Do You Think George Did Laundry On Saturday ?

Photo 1) Hosting the Haiti Telethon event – Friday 22nd.

Photo 2) Hosting the Test the Nation event – Sunday 24th.

Same exact outfit.  Do you think George did the laundry on Saturday ? I mean, c’mon you spend a whole Friday night in the suit under hot studio lights, running around and then you go and wear the same thing on Sunday !  That is kind of gross. 


On an equally important side note.

While some celebrities were there to make a difference and lend their name to a good cause … some were not there for the best reasons. I won’t say their hearts weren’t pure, but at best they were there to kill two birds with one stone.  They were there to support a good cause and for shameless self promotion.  Oh, but you weren’t allowed to speak were you David.  So what do you do ? You wear the loudest pink shirt you can find and you pair it with the ugliest shiniest vest in the world.  I have never seen a group of celebrities so aware of where a camera was positioned and so ready if the mic were to be pointed in their face.

Here we have Jian dieing to talk so bad he is biting his lip.

Photos courtesy of Allan.


  • Anonymous says:

    Is Martineau checking out Mercer’s ass? Either that or this is even more boring than Ontario’s first pancreas transplant recipient.

    We used to call people like Jian shothogs. Hell, I knew some people in the TSN newsroom who would try to get into position when SC was on.

  • PoonGirl says:

    You’re being censored Anonymous ? You mean the comment you posted that is public ?

    I do not believe in censorship, but I do ask for the same respect all the Anonymous people have.

  • Anonymous says:

    Poongirl’s preoccupation with sex might suggest past abuse. Seek help.

  • Anonymous says:

    Poongirl practices censorship, but she wants free speech for her own opinions.

  • Unanimous says:

    I like your blogs, PoonGirl, but I’m not cool with this pre-moderated comment crap. If I wanted that I could just go to

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