Last night just wasn’t my night. I must have said something that ticked George off. Perhaps it was when I enquired what his publicist does exactly. I merely mentioned there was a particular fan that seemed to be doing much more for George then his publicist is; and that George doesn’t even give her a thank you for her hard work. The work she does that his publicist doesn’t do can be viewed here. Not much, but requires more work than just tweeting, which is all his publicist seems to do.
This morning I see the famous “you have been blocked from following this member” message on George’s Twitter account when I tried to re-follow him. Not since I sent a tweet to someone telling him I thought it was queer a man in his 30’s had a Tumblr account have I been blocked !
I then asked Ouimet to retweet it, because I realized George would not be able to read tweets from me since I was blocked.
Superstar “bad boy” George can’t take anyone questioning him, can he ? Strombo is like a tucked and taped tranny, he only wants his balls to show in front of the camera. In real life, they are raisins.
George attracts much more aggressive fans than me. SmuttySteff and crew are much more bold than I am !
Here is a myriad of posts about George, (none which require her to be blocked let’s note).
SmuttySteph’s friend, Mr_Tits_Pervert responds to her in excitement !
Other friends of SmuttySteff repond.
SmuttySteff gets more responses.
Some people can’t wait to be part of such a prestigious audience.
Another complaint of only good-looking people getting to sit in the front row.
So, what beauty got to sit right next to George you ask ?
They never said they wanted it taken down, they ust kept referencing that it was used in their Tweets. If you don’t want anyone using your tweets then fix your privacy controls so that noone can use them.
Uhh, the reason people might be pissed off that you used their stuff, could be that you did so without asking any permission, before or after? And that you continue to do when it would appear that they have expressed their dislike of it and you are using in a negative way, which they likely don’t condone usage of, and who wants their stuff used, referenced, and/or dragged about in the dirt with the likes of you. Perhaps that is why. Get some manners. Ask to use peoples’ stuff. Take it down if they say no. Pretty simple.
Isn’t anything posted on the internet up for grabs?
This woman is starting to piss me off. We used your photos, get over it.
George is quite the comedien. I just got home and I can’t stop laughing, my sides are splitting with this humour of his.
Do you think he Stromboned all those female fans ?
No, but really …
I spoke with someone who attended the show in Vancouver and apparently it wasn’t the “goodlooking” or “goidlooking” people (according to SmuttySteph) who got to sit up front. Like it was mentioned, you only see the back of their heads. They seat people in the front row who are wearing dark colours. Didn’t matter what you looked like. Although, maybe G still play’s ‘who’d you rather’ in his mind with the hotties up front.
Kirstine’s goal of attracting a predominantly female audience is clearly working in Vancouver. Is it not time for a spin-off? Say, “Being George”?

I wonder if Kevin Mann scored ?
George likes to play “The Dating Game” in his head during commercial breaks with the pretty people in the front row. It’s to keep him awake.
These front seat people can be as good looking as they like, but if you watch the show you can barely see faces, back of heads, yes. Faces, not really.
There was a party?
what are you, 15?
if george is running around having unprotected sex with women but he has no kids, even if he has balls, they ain’t working
The “celebrities” on Twitter pretty much ignore anyone that isn’t a “celebrity”. It’s a good “reality check” for people who think that “celebrities” give a sh8t about them.