Fashion File

Hello, my name is Jian Ghomeshi, previously known as Jean in my York University days.  I think Jian sounds more ethnic and fun !

My idol is Zac Efron, we have nothing in common except the most important thing, OUR HAIR ! 


Imagine if I was Jian Efron ?  That would be totally ethnic to the maximus and score me extra points.  Back to the important stuff though.  Style is VERY important to me, I was in a rock band you know.

Sometimes pink and ruffled does the job.

         But mesh is nice too ! 

Like most bad-asses a leather jacket usually does the trick. 

These days I’m clean-cut, after all I do work at the CantBeCool.  You didn’t hear that from me. 

I used to rock a 5 o’clock shadow at any time of the day. 

I  also used to experiment with longer hairstyles.  For a while, I thought I was so talented I possessed magical powers so I would dress like I belonged in the Alice in Wonderland cartoon.   Mad Hatter in da house !

 You may think, “Jian, how did you get to be so stylish” ?  The answer is, I like to wear what feels right.  After all, I know who I am by now, I am 32…okay…42…ish.

Jian Efron, what a ring to it that has.

Nowadays, I try to look as good and as young as possible except when I’m on the air ! When I’m on the air, it’s not about what I wear it’s about my talent.

What I want you to know most about me, Jean Efron, is that I am a nice guy.   Sometimes I faulter like everyone else and yes my style has had more reincarnations than Madonna’s style has.  But you know what ?  That is my right as a man.  I need approval, but I can’t let you know that.  So when you see me, please compliment me on my hair.


  • Anon says:

    …. and …. (maybe you can prompt Prof. Kelman’s questions, though she reads here)

    The Broadcaster. Daily News Tuesday, January 26, 2010
    Public Presentation Turns Tables on CBC Broadcaster
    Ryerson University is presenting an evening with celebrated musician and media personality Jian Ghomeshi, Wednesday, January 27 at 6:00 p.m. Part of the Dean*s Lecture Series in the Faculty of Communication & Design, In Discussion with Jian Ghomeshi, is free and open to the public.

    In this co-presentation with Ryerson’s Schools of Journalism and
    Radio and Television Arts, moderator Suanne Kelman, Associate Professor in the School of Journalism, turns the tables on the man who sits behind the mic in so much of what he does. In Discussion with Jian Ghomeshi promises to be a candid conversation about the motivations and passions behind his career as a broadcaster, writer, musician and producer.

    A singer, songwriter, and musician, Jian found international success
    during the 1990s as a member of multi-platinum selling folk-rock group,
    Moxy Früvous. He stays active in music, continuing to write and produce
    through his company, Wonderboy Entertainment, and manages the career of Juno award-winning artist, LIGHTS.

    He is a writer, with editorials and opinion pieces widely published and in 2008 he became a weekly columnist for the National Post.

    Today Jian is best known as the host and co-creator of the national daily talk program, Q, on CBC Radio One and Bold TV. In this role he has interviewed the likes of Woody Allen, Salman Rushdie, Radiohead, Barbara Walters, William Shatner and Leonard Cohen. NOW Magazine named him *Best Media Personality* in 2009.

    WHAT: Dean*s Lecture Series: In Discussion with Jian Ghomeshi
    WHO: Broadcaster, Writer, Musician, Producer Jian Ghomeshi
    WHEN: Wednesday, January 27, 2010 6:00-7:30 p.m.
    WHERE: Room 103, George Vari Engineering and Computing Centre
    Ryerson University
    245 Church St., Toronto (Church and Gould)

  • Wow... says:

    …you people are nuts

  • Mousse says:

    I’m not a Jian fan but I wouldn’t be averse to him taking over as host of The Hour. It would be a welcome change from the hyperactive, fast talking, giggling at his own “attempts” at humour, sitting on the edge of his chair, vertically challenged “man in black”.

  • Anonymous says:

    Why are so many Q shows about Britain or stories from The Guardian? Doesn’t Canada (& not just Toronto) have enough Arts? Culture? Entertainment?

  • PoonGirl says:

    No, I haven’t run out of things to bash George for ! This is just the tip of the iceberg for me, and you’ll want to tune in when (at my convience) I will post another rivetting expose about George.

    Jian is an art critic and George is a political renegade. Why don’t you go vote in my poll and let your voice be heard there.

  • cbc ottawa says:

    So now it’s Jian’s turn? Run out of George bashing material? Yes he comes off as obnoxious, Yes he plays the “ethnic” card rather too often. Yes he comes off as smug by times… but have you listened to what else is out there in the privates?

    His producer needs to reign in his more annoying habits. The show can be saved!

  • Quoi? says:

    Maybe Jian can pull some strings and get her a job at the CBC?

  • PoonGirl says:

    Maybe the LIGHT is at the end of her tunnel ?

  • Gian Jhomeshi says:

    Since her debut album tanked, will LIGHTS start putting out for Jian?

  • PoonGirl says:

    He went from John to Jean to Jian.

    Identity crisis much ?

  • Anonymous says:

    At what point can we describe him as “overexposed”?

