Tony Chapman

“(George) is authentic; his consideration is for the story, not his camera angle or a demonstration of his intellect or performance abilities. We need to do whatever we can to keep him. [He’s] our Bill Maher or Jon Stewart.”

~ brand guru Tony Chapman, founder of Toronto-based Capital C


  • Amanda says:

    That’s nonsense! Everyone knows that George is a poor man’s Carson Daly. Both are ex-V J’s now hosting late night talk shows, but Carson is far superior to George in every way : intellect, wit, charm, charisma, looks, $, women, height, penis size, etc…

  • Poongirl says:

    First of all I’m sure Jon has a lot of time to think about his wolrd views since half his show goes to some reporter and he has more than one writer per minute writing for his show. I’m sure if George acted towards Kramer like Jon did you would be on him like white on rice for it. But Jon, he gets a free pass for being unprofessinal ?

    And Bill, yes let’s talk about what happened to him last time he talked about his world views. WELL, he got taken off the air. Why, maybe he comments about 9/11 how the terrorists aren’t cowards. He really put his foot in his mouth there and lost his show for it.

    So, why don’t you re-think your last comment you dolt.

  • Poongirl says:

    I don’t like Jon Stewart, he has what, 30 – 60 writers (no joke) and I’m not a fan of Bill Maher. At least Tony likes George, between me and him, that’s hmmm 2 of us.

    • Allan says:

      Let’s put Jon and Bill and George on the same stage and hear their views on world affairs.
      George would be booed off the stage, by his own countrymen.
      He is a dolt.
      A vain, airhead dolt.

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