a birthday present: attention. Which is what Kelly gave him (no matter how desperately weird it looks…).

  • Anonymous says:

    Is THIS how the fab-u-lous people party? Taking pictures of each other & tweeting about it? zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz………….

  • PoonGirl says:

    Didn’t he mention pistachios in a magazine article ? Can someone find it … something about going to someone’s cottage and he will bring the pistachios ? So lame anyways.

    His whole party seems to be really weird with Kelly there and all the build up with ‘The Situation” and Snooki and then this MTV appearance and the kiddy photos of himself and him being comprised of mostly pistachios and douche.

  • Anonymous says:

    I have eaten bday pistachios all day. I have set a new record for eating pistachios. My body is now 64% comprised of pistachios. (about 5 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)

    Yeah, jian. & you’ll probably shit a bar of halvah tomorrow. Grow up.

  • Anonymous says:

    Would someone please explain why Kelly Cutrone is so popular? It is beyond comprehension!

  • Anonymous says:

    Why is it all so hideously depressing?

  • Anonymous says:

    Jian and Kelly make a really good mid-life crisis tag team.

  • Anonymous says:

    Jian & Kelly obviously never tire of the fame game….Jian leaves his own Bday party at 11pm to got to MTV with Kelly to try to get his face on TV….narcissism never sleeps….

  • Anonymous says:

    Now they are at MTV Canada. OMG are they gonna be on TV??

  • Anonymous says:

    Kelly doesn’t look like she’s enjoying herself….Maybe she’s all partied out….Partying with Paris Hilton and Snooki and “The Situation” can wear a bitch out….

  • PoonGirl says:

    Maybe Kelly is wearing those glasses to hide her emotions ?

    Someone should tell Kelly, if you have to cry go outside !

  • Anonymous says:

    Paul Venoit and Jian Ghomeshi = middle aged men with kids hairstyles

  • Anonymous says:

    Nice shades Kel. It must be really sunny inside tonight…..

  • Lights's Coke Dealer says:

    You mean besides Lights?

  • Anonymous says:

    @peoplesrev and @venoit looking sexy.


    • Anonymous says:

      SO Debra Goldblatt is there, and Paul Venoit… PR flaks and hairdressers, looking at baby pictures.

      I sure hope someone brought the cocaine?

  • PoonGirl says:

    Well, this was the tweet that accompanied the photo –

  • Anonymous says:

    He still has the same haircut that he had as a kid!

  • Anonymous says:

    EEP! What the hell is wrong with her? Is this party at The Peanut Factory? Jian has pictures of himself as a kid on display at his house? EEP!

    • Anonymous says:

      It’s sad that the only pictures of kids he has in his house are pictures of himself (& also a little weird).

  • PoonGirl says:

    Kelly proclaims her love for Jian while looking at a childhood photos of him. So weird !

  • Anonymous says:

    Why is Jian still tweeting? Shouldn’t he be picking out a man scarf to wear to his Bday party or something?

  • PoonGirl says:

    I see the similarities.

    “Jian Scissorhands”

  • Anonymous says:

    Johnny Depp doesn’t pay people to tweet about him.

  • Anonymous says:

    Jian, isn’t it a sign of old age when you lose touch with reality?

  • Anonymous says:

    Johnny Depp doesn’t lie about his age either.

  • Anonymous says:

    ps – special thx to Johnny Depp who shares same bday but graciously remains a few years older than me each June 9th. Kind. I rely on that. (about an hour ago by @jianghomeshi)

    Is Jian subtly comparing himself to Johnny Depp? Mr. Depp is a beautiful, humble, reclusive, intelligent actor who is committed to one woman with whom he has children. No comparison. And he’s not that much older. Is Jian pretending to be a young man again. Oh, the arrogance.

  • Anonymous says:

    Now it’s back down again. Jian’s got to get those tweets in while he can….

  • Anonymous says:

    Guess who’s one of the first ones back on Twitter as service has been (at least momentarily) restored :

  • Anonymous says:

    LMAO! Anyone who uses Twitter as their primary method of communication is an idiot. Pick up the damn phone, Kelly. Reach out and touch someone. There’s your REALITY, baby.

  • Anonymous says:

    His opening monologue is where he displays his talent : being able to read something written by the Q staff. Retard Jian was calling it an “essay” until a Tea Maker told him it was a “monologue” not an “essay”.

  • anonymous says:

    Strange that he promotes his opening monologue, the lamest part of the show. Nobody gives a shit what he thinks, it’s all about the guests. The opening monologue is just the self-indulgent tripe people have to listen to while waiting for an interesting person to show up. The show would be as popular or more with a better host.

  • Anonymous says:

    Good heavens! Daniel Lanois (a former Q guest) has been injured & Jian HAS NOT tweeted about it yet!

    • Anonymous says:

      Finally! The requisite tweet:

      Sending our dear musical treasure Daneil Lanois best wishes on the air this morn for a full & speedy recovery. (27 minutes ago by @jianghomeshi)

  • Anonymous says:

    Always a good laugh to watch immoral people trying to look moral. So phony…

  • Anonymous says:

    Mr. Government Subsidy is now talking like an indignant fiscal conservative. Is this another brilliant Kelly Cutrone Public Relations/Marketing strategy?

