Why George Not Only Defriended Me, But Blocked Me On Facebook

A few days ago I sent George an email with criticisms and suggestions to help improve the show.   I didn’t mean for anything to sound too harsh but dammit, it had to be said ! You would think that after 15 years of broadcasting experience he would be able to handle it better.  Nope !  In a matter of a few hours I was not only taken of his friends list but blocked so he could avoid further communication with me.  On the brighter side, at least I know he got my note.

Names may have been changed to protect the innocent.

The Facebook message:

Your show sucks, a fair analysis.

Between George Stroumboulopoulos and You
PoonGirl  January 2 at 4:37pm
Hello George,

I’m writing this not to be mean, but because I care. Yes, I should be going to the gym and maybe this is procrastinating but I don’t care.

Your show is bad, very bad. Take for example your New Years Special, taped, what … a month in advance ? What the hell does Hulk Hogan or Al Gore have to do with Canada OR New years for that matter ?

Neither are Canadian or very New Years Special-like at all. Al Gore is giving us BAD NEWS, not what we want to hear on New Years. It was more like a rip-off then a special.

You should expand your slogan to “Canada’s only late night talk show now with 5 percent more Canadian content”.

I think we both know that your show would be off the CBC if it weren’t for the fact it was the cheapest show to produce. Why not admit it’s not working and try something new ?

Before, you at least tried new things, or had different little clips like Best Story Ever and Dis Information, now even those are gone and we are left with interviews that aren’t that great or interesting.

Basically, your show is just a longer version of Entertainment Tonight.

Your website, strombo.com has seen less action than my 10-year-old cat.

Your radio show – amateur – and this is what you went to school for !

You can be doing SO much better, really. You have this great opportunity, and yet you have decided to just come in to work and do the same thing – interviewing American celebrities at the CBC without trying anything new anymore.

Also, you say you don’t care about what people think about you and I think it’s a good thing. But, you are just SO stubborn you don’t listen to people who try to help you become more than you are.

Your theme song The Good in Everyone sucks, it’s so stupid, I mean you’re on at 11pm and your song is so Sesame Street it’s ridiculous. Why don’t you talk to a terrorist and try to find the good in them. Let that be your philosophy in life but not your Mickey Mouse theme song.

Lastly, the one cheesy segment “World Of Good News” that you did keep SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ! No one fuckin’ cares George, really, no one cares. Is it cause all you have to do is lean on the side of your chair and read some story printed off the internet that has made that little segment stay ? It’s really cheesy I’d rather hear something hard-hitting then a little story about a puppy.

I know you are as quiet as a mouse on here but hopefully you man up and respond since I’m trying to be nice and taking time to better your show and not be kissing your butt to be fake.

PoonGirl  January 2 at 4:42pm
Oh yes this needs to be said too. When you read the email, why do you only read the good ones or mediocre funny ones ? At least when you first started you read some of the not so complimentary ones too, at least that would be INTERESTING !

Anytime someone writes something bad about you, you erase it like it didn’t exist. That is fine, but don’t put in your promos ‘bring it on’. Yeah, whenever someone does you hide. I’d have way more respect for you if you said BRING IT ON and meant it !

Side note – His first day back to air he does the good news segment and reads a story about a puppy that saved a little boy printed off the internet.


  • Anonymous says:

    There’s a lot more to your story that you’re not telling Poon Girl.

  • Hold on PoonGirl, I am going to let you finish but, Everyone else on here had the best blog comments EVER. The best blog comments ever.

    PS You sound like a total troll. Make your own show on YouTube. We’ll all watch especially if we are commenting on here.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Anon 6:38 not true. Janet Jackson, Ashton Kutcher, P.Diddy etc are all vocal about the fact that is them using their twitter accounts. Even Oprah writes her own tweets -she signed up for Twitter on her show in fact. So your point is moot.

  • Anonymous says:

    Most celebrity accounts on Twitter and Facebook are fake.

    A good rule of thumb is if the person using the account is really the person whose name is on the account, than that person is not a celebrity and vice versa. Therefore, George is not a celebrity.

  • PoonGirl says:

    It really is George who updates his own FB. C’mon it’s George, not Brad Pitt we’re talking about here.

  • Anonymous says:

    Also, if you’ve ever read updates carefully, he has hired someone to do it.

    • Anonymous says:

      True – few “celebrities” actually update their own facebook or twitter. And the really cool ones don’t even participate (hello George Clooney).

  • Corey N. Trevor says:

    Will someone young and hip, like George Strombolopobolis or Jihan Gomesehi, please explain social networking to me?

