Monthly Archives: May 2010

Do you think Jian tweets because he is lonely?

So I guess he just svd us the trbl of lstnng “tmrw.”

Jesse Hirsh gets the new … yep … iPad

An Inconvenient Question

No one at the CBC reads The Tea Makers. Right? I asked a simple question – “where is the opinion piece that you say Jian Ghomeshi wrote for The Guardian?” And that Jian Ghomeshi himself says that he wrote for The Guardian. The answer to that question would reveal a lot about today’s CBC. Even […]

F.U. silos

Regular readers of this site know we opened the Truth Farm late last year to great fanfare. There’s a lot of things to love about the Truth Farm. Some things are frustrating. All of them were pointed out to me at The Tea Makers party. One truth about the Truth Farm is that it’s built on […]

Kirstine Stewart

“We can’t pay them the same money but there’s a freedom of expression here they might not get in the States.” – Kirstine Stewart’s sales pitch to Canadian writers living in L.A.

Another Hour

Many happy, shiny people at today’s CBC Fall Schedule announcement. Including Strombo, who appears to have a “will-never-be-canceled” contract, returning in September for another tiresome 7th season. George was strangely mum with reporters, only willing to hint that major changes are being made to The Hour. Especially strange since during the Q & A with […]


“Once we decide that anything goes, anything can come home to haunt us.” – Bill Moyers

Generation B S

You can’t write your own Wikipedia page. It’s not allowed. Understandably. Its purpose is not to simply publish the endless droning of a braggart, who, as it turns out, never actually walked on the moon (I’m looking at you, Sting!). But the tech-savvy members of Generation B S, have found an easy and obvious way […]

Matt the Haaple

Matt the Haaple referring to notorious FaceBook squatter Tod Maffin in You’ve been Strombo’ed! which has itself been Strombo’ed at the original author’s request.

Waiting For Jian To Answer A Simple Q-uestion

It’s been three months since I first began asking Jian, his staff, and now the CBC to answer a simple question. What editorial/opinion piece written by Jian was published by The Guardian? It says very clearly on his Wikipedia page that … He is also a writer whose editorials and opinion pieces have been published […]

the environment between George’s ears

Sarah Westwood walks with George along the Seawall George is asked what next for the campaign “A Million Acts of Green”. He uses the term “we”, without clarifying that the campaign was created in conjunction with CISCO, who wanted to experiment with social network marketing, and chose the issue and provided resources and funding. That’s […]

Diana Swain

“If Toyoto keeps expanding it’s recall, they’re going to want my ten-year old Celica back. Yes…that’s what i drive.” – Diana Swain via Twitter

Swain Song

Heads up Breaking News Desk! Is Diana Swain, Gemini award winning host and pint sized cutie jumping to Global? Perhaps to fill the soon to be vacated Kevin Newman chair or maybe she’s just sick of the shit. The long suffering CBC Toronto Local show and its ability to generate ulcers for any and all […]

You’ve been Strombo’ed!

It’s not your fault you’ve been Strombo’ed.