Getting Mugged

Yes, Bill, it is a bit cryptic.
In fact, no one knows what the hell it’s supposed to mean.


  • Allan says:

    more like “you really have to be a total dick and a phony if you need trinkets with a fictitious coat-of-arms on it to advertise yourself as a stand-up moose who don’t take no guff or bullshit”. But what relation does it have to a guy who conforms and plays the game like any other broadcasting personality?
    So proud of himself getting the CBC to pay for mugs with his name on it.
    Like a little child.
    If you’re in someone’s home and see this mug, ask them how they got it. If they say they bought it at the CBC Gift Shop, you’ll have all the evidence needed to know you’re dealing with simpletons.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Bill is probably thinking, “this Moose man is supposed to be the Canadian version of me” ?

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