    • Anonymous says:

      It allows lonely, bored people with expensive electronic devices to feel connected to people who don’t really care about them.

  • Anonymous says:

    Maybe George should do his show from Afghanistan to entertain the troops…kind of like “Good Morning Vietnam”?

    • Allan says:

      eh … what “show” would that be? The Hour? the George-does-standup-pretending-he-can-match-Bill-Maher show? George interviews Peter McKay?
      Kind of a stretch isn’t it to put the words “George” and “entertain” in the same sentence.
      But your idea is a reminder of a comment enjoyed over at insidecbc …
      “Mike from NS says:
      I think George Strombo is a true hero, by CBC standards. He waves his pen a lot and leans really far forward in his chair when he interviews people. Fx8K journalists covering soldiers and doctors and people like that ’“ George leans really far forward in his chair!!!”

      So who would the troops rather have visit them – George or PoonGirl?

  • I ♥ Jim Flaherty says:

    Who’s this douche that always shows up with the same straw man argument?

    “(You) don’t love the CBC” – No shit, Sherlock.

    “(You) don’t give constructive feedback” – Wrong. Didn’t someone tell Strombo to shave off his soul patch?

  • PoonGirl says:

    If you want professionalism, my name POONGIRL should have given you the sense that you weren’t gonna get it for me. If you want to accuse me of being lazy, then why don’t you post for yourself and show me up.

    To clarify, my style is to be fun, when I feel like posting I just do it. God, my second post was about Jian’s hair. Why are you getting all worked up Alan ? It’s just a blog.

    Like it was mentioned, you were the one who posted my Twitter account. I am going under the name PoonGirl, not trying to make myself famous.

    The most interesting, provactive thing George could do right now is to face his critisims head on and stop being a little bitch by ignoring, erasing and blocking anyone who doesn’t say anything but how great he is.

    Dear Blunt, don’t worry about me and what I am a graduate of, just worry that George is a Doctor of Law. Think about that.

    • Alan says:

      “Just a blog”…

      Yes, you’re right. This site has become “just a blog”. And I would say people like yourself, Allan, and Fake Ouimet have contributed to it becoming such. A history class for you Poongirl:

      There was a time when this site had intelligent conversations that addressed the troubles the CBC was enduring. When the CBC was experiencing intense trauma as the lockout crawled on, people NEEDED a place to vent and shout and be heard. BUT, this was also a space for real contributions from CBC staff. You could hardly call what the CBC is experiencing now trauma. More like malaise. Some people may come on here and say “My department is experiencing intense trauma, cuts, etc etc…”. Cmon. Nothing compares to walking down Front street and eating a box of fries for lunch while walking a picket with no real pay-cheque in sight. These days, the CBC is limping along, trying its best, and its best is clearly not good enough.

      The tone of the posts and comments here became pointless a long time ago. They are whiny, glib and passive aggressive. Much like most of the water-cooler talk and John st. smokepit chatter, the conversations here has become boring and monotonous. Sadly, it seems like most CBC staff don’t even read this blog anymore.

      And you Poongirl, are just another wannabe trying to edge into a conversation you really have nothing to contribute to. The girl on the edge of the circle trying to say something inflammatory to get somebody to turn around and take notice(Clearly I have fallen prey to such tactics, woe is me). You and Allan have filled the void here, but have you made the CBC better? Nope.

      Long live The Real Teamakers, this site is dead.

      • Anonymous says:

        It’s no wonder why the CBC got rid of you. Are you capable of anything other than attempted one-upmanship? It’s bad enough that you’re doing the “back in my day, this website mattered” routine, but you show how truly petty you are by trying to win a suffering contest with current employees of the CBC :

        “You could hardly call what the CBC is experiencing now trauma. More like malaise. Some people may come on here and say ’œMy department is experiencing intense trauma, cuts, etc etc’¦’. Cmon. Nothing compares to walking down Front street and eating a box of fries for lunch while walking a picket with no real pay-cheque in sight.”

  • PoonGirl says:

    Alright Alan, you want a war ? You’ve got it ! I like Allan with two L’s better – what a difference one letter makes. Allan, see’s things for what they really are.

    First off, George doesn’t care about you, so why do you care about defending him so much ?

    I see some parts of my note to George weren’t the most eloquently written, and perhaps I should I work on my style, but the content of my letter was spot on.

    The theme song sucks, the world of good news sucks, the interviews are boring and quite frankly the ratings of 120 000 when the lead in show is over half a million speaks for itself.

    You though, Alan with one L seem to see me as a lesser person then you. So I invite you Alan to write George a letter with your ideas and ask him in your eloquent way why after 6 years does has show seen no growth ?

