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  • PoonGirl says:

    So according to Google results, George is 5’6 and gay ?

    I think he’s 5’8 and like Poongirl.

  • Google says:

    1,530 results for George Stroumboulopoulos is 5’10”

    12,100 results for George Stroumboulopoulos is 5’6″

  • PoonGirl says:

    George needs to stop the false advertising by saying he’s “5’10”

    Ya, and I’m 19 with natural DD’s.

  • Anonymous says:

    Would a single photo of anyone else spark so much attention? When you can do that, you win.

  • PoonGirl says:

    Yes, the hand is “The Thing”. I wanted to play with George’s “thing” but was turned down.

    Allan (not Allen) brings up a valid point. George attended the Gemini Awards looking like a member of the Addams family. It didn’t require a “body” just a visual aid to giggle at. Not really an attack, just an observation. Now, George is more Bob Vila than Goth with his plaid shirts … but I think they look good him.

    I would gladly be Morticia.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is George aware that he is on camera during his show and that his appearance matters? Just checking…

      • Anonymous says:

        His appearance is just fine.
        Maybe he should just wear a suit and tie?? like Leno, Letterman, Stewart, Colbert, Lopez, Miller, Roberts, Robertson, Mansbridge, Conan, Kimmel, and literally half dozen others who’s name I can’t remember …
        Most celebs would rather be interviewed by George as he is than alot of others in all their suits and stuffiness. His interviews are thoughtful, personable, professional and yes sometimes the only reason they’re there is to promote/plug a product. Business is business…
        Are you perfect at your job? … just checking?

  • Anonymous says:

    Cousin Itt was a short, fur covered creature (kinda like George, actually). The hand was simply “Thing”.

  • Anonymous says:

    that’s rather harsh …

  • LOL says:

    If this is what the TeaMakers serves up, I’m switching to coffee.

  • Anonymous says:

    Bingo !!!
    I wish I had said that.

  • I'm on a mouse says:

    I think it’s cute …

    Allen (doth protest too much) has an unrequited crush and acts it out on here. You seem to be suggesting that there’s something less hot about him cuz he gained some weight … because .. What? you’re so talented to be beautiful? You think w’re only impressed with him for his perfect looks ? No wonder his crush is unrequited to you.

    Allen if you could write worth a damn, or display ANY other talent of social and entertainment “interest” let alone value, besides crushing on Strombo … maybe the CBC would make you an offer.
    If you can submit a work of equal or more talent, do it. Otherwise write something that will make someone hire you or shut-up.
    Until then, the CBC knows how to hire talent and THAT’s why they ignore you. All this personal bashing of on air talent just confirms it. Allen you’re a hack.

    The Strombo thing is getting old. The Jian and the Mercer thing is getting old.
    Not worth reading anymore. Unless you can offer improvements that actually work, take a stand on actual issues presented, offer alternate talent suggestions for us to watch and follow … -these people are doing their job and you are not.

    So many important issues out there to make a real difference about and “this” is what you dwell on for the sake of some incidental attention. Was ‘that’ what this site was to be about? You can’t seem to write well enough to do justice to your own agenda and you comment on the work other people are doing?

    My only hesitation to submit this is, is that maybe that’s the point. Maybe you’ve actually done your job TOOO well. Maybe this site is only about promoting more attention to these shows, possibly a form of publicity to solicite support and re-confirm the loyalty of the audience against idiots who don’t know any beter.
    You want to define yourself by what you think is crap? or what you think isn’t? why don’t you write about what defines you by what you like?
    I’m tired of looking for something worth reading on here.

    • Anonymous says:

      Is it just me or is it getting easier to spot Joe Clark these days?

    • Allan says:

      What’s this, a piece of coal in my stocking?
      Another one?
      Be a dear, Ouimet, and throw it on the pile with the others. You know, I think we almost have enough to see us through another Toronto winter.

      • Anonymous says:

        a lump of coal at least might give heat and this is all just stale wind. for a photo- shop mockup it’s cute and will probably get more people to actually watch the show to check it out and probably get even more fans who actually liked him and the show. that would mean it failed because as a blog-able entry it makes whoever posted this seem pretty empty. no body even bothered with it really. most of the entries sound like they were Allen just trying feed the thread . so Strombo is fat who really cares. he does the job on the show and makes celebrities interesting as long as they like him. if you don’t like him why do you give him so much attention. the mouse is right, talk about something interesting or shut-up.

