Yes, the CBC paid for and posted this piece of crap

Confessions of a Santa: (clip 4)
“Mrs. Claus, not only my wife but she’s also a witch.
Yeah, I didn’t believe it until I saw her give birth to a fucking reindeer.
Scared the shit out of me.”
(that’s the entire clip)

Picture 50The CBC calls it a HOLIDAY VIDEO, part of the cheery web page Holiday Guide.
It’s broken into 5 parts, all equally, horribly stupid.
A compilation of parts 2,3,4 and 5 can be found here.
It lasts 1:36, but it won’t take you that long before asking “what on earth went through someone’s mind to put this out before the public?”
And who is Scott Goodyer.

Picture 39


  • z says:

    Hannah! I wondered where you’d gone to!

  • Bob says:

    I loved the vids!

    LOL’d hard.

    • Allan says:

      … then you must be in management

      • Janet says:


        Oh Allan…

        This is why I enjoy visiting this blog. I love sarcasm…

        It’s after a crazy long day driving the kids to soccer or trying to find Aunt Jean’s recipe that fell behind the fridge, that I like to put on my snugie and treat myself to some light comedy.

        Sometimes, I can get in a mood though. Don’t tell my husband I said this out loud….but f*** the cbc! LOL I can’t believe I just wrote that. (I’m blushing) They’re all a bunch of rascals, aren’t they?

        Keep up the *great* work!

        Janet aka your number one fan!

  • Ghost of $treet ¢ents Past says:

    That shit is truly fit for the Pit!

  • Anonymous says:

    Wow, that’s awful. And not exactly burning up the charts there at YouTube.

  • LocalYokel says:

    Why can’t the CBC put vids online that are more similar to the youtube format? I can’t get highspeed net and I can’t just let the vid load up then play it back. It’s currently an interrupted mess and there are no options (be glad to hear if I’m wrong). This applies to any vid posted on the CBC site. Thanks urbanites for thinking of the regions, once again.

    Back to wastoid Santa. The little I did manage to watch was not what I’d call Holiday friendly. How about a holiday vid about Santa that’s not meant for younger viewers? I can pick out at least three things wrong with the project just by re-reading the main points of my last sentence.

    I’d love to know how much this cost.

  • Another Year Another Plan says:

    Which member of the 50% bonus club is responsible for this Canadian comedy claptrap?

  • cbc ottawa says:

    Is this “young and edgy”? Are they trying to give the anti-CBC lobby ammunition?
    This kind of juvenile, sophomoric crap can be found everywhere on YouTube produced by 20 year old college kids. Who allowed this to be produced on Corp time? Who allowed it to be posted on a CBC Holiday website?
    When will they be fired!

  • Anonymous says:

    For the love of God…someone please cut their budget!

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