    Why should I change the channel ? I’ll still have to pay for it and I refuse to fund someone who doesn’t value my opinion. Numbers don’t lie Alan, and no matter how bad my spelling is and no matter how many times I swear in my note to George the bottom line is I’m right and you are very, very wrong.

    • Alan says:

      War? I don’t think I defended the weaknesses of George’s show at all. Had you spent more than a minute to read my post rather than furiously typing on your iMac wireless keyboard, you would have seen I focused entirely on YOU. And I don’t buy you really care about the show, the ratings, or the tax dollars you think you spend on Public Broadcasting. I take issue with you and your like for your false sincerity about the state of the CBC. You provide no constructive feedback, no valuable commentary. You don’t DO anything except post trolling posts and lame comments.

      It seems to me more like you are trying to drum up a following. And that my dear, is the essence of the problem at the CBC. Selfish, self-centered behavior by immature, lazy people who can’t see beyond their own desk.

      When I read your comments and postings here I am reminded of 15 year old n3wbs looking for a place to shout. You really should look up myspace sometime, its success (and now imminent failure) was seeded by people with “contributions” like yours.

      If your “feedback” and “truth” is all that remains of the Teamakers site, I would say this blog is dead and without value or merit. Take Allan with you on your way to the next pulpit.

      • Blunt says:

        I could not agree with you more Alan. I’ve been here in one way or another since 2005/2006. Poongirl and people like her are exactly what’s wrong with media and/or social media. God help us all if she is a graduate of anything. The educational system in this country is bad, but I sure as hell hope it’s not that bad. Go stalk G and his crew on the hour blog, god knows ain’t no one there who gives a rats ass about grammar/spelling or common sense. There…you could actually be smart…imagine the prestige and the endless stalking possibilities.

  • ?????????????? says:

    What would Joe Strummer do?

  • Alan says:

    What a trite piece of shit that letter was PoonGirl.

    How can you possibly construe that letter as a productive or valuable critique of his program? I’m not a fan of the show either, but were I to receive this letter I would likely treat it in exactly the same manner.

    “Your theme song The Good in Everyone sucks, it’™s so stupid, I mean you’™re on at 11pm and your song is so Sesame Street it’™s ridiculous.”

    or this:

    “Lastly, the one cheesy segment ’œWorld Of Good News’ that you did keep SUCKSSSSSSSSSSSSSS ! No one fuckin’™ cares George, really, no one cares. Is it cause all you have to do is lean on the side of your chair and read some story printed off the internet that has made that little segment stay ”

    Your letter to Strombo is much like most of your recent blog posts and comments.
    Trite, childish, flamebait.



  • PoonGirl says:

    Something that is upseting me is when people say “Why don’t you watch something else” ? You know what, don’t fuckin’ tell me what to do people !

    Why SHOULD I ? I’m tempted to think that the Jen that commented here is the same Jen that works on the show with George, the girl that reads the Bio’s. Just a guess. You know what JEN and WATCHING SOMETHING ELSE. Don’t explain the Bio to me, I know more about the guests than you do. Tom Cruise, the public really needs a bio on him, give us more credit. Let me EXPLAIN SOMETHING TO YOU, JEN ! You and George are in NO postion to tell me to watch something else, I take time to give you valuable advice and you shoo me away like I’m a pest. You block me like I’m a nut. Wanna know something ? I’m not going away, neither are the other people who speak truth on this site. Like Hulk Hogan says ” WHATTTT YOUUUU GONNAAAA DOOOO” ?

    • Anonymous says:

      You tell ’em Girl. We Tea Makers don’t take any shit. We do what we want, when we want, and anyone who thinks otherwise can go fuck themselves. When we say something, it is in their interest to listen and even respond, otherwise we may just ratchet shit up a notch and go ape shit on they ass…

      • Amanda says:

        Poongirl’s arrival here is the equivalent to Heather Locklear being brought on to (the original) Melrose Place to jack up the sizzle. Excellent casting, Teamakers.

        • Alan says:

          “You tell ’˜em Girl. We Tea Makers don’™t take any shit”

          Ah yes, you “Tea Makers”… So with that I am guessing you don’t work at the CBC, nor have you ever. You’re just another hanger-on with nothing else to do. Or perhaps you work at another embattled media company/org. and are spreading your poison there? Perhaps you’re a recent Ryerson grad. working some shit bartending job, trying to work your way into the CBC and “save” it with your tweets

          The “truth” being spoken here by PoonGirl is the most shallow, self-serving form there is. It’s self promotion, and this professed love of the CBC is merely a schtick.