        • Anonymous says:

          Have you ever thought of capitalizing your sentences? Perhaps you should work on your grammar before criticizing anyone else.

          • Anonymous says:

            as long as it’s just the grammar you object to and not the issue. because otherwise you just said alotta nuthin.

    • Anonymous says:

      HA! Made you look!!!

    • Joe Blough says:

      Do you expect anyone to praise what the CBC offers Canadians? Reruns of the Fresh Prince of Bel Air and The Ghost Whisperer, American game shows like Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy? In other words – syndicated junk that I can find on tons of other channels that don’t get a penny of my tax dollars. Strombo, Rick Mercer and Jian Ghomeshi are just 3 more examples of what people don’t want their tax dollars being wasted on.

      You want suggestions for improvements? Bury the Corpse. The CBC has long outlived it’s usefulness and should be put out of it’s misery. Make Strombo, Rick and Jian peddle their wares in the unemployment line so we can all see how much their “talent” is really worth. Don’t be shocked when you see Rick waiting tables, Jian driving a cab and Strombo hustling at Church and Wellesley.

      • Anonymous says:

        Joe Blough if you don’t like what your CBC is doing with your tax $$ why don’t you do something about it that makes a difference instead of wasting your time on here.
        It’s YOUR $$ at work, write to THEM instead of this brain-dead attention hog idiot who just wants you feed her dilusional Strombo-crushing ego.
        If these people really had anything to say worth listening to, there are ways to effect positive change without all this moronic personal bashing.

        I am personally outta here, I was lead here from clicking on one of my tweets. If this is indicative of the standard of blog on here… now that I know …certainly never again.
        The Tea Makers sound like they need to go for recess. There’s a reason thsese people are here instead of where it makes a difference.
        Just let the kids play.

        • Allan says:

          You suggest writing to audience relations to affect real change. Give us just one example of where that has gotten you or anyone else (except the Conservative Party!). Point to even one instance where any of the thousands of comments left with CBC.CA resulted in any change in attitude or direction or policy of the CBC.
          Name one freakin’ thing.

          Only a perfect storm of politics, print media and viewer letters of outrage could ever divert its management from doing whatever they think works and whatever they can get away with.
          Except for one other thing.
          A very unique blog.
          And Tea Makers is that blog. The most contemptible, juvenile, irritating and quite possible the most disreputable piece of trashy content in the Canadian blogosphere.
          And astonishingly proud of it. As only a true moron could be.
          Yet there it is.
          Profoundly changing the lives of everyone it touches.
          A David of change, of giving freedom and choice, against the Goliath of:
          John Doyle/Strombo/Stursberg/billboards/national broadcasts to millions/radio shows every day/rock around the clock with channels and stations up the wazoo everywhere you turn.
          All we are is like a squeaky little mouse, living in a world where, with all the lapses of judgement, understanding and competence that decorate the CBC, for commentators who celebrate buffoonery, almost every day, is Christmas.

          With all the people who’ve vowed to abandon this place, it’s surprising that there’s anyone left on the planet. They say they’re never shopping here again, and we say “thank you, come again, we’ll not hold your impulsive outburst against you if you return”.
          The Tea Makers blog is a force for good in the universe, a powerful catalyst for real change.
          Change you can believe in.
          You could say, it’s mind altering.
          And speaking of change, we’re passing the hat around for a soul transplant for George, Richard, Jian and some others.
          Can you help?
          There are so many assholes who need a reality check, especially in broadcasting.
          And in blogs too.
          Wait, forget that last part.

          The world of media and the balance of power in social discourse is changing rapidly.
          TM is a unique and vital part of that change. The CBC, on the other hand, is always playing catch-up.
          We’re doing our part to help the CBC and all that it comprises.
          It would be a mistake to underestimate the extent to which this blog, and the calibre of posts such as this (and better ones) has improved the quality of life for everyone involved with the CBC.
          At the least it’s given some people one more thing to bitch about, and everyone needs that. Certainly Colbert does, or what would he have to wag his finger at?
          Look at how much better you, anonymous, feel about yourself knowing you are in no way responsible for what goes on here.
          Assured that in this world there are bigger fools than you.

  • PoonGirl says:

    I wonder if he has that single hand roaming around his house. Remember the hand ?

    Perhaps the hand should get a job as a writer. I mean, none of the writers have actual brains attached to them, do they ?


    Does the hand need to wear a skull ring I ponder …

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