Vote or Die

 Vote now and vote often.

[polldaddy poll=”2465597″] 

And by which show do you think needs the most help, you can also interchange it with which show do you hate the most.

You are allowed to vote once a day, so please do.


  • Franz Kafka says:

    He’s still very much a Veejay in every respect.

    That’s not a compliment, btw.

  • PoonGirl says:

    I hear you Moose 12:55a but do you think a “pro” like George would accept training ? How many times has he been mocked on This Hour Has 22 Minutes ? Several times and he still doesn’t get the hint. I don’t think he’s humble enough to go into training, after all, this is his style of interviewing. I personally don’t think he’s gonna go to any sort of training sessions unless his back is up against the wall.

    Speaking of body language, George’s reminds me of my dog when he slides his butt across the floor. He starts at the top of the chair then lands near the floor !

    More importantly, Allan doesn’t know how to make a poll, let’s laugh at him.

  • anonymoose says:

    I have to echo the comments posted at 12:28a. George could be decent host, if only he had some guidance and coaching. When I used to work in TV (alas, a lowly camera guy 15-years ago), the stations, in that constant battle to improve the product and (hopefully) the resultant ratings, always made sure the on-camera talent received continual training. Few people are natural interviewers, but it is a skill that can be learned. Same with presentation skills, speech & pronunciation, and, especially for those who are on-camera, body language. Is George getting the training he needs? From watching the show, I’d have to say “no”.

  • PoonGirl says:

    I also need to publicly say that Allan is jealous that I made a poll and he doesn’t know how to make a poll. But, once I told him he could only vote once a day I know for a FACT that he waited till 12.01am and voted again on the second day of the poll.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Yes, this weeks episodes have actually been good. George went on a little rant about parliament that his writers thought up, but at least he tried to be passionate.

    Today he interviewed someone who talked about Privacy laws in Canada which was interesting … maybe he’s reading TeaMakers. We need to light a fire under his cute tight butt clad in black jeans.

  • Anonymous says:

    While I am ashamed of writing these words, I don’t unequivocally hate The Hour. Actually, I DO hate The Hour, however, I think it has SOME potential. The show occasionally manages to surprise me (in a good way) with some of their guests. But the show could be so much better! If George took a few seminars in tact and technique, and stopped playing to the lowest common denominator it would be a start. Furthermore, someone needs to stick him in a real-person suit, shave his chin-stache, underscore that he is – what, maybe 35? – and that he needs to speak, act, and interview like an adult and a professional. The teenagers don’t really care, and the 20-somethings are just insulted. I can only hope that they aren’t targeting anyone older. The Jimmy Eat World-esque set doesn’t do much for intellectual credibility either.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Yes, I aggree with you, and thank you for the well thought out feedback. I think I made an error in the question I posed. I think The Hour should be scrapped and if they MUST keep George, have him do something else where he an do less damage.

    I think Q just needs a new host and The Hour … just needs to go away. Last night he interviewed Edward Norton and it was so painful, I like George better without the volume on.

  • CC says:

    Trick question? Q and The Hour were stillborn shows. They never had a chance, and there’™s no helping them now short of essentially scrapping them and completely redoing them. (They both have unqualified and irrelevant hosts, and both are done in a very tacky and extremely regional style. They will never appeal to a national audience and there was never any hope that they would. They appear to be nothing more than make-work projects for some friends of CBC managers.)

    The National and RCAF both could use help, however, and both have enough going for them now that that they’™re worth trying to rejuvenate, imo.

  • PoonGirl says:

    It looks like The National has the most votes for the show that needs the most help, anyone suprised ?

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