Tweeting hard or hardly tweeting?

Kim Fox in a long meeting
This tweet came my way recently and all indicators point to it being legit. Kim Fox is a social media producer for CBC News. The Tweet was written at the end of a workday, and written with Tweetdeck, the tool of choice for the social media douche. Everything seems up-and-up.

The tweet gives us a rare look into the workday of the corporate Social Media Guru at a national news organization. An entire workday taken up by a single meeting. This blows my mind. And by all appearances the producer is pleased with a productive day. Love a meeting!

Now, considering that a well-crafted, well-researched tweet could take 30 minutes to compose and distribute, and considering bathroom breaks and meals take 2 hours, that 8 hour meeting about social media could have resulted in 12 solid emissions from the Tweet Department. Not counting retweets.

Now, I don’t want to pick on Kim Fox, who is probably a hard-working woman, and who has graced our pages before.

But for the love of God, is anyone at the CBC reading this? Or are you all at meetings?


  • LocalYokel says:

    Must have been a top secret, no-tweeting or social networking type of eight hour meeting.
    My bias is showing: I tend to think Ceebers, even social media experts, should actually get out and talk\tape\shoot people doing stuff. It’s a crazy wild idea, I know, but it may just set the Ceeb’s social media pros a step above the competition.

  • Anonymous says:

    I don’t know about anyone else at CBC, but I know if I were in an 8 hour meeting, I’d be working a 12 hour day.

  • Another Year Another Plan says:

    Poroducing that much in one shift she mush be bushed.
    In her day too busy to “social network” due to most likely a fully catered meeting Once during her exhausting day she went to Starbucks for a super grande, non fat, non dairy, non tweeting, mochacinno social network latte and left the building at 4:00 o’clock with the rest of the bureaucrats that stream out at that hour.

    One tweet a day containing 140 characters where spelling & grammar don’t seem to matter does not make one a producer. Sound more like manager with no one to manage.

    Want to see how to produce tweets with out wasting time in navel gazing meetings with other mandarins ?

    Check this fellow out from Radio Canada.

    He tweets more in a couple of hours than Kim puts in after and 8 hour meeting on how can we get 180 characters into a space of 140 characters. Result of meeting the whole committee will attend multiple social networking conferences in Europe, Asia, Africa, Russian , Iceland, Greenland, Newfoundland (by passing Labrador) NYC, LA & Friso. One done all the grand get togethers the hippsters will need to be sequestered in a resort in the Laurentian’s with the required serene environment for inner reflection.

    Minutes after arriving the CBC twits will crash the mobile data in the area and request a BGAN* be redirected from news production so a WLAN will work in the Twit cabins so they can harvest crops from facebook’s farmville. Results of the study? We need to do more studies.

    *(BGAN info for you folks who never leave the building when you work)

  • Anonymous says:

    Bureaucrats would rather discuss an issue into the ground than actually do anything about it and produce results which they (gasp) may be held accountable for.

  • PoonGirl says:

    I bet at the CBC meetings they are discussing the NBC late night line-up, that topic is so much more interesting then CBC stuff.

  • Anonymous says:

    I can assure you that meetings of that length, while not normal, are not in the realm of fantasy.

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