Monthly Archives: April 2010

Shake Hands With A Hypocrite

George says that he deliberately didn’t cover the Tiger Woods story on The Hour, even though it was significant enough to be reported all over the world. “I don’t care who you’re sleeping with. Irrelevant to me. I also think it’s disingenuous for the press to go after this particular athlete. Fuck. They’ve been leaving […]


“It is true that the new National does seem to be shedding viewers and that the new Radio 2 is an abject failure. Perhaps its time to replace the generic Teamakers bitchery with a more focussed look at what those two projects have in common. Or, rather, who they have in common.” -Anonymous, Why We […]

Jay Currie

“Everything anyone needs to know about the CBC and the idiots who run/work for it is captured in that one, juvenile, bit of idiocy.” – Jay Currie can’t seem to tear his eyes away from a prank Why We Leak


“Replace Mansbridge with that dashing elfin metrosexual, Ian Capstick. The man exudes CBC Toronto style.” – BL@KBIRD on Small Dead Animals

Genuine George

From where we’re sitting, that would be two thumbs up, George.

Fake Mel Blanc

“Better a gun in the mouth than an airbrushed Tasmanian Devil on the helmet.” – Fake Mel Blanc in Why We Leak

Kate McMillan

“I linked them for the schadenfreude.” – Kate McMillan, former CBC contributor in I Have Seen The Asteroid And It Is Us


“The management shill who wrote this self-serving tripe should get his or her fat butt out of a chair and go talk to people around the CBC. Morale is the worst it’s been in decades. It will not improve as long as we are led by the vandals now in charge.” – Marky2050 on Paul […]

Knowlton Nash the Slash

“What made CBC work in the past was a symbiotic relationship between creative shit disturber types wanting to tell Canadian stories, and the bureaucrats who keep the watercoolers filled and the paycheques signed. With a healthy layer of super-talented technical and artistic types in the middle.” – Knowlton Nash the Slash in Why We Leak

Why we leak

I want to take a minute to talk about some ‘dispiriting’ survey results that were leaked last night. First off I take full responsibility for the leak, as I was the one who did the leaking. Or rather, someone gave them to me, and I put them online. Why did I do it? Quite frankly, […]

The renewal of and scurrilous flutter on Twitter

Yesterday we launched the renewal of with a series of discussions with staff across the country. There was genuine excitement about the direction, which is about better serving our audiences. There were also constructive questions expressing a need for more detail, and expressing fear and some concerns about change. The questions were totally appropriate […]

Trouble in the HUB

So just what is the CBC News HUB? Well, one thing it is is a way for CBC News to allocate resources to journalists. Say you need an interview for a story you’re doing. You would submit your needs to the HUB and content would be doled to you in priority. Who knows, you might […]

Kirstine Stewart

“So here is where it is true and it is wrong at the same time happens. Yes the numbers are up. Six CBC shows have over 1 million viewers (one of which is Jeopardy). Thank you PPMs. It is also true that the corp doesn’t have a single show in the top 20 in Canada… […]

SideShow Bob Mackowitz

  You know those people you hate just by looking at them ? That is how I always felt about Bob.  I was first introduced to him from George’ s old radio show on The Edge.  I hated him for some reason.  He had this pompous aura about him.  Then, I saw some photos of […]