Forget choppers crashing in Montreal we’ve got roller skating babys and stoned dental patients.
CBC News Now in the morning misses the mark again. By using its Breaking News ‘cough!’ Desk to playback a countdown of ’09s top viewed You Tube Vids.
As if fate was sticking News Now in the eye a chopper crash occurs in Montreal and Heather is forced to by pass Melanie Nagy at the B.N.D. and take a phoner from Dan Halton in order to get details.
BTW that ugly singing broad was viewed the most.
For the first time in months, I watched the CBC over the BBC this morning and crap, never again. Heather Hiscox is the worst reporter for live events. All she said was err, ahh, umm and kept pausing, as though there was nothing to say. It was driving me nuts and her grammar or (basic lack of) was horrible.
Poor you! Were you expecting talent & skill at the CBC?