Ludicrous Lacroix

Appears President Hubert is taking the advice of Talking Heads and stopped making sense.
Speaking in Vancouver, he offered up some remarkable statements …

“I hear a lot of people pining for the supposed golden age of CBC/Radio-Canada, an age when everything we did was relevant, compelling and Canadian,” Lacroix said. “Here is the reality: That golden age is now.”

“These next few months will prove just how valuable CBC is to this country,”

“Yes, this is a money issue,” Lacroix said. “But more importantly, it is a culture issue. Local TV really does matter. As it stands now, making Canadian television doesn’t make business sense.”

You may ask yourself … has he lost his mind?


  • LocalYokel says:

    But isn’t making local television the job of the CBC… never minding the “business” aspects?

    Perhaps the CBC should stop trying to be a business like CTV and worry more about how to create relevant tv programs today, possibly even in, gasp, SD!

    I don’t get any sort of local tv out of the CBC and I live less than two hours from the Ceeb palace downtown. I do get independant (CHCH) and CTV news. I guess if you’re a hick living somewhere between Toronto and Windsor in Southern Ontario (only about a million plus people), then you don’t rate even a regular local freelancer. It’s not as if anything is happening out here…. and I suspect that won’t change even if the CBC is given the funds to go digitial HD.

    • Anonymous says:

      Making Cdn content and Distributing it ( transmitting it ) are two different things.
      Here the CBC is going out of the one half of the business ( eliminating & shutting down transmitters) and left in keeping the other half ( content) which is now only produced in-house on the French Network while the English Network does not produce in-house anymore & only acts like a middleman to supply content fill for the BDU’s (satellites & cable ) companies who make money on it but do not want to pay for it.
      The reality here folks is not rocket science just alot of smoke & mirrors while we rape & pillage the remains of a Canadian Broadcasting Corporation and its mandate.
      Funny how these BDU’s claim that local TV & content is not important when I can clearly remember when one BDU actually started as a local station community cable provider with local volunteers working for free in order to establish itself & grow in the first place. Kind a like ” Now that I have gotten as big as I want I can now throw away the ladder I used to climb up to get here ( a local TV start up ) so that others cannot grow up next to me ( competition ).

  • M. says:

    Help! I was out of the country in Nov. I returned only to find Tom Allen missing. Where is he? What happened?

    I tried looking in to find mention of changes, but found only old reports from Aug. 09.

    Many thanks

  • Anonymous says:

    Not Ludicrous at All

    Local Tv is in fact losing money as a business model. Other point to note is that all the networks except the CBC & Global are owned (or have their own) by a BDU (cable or satellite distribution company) distributor that wants to not only receive only advertising dollars based on ratings ( as local TV stations do thru Free Tv transmitters whether analogue or digital) but also want the big bucks from their monthly subscriber fees.
    The big problem here is no new local stations will be able to open up in the future in Canada if there are no TV transmitters as they will not be able to broadcast on BDUs because of the BDUs bandwidth limitations and business models requirements $$$.
    BEWARE for those new ads offering these new digital packages that include Home phone voip, internet & HD TV. Read the fine print – these BDU will charge you extra for your exceeding monthly download bits – especially for viewing HD movies. It will be like watching a taxi meter clicking at 100 mph.
    Or you can simply move away to the USA where all Americans as of today can now watch Free HD TV through their converted to digital TV transmitters. Yes they kept their Free TV with a digital HD upgrade.
    Hubert is right – he is also stuck between reality and a political rock. The CBC does not have the funds needed to at least be the only digital Free HD network in Canada which would allow local TV stations to reach many isolated Canadians ( in towns too far apart in this big vast country which is geographically bigger than the USA).
    The govt should of accepted the recommendations of the Heritage Committee and fund the CBC to at least convert all or most of its 715 transmitters connecting towns & Cdns together. Govt too busy literally sleeping with the competition I guess (Bell/CTV) who are to shuting down their local transmitters & even their local stations.
    Wake up Canada !

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