Natural Woman

Gotta love Suhana Marchand.
She’s such an informal news anchor, and yet so easily trusted and liked.
As if she were your next door neighbour and best friend.
Without pretence or urgency she often puts the news in perspective with simple common sense.
One of the few redeeming aspects of the dull-as-watching-paint-dry CBC News Network.

Su comments on a statement by Giambrone campaign manager, John Laschinger, that his candidate has been “fully frank and transparent” since the story hit.


  • Henry Pospisil says:

    I am really upset with the thing with sexually abused women. They [most lies] that is the time, where they can get some money!!!!! Nobody knows, how many girls are already pregnant, when boyfriend find her!She dates under falls pretenses, because girls need man with income! It is cheaper to pay child support, because, she will do it again in the future.There was a case in Vancouver few years ago, the woman was working in real estate, and to get clients she used to go to single dances to start romance, and trying to get man to buy house. If he promised to buy, she had sex with him, and if he changed his mind, she charged him with rape! She lost, because there was about five man who had the same problem.I could go for a long time to proof, that the poor women are as deceiving, as it gets!!!! In my case, I started dating my boss [very bad idea].when she find a new employee[boyfriend] to get rid of me, she charge me with theft! Her husband divorced here, right after that, and that saved me.I did not even know, that she was married! Speaking of honesty,,,,, do you remember Kennedy????????? or Clinton?????and so on, and so on. Women do anything to get what they want. And than they [ some of them] they weight for many years, to get more money, by blackmailing ,or manipulating.To get rid off politician, accuse him of something of that that sort! As Napoleon said ones.
    “the most important part of victory is a lie!”I will stop now, because I would be witting for ever! Sincerely H, Pospisil.
    PS. start a nev program about honesty! And stay away from Holywood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • Rolloff DeBunk says:

    I thought I was the only one who feels she should be led out to the back forty and abandoned – with hungry vermin in the vicinity

  • Anonymous says:

    Personally I cannot watch when she’s on. Her delivery is grating…yes she does have a mic so there’s no need to yell. But what makes her unwatchable is her habit of constantly interjecting herself into the story. It’s not about you Suhana. The Moore interview was just one example. I watched David McGuffin try to report on Nelson Mandela’s birthday when “All About Me” Meharchand hijacked the discussion so she could remind viewers that she met Nelson Mandela. Poor McGuffin had to wait patiently to get his report back on track while she babbled. Sorry, but she is one irritating presence.

  • LocalYokel says:

    I cannot watch Marchand without recalling her very self-serving and pissed off interview with Moore, the Heritage Minister, in the spring of 2009. The topic: CBC funding.

    A Ceeber is never so upset as when their own job is on the line. I didn’t hear this forceful questioning when a good chunk of the Cdn populace was losing their jobs\pensions. It was actually a very disturbing interview and made me question her journalistic credability.

  • Anonymous says:

    I love her but MAN I wish she’d stop yelling and “projecting” so much. Su, you’re mic’d…talk to me like I’m next to you!

  • Anonymous says:

    I love that she’s comfortable enough to wear glasses on camera – no vanity. This woman is a great role model!

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