    • Anony-nony says:

      I see that they still, still!, have the Billy-Bob interview at the bottom of page.

      There once was a list of the staffers at Q, but they seem to be hiding it now, except for the end-of-week credits.

      The staff, as of January 2008, before many fled the show was interviewed for “Case Study: Q, CBC Radio One and Emerging forms of ‘Canadianism'”
      by Joseph Turcotte, MA. Communication Studies, Wilfrid Laurier University
      Full text: Not available

      Sometimes the staff behind Jian’s disastrous career show up in the Q:Americans.Before.Canadians blog such as Peter Mitton [ ]

      or Tori Allen [ ]

      or Rachel Matlow [ ]

      Jian often has to take what is given him. He has no godly powers, that is obvious.

      This is the Toronto version of “Freestyle” looking to the college-style of (U.S.) National Public Radio.

      • Anon says:

        Shall we blame Noorani then?
        “The Show’s Executive Producer
        Arif Noorani was a producer with This Morning for the last two years. His other radio experience includes three years as a Producer for News & Current Affairs with CKLN Radio (Toronto). He has worked in film and video as a maker of short experimental films and as a co-director on a feature length documentary, that have screened at film festivals from Mexico to India, as well as across Canada. He has written for numerous magazines and worked as an online editor for a website. Outside of journalism, he has worked in the arts sector as a programmer with numerous multidisciplinary arts festivals and film festivals. ”

        and there is where he went wrong “….and a former member of This Magazine’™s editorial board. “

      • Anonymous says:

        Proving once again that the CBC is just a big Toronto-lovefest & that the rest of the country doesn’t matter and shouldn’t bother trying to be included.

  • Anonnynonny says:

    At high school in Thornhill he was “John”.

    And even then people were rolling their eyes.

    • anonymous says:

      What year did he graduate?

      • Another YorkU grad says:

        from the York Pravda of 19 Nov 2009

        “Left: Jian Ghomeshi entertains the crowd at the Bryden Alumni Awards

        Emcee Jian Ghomeshi (BA ’˜95) opened the show with personal anecdotes that had the audience laughing, but took a serious moment to share his thoughts on the value of a liberal arts degree.

        ’œBeing a renaissance person is a way to find success today,’ he said. ’œIt’™s what people are looking for ’“ well-rounded, interesting, interested humans. That’™s what York brought to me.’

        Surely you are reading daily to see his ” eyes of an Arabian princess” as Rick Mercer joked in 2004 on potentials for the next GG.
        Horrid little gnome, Prez of the awful York Fed. of Students and should have gotten an F for that.

      • Ouch says:

        Not sure he graduated at all, but he was in Thornlea grade 11 in 1983

  • Anonymous says:

    Photos which, according to his tweets, make him look fat.

  • Quoi? says:

    Fact : one tenth of the CBC’s budget is spent on airbrushing photos of Jian.

  • Anonymous says:

    Hey – it takes cojones to wear that purple jack & top hat!

  • Don Anonio says:

    I thought since Fake Ouimet had gone ouiouioui all the way home, that would be an end to the misojiany and ghomophobia at Teamakers.

    Happily not!

  • PoonGirl says:

    The Curious Case of Jian Ghomeshi.

  • Happy 46th Jian Ghomeshi !!! says:

    Jian Ghomeshi’s date of birth has that Benjamin Button disease! At one time it was 1964 :

    But now it’s 1967 in his (likely self written) Wikipedia entry :

  • PoonGirl says:

    Yes, Jian goes to Queens Park every now and again and gets someone to whisper words of Farsi in his ear so he looks like he knows what he’s talking about.

    Perhaps there is a magical “Farsi Whisperer” he travels with.

    If Jian Efron got a nose job, he needs to get a refund from his doctor.

  • anonymous says:

    Did Jean get a nosejob? The nose in the older pic looks different than the newer pics.

  • Mah-poon Amedina-douche says:

    Not that I think Jian is really of any use whatever, but there is one thing you ought to know that is a black ink fact.

    Jian (pronounced Zhee-Ahn) is Zhee-ahn because the guy is a Persian-Canadian or Iranian Canadian or whatever you’d like to call it. And Zhee-yawn has been helpful, supportive, loyal, etc. to that community and that’s not much to make fun of.

    Unless of course you’re a fucking ignoramus mall rat-cum blog commenter. Hypothetically speaking of course.

    • Anonymous says:

      What goes around comes around. He is critical of anyone who isn’t a “successful” celebrity or iconic in some way. Karma police are alerted.

  • Anonymous says:

    Eeep! When did he wear the mesh shirt? (Maybe it was just really hot – his girlfriend isn’t wearing much either…)

  • Anony-nony says:

    Even the teamaker’s comparison fits the Q show slogan

    Q. Americans. Before. Canadians

  • Anon says:

    No, don’t keep it up. Spike his car, poison his food. Hire away the dumb staffers.

    We don’t want to know that Jian exists on CBC, neither radio, nor TV.

  • Anonymous says:

    Brilliant. Keep it up.

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