smthg nasty this way comes

NOW blockBlocked! By NOW Magazine! In other words: NOW you’re BLOCKED!

Not me, but the @mondoville acct. What could possibly be the reason? The effrontery of good, fun, forward-thinking journalism, done daily on a shoestring with plenty of digital doodads and gewgaws. The bloody nerve! NOW what’d ya do that for?

Mondoville has been around less than 3 months, and if this town needs an enema, these boys are warming up the saline solution and pissing off all the right people.

smthngSocial Media douchebags who forgot how to use the Queen’s motherfucking English? Check.

jabBloggy bottomfeeders who use words like “tweeple”? Check.

hatetweetsInsufferable, self-important teenage interns with the social sensibilities of geriatrics? Check.

dougRespected, erudite, educated, international journalists with avatars featuring foreheads?

… ahh … um … give it time. It’s still early.

Because everyone loves the joke, until it’s played on them.


  • Anonymous says:

    Speaking of nasty, latest hysterical Joe Clark pissery here:

    I love how he throws around words like “maladaptive” and “undersocialized” like it’s not just one enormous projection.

  • geoff says:

    Hilariously inept post. I’m not a teenager, the tweet you used is taken out of context (@Geoperdis said they “monetize peoples loathing of Mondoville”), and I am a rather large supporter of the site and have been since launch. I am very self-important though, that I will not deny.

    Either way, maybe you could generate some of your own content without being a twat that mis-chronicles lame Twitter conversations?

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