News from the Federal Finance Minister

Flaherty’s deficit plan: Take an axe and cut deep

“I’ve done it before. I did it in Ontario.”-Jim Flaherty quoted in the Toronto Star.

Stay tuned for updates


  • PoonGirl says:

    I know I can’t copywrite “girl” but “Poon” should noot be used on this site. It’s mine.

  • PoonGirl says:

    I’ve noticed a lot of mammals using bits and pieces of my name all over this site now. Should I get my name Copywritten AnonymousGirl or Poon-o-ger-douche-sii ?

    I’m PoonGirl, the one, the only. Allan is my personal bouncer with a 3rd degree black belt in Kung Fu.

    • Anonymous says:

      Allan is more woman than you’ll ever be and yes, you should copyright the word “girl” so that no one else can use it.

  • AnonymousGirl says:

    Jian (pron. Jeeyawn) hasn’t tweeted since you mammals started making fun of his Twitter account. I hope that makes you @rseholes happy!!!!!!!!!!!

    • Anonymous says:

      Actually, the staff that produces his tweets are probably on vacation & “his” official tweets will resume when they return to work (like good little elves). He is The Brand.

  • Doug Mckenzie says:

    New Moon “is a machine” with “Lots of buff & pretty (& that’™s just the boys!)”……..I didn’t know that Jian Ghomeshi had such a deep appreciation for the arts…….Did he follow up that tweet with his review of the Miley Cyrus concert?

  • LocalYokel says:

    Nice to see the SDA peeps are paying attention. Kate go on vacation or something?

    Selling public assets is a bad idea. And I wouldn’t be surprised to see the Cons and Libs toss the Ceeb a nice fat IPO to drum up short term money to cover their long term economic stupidity.

    • WTF says:

      Seventh-day Adventists?

      And how could a network that employs the likes of Mercer, Ghomeshi and Strombolopolos and produces cheesy tripe like Little Mosque on the Prairie and Battle of the Blades be considered a public asset?

    • Anonymous says:

      The CBC is definitely good at one thing: fear-mongering (especially when comes to its own demise.)

  • LocalYokel says:

    NB Power for sale.
    McGuinty in Ontario paying Goldman Sachs to draw up plans to sell provincial assets.
    Feds in a deep debt hole.
    Crown Corps for sale….
    Hmmm, who would pay to take the Ceeb off the hands of the Canadian public? The radio signals alone are worth a very substansial amount of money, and the Ceeb is squatting on unsued frequences.
    But, by all means, let’s go back to regular programming with the bash Gomeshi crowd fervently hoping he keeps twittering. There’s not much to talk about otherwise.

  • Shinan U. Craise Diamond says:

    Judging by his twitter, Jian has an obsession with celebrity that would make Perez Hilton envious.

    • Anonymous says:

      From perusing Jian’s Twitter I’ve come to the conclusion that Jian is just a silly old queen. How else do you explain this gem of a tweet? (see below)

      “Back from screening of New Moon. Lots of buff & pretty (& that’s just the boys!). Narrative is lean. But little matter. This is a machine.
      7:41 PM Nov 18th from web”

    • Anonymous says:

      Narcissists of a feather flock together.

  • Anonymous says:

    May Elvira Kurt’s budget be cut. How does that cackling, screechy woman end up on radio?

    • Kimbo Spice says:

      Lesbian and visible minority. She is also an extremely annoying person, which seems to be one of the qualifications for the CBC’s on air talent these days (see Jian Ghomeshi, Rick Mercer, Evan Solomon, etc.).

  • Vancouverite says:

    Jian’s Twitter account is an obvious extension of his personality, i.e., incessant celebrity name dropping sprinkled with affected phraseology that’s been MIA since the John Hughes teenybopper movies of the 80’s.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Jian ALWAYS pretends to care about what’s happening in the Middle East, meanwhile the guy is more Canadianized than I am !

    If you really want to act like you care do your whole kiss-ass intros in Farsi.

  • Yoko Oh no says:

    “Over the next four or five years, the government also hopes to drum up large chunks of cash by selling off billions of dollars in federal lands, buildings and Crown corporations, including possibly the Royal Canadian Mint, Via Rail and Atomic Energy Canada Ltd.”


    The government wants to sell Crown corporations? LMAO @ the CBC

  • Allan says:

    Amanda Lang reminds me of Emma Peel, and Kevin would look good in a bowler.

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