    • Anon says:

      What? Are you four years old? That’s quite the temper tantrum. Did you stomp your feet and clench your fists too? Did your little outburst make you feel better?

      You hate the show. You hate George. We get that. Hell, how could we miss that? Rather than getting so worked up over a television show, why not find a show you like to watch instead of being constantly negative. Crazy concept, I know. Being so incredibly negative has got to be such a drain on you and the people around you.

      Finding something that you like to watch rather than something you hate. Such a crazy concept to suggest to someone constantly pissed off. *roll eyes*

    • wait til you find out who I am!! says:

      I’m gonna stop reading The Teamakers … you’re all hacks or someone somewhere would have hired you by now like they did me when I directed them to my blogs and comments online … seriously … my high school year book had better editorial than on here
      I would have blocked you too and I’m certainly going to stop popping in on The Teamakers … it’s always the same shit.

      • PoonGirl says:

        I love when people threaten to leave ! Are you un-bookmarking the site too ?
        I’m sure your blog beats ours by a mile. I’m sure your smart, talented and attractive too. I don’t even know why you wasted your precious time with writing a comment in a blog that is beneath you.
        Yes, The Teamakers is always the same shit, I can’t believe we have the nerve to keep writing about the CBC.

      • Simon says:

        I once hired a guy to clean up dog poop in my backyard after he directed me to his blogs and comments online………was that you?

  • Allan says:

    George failed TO SEE THE GOOD IN PoonGirl.

  • Anonymous says:

    George is the very definition of flaccid. If they replaced him with Matthew Good, I would watch every single episode (& reruns!). That man is never dull.

  • PoonGirl says:

    I wasn’t objecting to George having Al Gore on his show, but that is NO New Years Eve Party ! Even CNN took a break and Anderson Cooper and Kathy Griffin partied. But, George, no The Hour is way too serious for that.
    The thing is, pretty much everyone is watching something else. Hence the critisism.

  • WatchingSomethingElse says:

    Yeah … if you think the show sucks watch something else …. or do you just get too much pleasure from being pissed off at CBC?

  • Tired says:

    Jealous much? Your criticisms are mediocre at best. You are entitled to have them, but here’s a crazy concept. Don’t like the show? STOP WATCHING IT. Seriously. It’s not a hard idea to wrap your little brain around. There’s something called a power switch on the TV. Use it. Get an extra hour of sleep.
    For the record, I would have blocked you too. The show is not nearly as craptastic as as your petty email suggests.

  • jen says:

    Um, you are objecting to George having AL GORE on the show because he is bringing bad news and you don’t like that??! Global warming, climate, and environmental concerns are the top issue facing humanity and the planet — I’m sorry if it bums you out when you want a shiny happy new year’s, but that’s the reality we face and kudos to George, the Hour, and any one and any other program who pays Al Gore the respect he deserves for the years of hard work he’s been doing to make sure the message gets out and stays out.

    • Fake Preston Manning says:


      Al Gore brings attention to how fucked the environment is, that’s for sure. But really, that guy FLIES in airplanes constantly, and owns multiple homes, etc. His carbon footprint sucks ass.

      Why should I sit around and be guilt-tripped into thinking indie rock and cool craft shows will solve the problem of the environment being fucked? Really, creeping corporate and globalist avarice is just as dangerous to survival as the environment being fucked.

      Oh, and PoonGirl why don’t you toss out a few of your best constructive ideas for CBC – TV, Radio, Radio-Canada, whatever?

      Oh yeah, that’s right you are just another consumer of media products, duped into thinking that being able to say “I like this” or “I dislike that” on a computer is the pinnacle of humankind’s progress.

  • John Francis McIntyre says:

    I would have blocked you too.

  • Anonymous says:

    Brilliant once again dear PoonGirl. You’re bringing some great insight and energy to this previously male-dominated site. George is a fraud, and you’re right in saying he could and would be so much better if he only got his head out of his ass and adapted his act in the face of at least some of the massive criticism he gets. Further, he should be honoured someone as smart as yourself took the time to tell him that as emperor of his ego he’s actually quite naked…

  • Anonymous says:

    Ahhhhhh……The glamorous life of a Canadian show biz success story. Cyber-hustling his pseudo-hipster ass on Facebook in an effort to increase his insufficient fan base . Friending then unfriending any acolyte that dare question his infallibility. “Must nip it in the bud! Lest it become contagious and my minions revolt against me and turn their allegiance to….dare I say…..JiAN GHoMeShi!!!!”

  • Franz Kafka says:

    I would’ve just told him that he looked and sounded like Jim Carrey’s character in The Cable Guy.

    Well done, none the less.

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