  • Anonymous says:

    My opening monologue tmrw will be about the $1.9 million Fake Lake. Paid for by us! Bestest idea. Ever. (35 minutes ago by @jianghomeshi)

    Employees of Crown Corporations who live in glass houses & who benefit from FACTOR, shouldn’t throw stones. You have no moral highground to stand on, sir.

  • Anonymous says:

    Perfect! The next guest on “Q”!

  • Anonymous says:

    Tweet from Kelly to Jian :

    (photo link)

  • PoonGirl says:

    I alway wondered why dyslexic was such a hard word to spell. Don’t those people have enough problems as it is ?

  • Anonymous says:

    He’ll start claiming that he’s 34 and also dyslexic.

  • PoonGirl says:

    I wonder when Wednesday hits if Jian will announce his age ? Like, a tweet saying, Confirmed: Today I’m 43. Or, has he already been lying and turning back the hands of time ?

  • Anonymous says:

    Maybe the plan is to hook Jian up with “Snooki”…and have Jian punch her in the face….

  • Anonymous says:

    One can only hope. Seriously, it’s getting weird that a 23-year-old Canadian woman isn’t dating anybody & has no boyfriend at all (except George & Jian on the side, of course). Especially because all of her songs are about relationships!

  • PoonGirl says:

    Is Lights going to have to date “The Situation” for publicisty now ? Is that what that plan is that has been cooked up by Kelly and Jian ?

  • anonymous says:

    The Go-Gos first big hit didn’t come until a few years after Jian was 13.

  • Anonymous says:

    Yikes! Lights’ consoled herself with cartoons on the weekend. What happened to that warrior-queen-loving-swords-&-guns chick? Go cry outside!

  • Anonymous says:

    Lights’ metaphors are almost as bad as her music.

  • PoonGirl says:

    For someone so proud to be brown, Jian loves himself some white women.

  • Anonymoyus says:

    Romeo & Juliet & Kelly…..

  • Anonymous says:

    If Lights were a dude it would have went more like “Love is to a human as the inside of a VAGINA is to a PRICK”

  • Anonymous says:

    Is she losing her man? Is Captain Lights’ human heart broken? Is her Light dimming?

  • Anonymous says:

    “Deep Thoughts”, by Lights Poxleitner….

  • Anonymous says:

    There has to be a reason why she’s rubbing it in his face and zinging him with a Bday shout out when it wasn’t his birthday. Maybe it has something to do with that “Birthday Giant” remark. Maybe Jian is making a big deal about his Bday and she’s amused by it and thinks “Who do you think you are, buddy? You’re a pretender. I’m the real thing. I’m chilling with Hollywood celebs while you’re watching a hockey game on TV.”

  • Anonymous says:

    Is Jian trying to make Kelly jealous with Belinda?

  • Anonymous says:

    Belinda Carlisle joins me this morn for feature chat on Q w/ candid new memoir, “Lips Unsealed.” (if you had told me this when I was 13…) (about 3 hours ago by @jianghomeshi)

    isn’t Jian emotionally still 13? Eeep!

  • Anonymous says:

    It may be Cutthroat’s way of warning Jian: be nice to me or I’ll let all these american celebrities know what an a***hole you are to me & your show will be OVER!

  • PoonGirl says:

    I bet Jian wishes he were chillin’ at the MTV awards and then Kelly has to go and throw it in his face. Or, Kelly knows Jian wishes he WAS the situation.

    I’m so confused. Cutthroat is playing severe mind games with Jiji.

  • Anonymous says:

    Man, she’s cruel. She posts a picture of herself with “The Situation” and adds at the end (on Twitlonger) “Hey @jianghomeshi haPpy bday” (Jian’s Bday isn’t until Wednesday) : Situation & I opposite ends of the spectrum of Italian Americans good nite from LA!! Hey @jianghomeshi haPpy bday”

  • Anonymous says:

    Jian only did 2 tweets tonight. The last one was at the end of the first period and he basically just gave the score of the game and then he was gone.

    Kelly, meanwhile did 30 tweets (no joke) throughout the show! Dropping names left & right : Tom Cruise, Betty White, Jessica Alba, Samuel Jackson, Mark Wahlberg, Sandra (Bullock), Katy Perry, Kristen Stewart, Jessica Biel, JLO, Diddy, Snoop Dog….

    Needless to say, Jian probably cried himself to sleep.

    Kelly is doing a great job mentally terrorizing Jian in so many ways right now.

  • Anonymous says:

    jian must be dying inside that he isn’t at the mtv awards with all those american celebrities

  • Anonymous says:

    Hawks/Flyers – first period complete. # of Chicago goals: 3. # of Philly goals: 0. # of shots of Vince Vaughn in crowd: 7. (50 minutes ago by @jianghomeshi)

    # of Jian’s celebrity name-dropping tweets to date: countless

  • Anonymous says:

    It’s actually kinda cool that Kelly has ruined Twitter and an awards show for Jian. Those are 2 of his favourite things. And on Wednesday she’s gonna ruin his birthday too. When you look at it that way, she’s really not that bad. She deserves some kind of Supercunt medal.

  • Anonymous says:

    Jian has finally come out of hiding now that Kelly is busy sitting in the audience at the MTV Movie Awards :

  • Anonymous says:

    What narcissism! Kelly makes Jian’s birthday party all about her! Eeep!

  • Anonymous says:

    Could Kelly be accused of sexually harrassing Jian?

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