Elect The CBC

If Mesley, Mansbridge and the whole lot of them are so gung ho on public broadcasting, why don’t they quit and run for Federal office?
Nothing could be easier or more effective to bolster funding for the CBC.
It’s a given that celebrities are easily elected. People assume they know them almost personally. All that’s necessary for the celebs to do is give a few speeches like they’re going to take the job seriously.
A few months of campaigning and it’s the gravy train for four years.
Any one of them – Jian, George, Andy Barie,Brent, Quarks guy, all of the recognizable faces of the CBC could quickly hold office in Ottawa if they chose to go for it.
Jian already has the glimmer in his eye, wondering how far he can take his ambitions as a political cardboard cut-out of someone who stands for … something. He’ll wing it using his well practised “has an answer for everything” gift of conversation.
Ian Hanamanshing could realistically become the Premiere of British Columbia.

Look at Peter Kent.
What does he know?
And why should only CTV people like Duffy and Wallin get into the Senate? Where’s Patrick Watson? Not savvy enough to rate? In truth, probably more so than anyone else.
Why doesn’t the CBC just take over the country, and put an end to getting its butt kicked all the time for being “lefties”?
Rise up, CBC.
Rise up.


  • Anonymous says:

    CBC vets apparently get the GG spot. CTV gets the senate.

  • Anonymous says:

    The problem with getting elected is that all of the skeletons in their closets will be exposed. Can they handle it?

  • Yes Retire them,anywhere will Do! says:

    Movement of the older teeth&heads (anchors) would be so nice!I had a dream to be Canada’s next Barbara Walters,silly I know as that dream will never be possible.From the looks of things the only way old anchors seem to vacate CBC is when they’re “going on up to the spirit in the sky”.Its a Shame the CBC has forgotten that the many younger,good looking,educated/intelligent people that could fill most of their positions easily,guess you can’t teach an old dog new tricks.That’s why us educated/brilliant Canadians have to flee to the U.S or abroad for broadcast/journalism careers.I always thought the CBCs mantra was to support Canadians.So what does it really mean if they do not hire our educated plethora of 30-40somethings who have never had the opportunity?

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