Erica’s Photo Booth

Being Erica closes up shop for another season Tuesday night.
Will it be back next year? Who knows.
But the show sure went the extra mile for their fans, keeping up a “blog”, which recently showed the mesmerizing Erica totally smashed and yet still standing, explaining her “sure-fire coping recipe for immediate stress relief” (high-larious).

And unless you’re a true fan it would have been easy to miss another web-only feature from the production company:

“Question: If you could go back in time to any point in your life, what point would that be? Why would you choose that moment, and what might you do differently?
We asked that question to some familiar faces and some up and coming Canadian performers and here’s what they said:

Picture 19
Few people will take a moment to hear the responses, but those who do will be rewarded with some quite profound and moving stories.
Can recommend Andy Barrie, Heather Hiscox, and the ever obsequious Jian.


  • cathy says:

    This is a tpical CBC initiative that was not wirth the time put into it. Not only because NO one even knows about it, but also because it’s not exactly compelling stuff. Really, what’s the point? Most of the contributors are people who are already all over the network. Woop-de-doo.

  • Poongirl says:

    What about “Jihad Gonemushy”

    Oh ya I rock !

  • Allan says:

    May well be the best Christmas story you will ever hear
    Neil Crone …

    • Anonymous says:

      Beautiful story. Sweet. Charming. Touching. An authentic human being. What’s he doing at the CBC?

    • Pinky says:

      Neil is a great fella, and rules in Sunderland.

      Compare him to the dripping ooze of the others, and you’ll get the difference between CBC in the 90s and now.

  • Anonymous says:

    Maybe he’ll do anything to promote himself…even if it’s poorly executed, as long as he’s in the public eye.

  • Wesley Mesley says:

    Some storyteller that Jian is.

    “Hi (smirk #1), I’m Jian Gomeshi and ummm, ahhhhh……..(2 minutes and 87 smirks later)……….I met Neil Young and said “it’s Neil Young”…(1 minute of smirks, ummmms and ahhhhhhs)….The End”

  • Kiera says:

    Geee-hawn is looking more and more like a human Bobble Head these days….old age isn’t looking good on him.

  • Abu says:

    They don’t call him Yawn Ghomeshi for nothing.

    Apparently, those that fill “visible minority” quotas are allowed to be boring as well as completely unqualified for the job. Did Jian have a degree of some sort in Journalism or Broadcasting before they hired him? Nope.

  • Anonymous says:

    If he was too interesting, wouldn’t he outshine his guests?

  • Anonymous says:

    ok. first of all. i blame myself for peeking at jian’s testimony.
    my bad. really.
    holy shit – he is one boring empty vessel. of course he’s telling a brush with celebrity story. and it soooooooooo fucking boring. and he thinks he’s recounting something cute.
    how did this get to be a broadcaster? (not that i’ve ever been impressed with his (lack of) presence, but this really takes it. all the way to snoozeville.
    i dare YOU to sit through it.

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